Yan's family prepared a banquet to entertain Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

Yan Ziqing and Si Xingfu had a quarrel before the meal. He said that Yan Ziqing did not have the prestige of being a father because his son did not listen to him. "

... I'm at home, that's the emperor." Si Xingfu boasted to Yan Ziqing, "I'll take all three of my bastards as holy orders. Do you speak to your son? Do you think it's useful to have Qi Zhen as a spitting star? "

Yan Kai grew up with Xu Qizhen. In

this family, his most respected person is not Yan Lao, or Yan Ziqing, but Xu Qizhen. He is obedient to Xu Qizhen.

For his father, Yan Ziqing, it may be because of Yamamoto's quiet existence that Yan Kai felt that his father's romantic debts were uncertain when he was young, and gave him such a spoiled biological mother, and fell in love with him.

After the rebellious period, Yan Kai and Yan Ziqing gradually moved away. Yan has three daughters and only one son.

Pian Yankai refuses to obey, and he is often half killed by the manager. Gu

patted the back of Paisi Xingfu's hand in a light boat: "a person of a certain age, don't quarrel with his third brother every day." "

that is to say, I don't have the same understanding with you when I'm old." Yan Zi gave him a clean look.

Yan Kai is a little nervous. His three sisters were at the dinner. His sisters, all of whom are delicate, are not easy to kill. Yan Kai's speaking skills have met many requirements. Every time when he arrived, he was envious of the number of brothers, because he was the only one in his family, and his sisters tried hard to collect him if they wanted to wipe up the oil and water. Good

it's not easy to dismiss the little ancestors of the family, and the banquet is at the end.

After serving the soup, Yan Kai said to Yan Qi, "go to the back to eat the cake. I bought the coconut milk cake."

Although Yan Qi's reaction was slow, he could see that his brother had something important to say to the elders, so he left the table first with his two younger sisters.

As soon as the girls left, Yan Kai stood up and said her plan. He spoke slowly and clearly, indicating that he had made numerous abdominal manuscripts. When he finished, Yan Ziqing's face was not very good-looking.

"There will be peace throughout the world, and there will be laws in the future. The identity of "hire Patrol" may not be recognized by the government. " Yan Ziqing pressed his temper and said calmly, "what we do in our family, we should also slowly turn to the right way. We hope you can take Yan's family on the right path. "

Xu Qizhen looks at her husband nervously, then secretly winks at Gu Qingzhou. Gu

takes a look at the old people in the boat.

Yan Lao is also looking at her.

The rest of the family knew it, but they kept it from Yan Ziqing.

Gu Qingzhou said, "three brothers, this one doesn't conflict."

Si Xingfu thinks that Gu Qingzhou's words are gentle and not straightforward enough, so he helps to interject: "third, don't be silly. Whatever you do, your own experience is the most important. What are the advantages of your

family? It's not the contact of the Nanyang boundary. You are a local snake. You can reach all the forces of Nanyang. That's your advantage.

If you want to get on the right track, it's all about dressing up. Since it's a facade, it's beautiful and pleasant to listen to. We can't expect it to make money at all. In this case, the arms business is still to be done, and so are other businesses. Protecting the strength of one's own family is the foundation of family development. Face this kind of thing, do not have strength to prop up, gaudy also cannot prop up. Your son's regiment may be another formidable force in the future, making the Yan Family's roots deeper in Nanyang. If someone else does it first, you will have no chance. Kay's eyes are sharp. Seeing this business opportunity, I admire him very much. He is more competitive than my three sons. Don't give up the root for the sake of fame. " If other people say this, Yan Ziqing may not listen.

But he is very convinced of the words of Si Xingfu. When there is a big deal, he still likes to listen to his decision, because he is usually not serious, but his vision is sharp and poisonous.

He said that if it can be done, it can be done. After a moment's silence, Ziqing said to Yankai, "you heard your uncle's words. Since you have made a decision, I will not stop you. "

Yan Kai was greatly relieved.

It's quite right to move my aunt and my uncle here as a rescue soldier.

Yan, who has been smiling and silent, quietly looks at Yan Kai. Kay was watched by her grandfather. Then he realized that he had forgotten to ask his grandfather for instructions.

"... you are naughty when you are young, and you are unwilling to study hard. I know that you will still eat our family's bowl of rice in the future." "Just, you're old enough to get married," said Yan

Yan Kai is one year older than Si yuzao.

The children of Si yuzao are about to be born. Yan Kai and his brother and sister are still floating like this. Yan Lao is worried.

When Yan Kai set up a mercenary army, he also licked his blood. In this generation of Yan family, there is only one son, Yan Kai. If he has an accident, he will break the fragrance of Yan family. Old

the old idea of fragrant fire inheritance will not change. Yan

Kai's reason is that Xu Qizhen can't catch him when he runs to the Philippines every day, while Yan Qi is very close to Si Ningan, and because there are no boys of the same age in Singapore, the marriage is still uncertain. Xu

Qi Zhen also worries.

"I'm still young." Yan kaihong smiled at his grandfather and said, "work first. Look at Dad, he married my mother nearly 30 years ago. I'm only 24 this year. What's my hurry? " When he was a child, he ate one mommy at a time. Later, when he grew up, he unconsciously learned to be shy. "Mommy" stopped calling and changed his name to "mommy". For Yan Ziqing, his address has not changed.

"Bastard, is that the same thing?" Yan Ziqing scolds his son. From the mercenary corps to the family. The Secretary said nothing but three good words, put away his serious face, gave Yan Ziqing a lot of bad ideas, taught him how to educate his son, Gu Qingzhou couldn't listen to him, and pulled him away.

When the two of them went home, Yan Kai went to his grandfather's study, and the two discussed some specific issues over and over again. Yan

Ziqing and Xu Qizhen also went back to their houses. "

Ziqing, we have to pay close attention to children's affairs." Xu Qizhen said, "Kai Kai needs to get married this year. I can't put off any more." Yan

Ziqing said: "you still have arranged marriage? How can it be like a little old lady? " "

who are you talking about?" Asked Xu Qizhen at once.

Yan Ziqing: "..." are

strange division line.

Last time, in front of him, Si Xingfu talked about his family's canoe. He took one "little old lady" at a time. Gu was still beside the canoe, laughing and listening. He heard it in his ear and thought it was very sweet, so he said it casually.

This evening, he was destined to work hard to pass. Xu

Qi Zhen remembers her father-in-law's words and thinks that she has to find a daughter-in-law for Yan Kai.

Singapore's relatives and friends, that is to say, Xu Qizhen is very warm these days, walking around, obviously visiting relatives and friends, secretly seeing which Miss Qianjin is to be married. For several days, I didn't find the right one, but I heard a gossip.

"... there is a senior teacher named Su in the Si family. His daughter Su manluo used to have a good time with Kay. I remember that girl, like a chess classmate, went to England during the siege. " Xu Qizhen told Yan Ziqing what she heard. Yan

Ziqing said: "do you want me to ask the Secretary's home?" "

No, I'll ask chess to see what happened at the beginning." Xu Qizhen said. She was busy with the marriage of Zhang luoyankai here, but suddenly she received a telegram.

The telegram was sent by her old friend.

When she was in Nanjing, she had a little girl friend named Jin Shu. She had a good relationship with her when she was a child. Later, when she went abroad to study, her friend married.

Jin Shu's family and husband are very capable. She is a senior military official of the Nanjing government.

Xu Qizhen had a little contact with her, which was also contacted through the Secretary's family several years ago.

Her husband's surname is Chen. "

... Ziqing, Jin Shu said that her husband wanted to come to Singapore and seek shelter from our family. What's the matter?" Xu Qizhen asked with a telegram.

Yan Ziqing takes it.

He doesn't know very well either. He doesn't have a deep relationship with the military in China.

"I'll make a phone call to ask Si Xingqi." Yan Zi is clear.

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