Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1742 prime quotient

The secretary is well-informed. "

.... Chen Ding gave up the team of 30000 people and trotted with his wife, leaving the 30000 soldiers as prisoners." "He must not be killed in Nanjing," said the secretary

Yan Ziqing was shocked: "this bastard!"

Si Xingfu smokes in silence, and his heart is also very bad. "

Why do you ask him all of a sudden?" After a long silence, he turned to Yan Ziqing. "His wife is Qi Zhen's good friend. Mrs. Chen sent a telegram to Qi Zhen, saying that Chen would like our family to protect him."

Si Xingfu tries to draw out his emotions.

He gave up Yuecheng and Heping city more than ten years ago. Whether the people there are good or bad now has nothing to do with him. New

Gabor is his new home. So

and he said calmly and objectively: "then knock him a sum of money."

Yan Ziqing is silent for a moment: "can this kind of person also receive?"

"Do you take the salary of Nanjing?" He was not in a good mood. "What do you do with other people? This is within the government. " Yan

Ziqing: "...

he always felt that his words were like gambling. Xu Xingfu is annoyed that those things have nothing to do with him. He has no position to interfere. Yan

Zi Qing hangs up. Xu

Qi Zhen asked Yan Ziqing again how things were going. Knowing that Chen Ding has committed such a big thing, Xu Qizhen's heart sank, thinking that Mrs. Chen Jin Shu might not have a good end. Her heart was heavy and she didn't dare to make random decisions.

"That's all right." Xu Qizhen said, "he made a big mistake." Four days later, at the breakfast, the servant came in and said that a group of people had come to the door and turned to his wife.

Xu Qizhen hit the spirit. No, Chen's coming, right? She received the telegram soon, how can it be so fast? "

who is it?" Xu Qizhen slowly stood up. Servant

Humanitarianism: "there are old and small, and there are several young men, like attendants." Xu

Qi Zhen looks at Yan Ziqing.

"If you don't want to hide first, I'll go and have a look. I'm not familiar with the Chen family, or face turning or accepting, it's easy to say. " Xu

Qi Zhen nods. Yan

Ziqing didn't come back until about two hours later. Xu

Qi Zhen is restless. I don't know why Yan Ziqing has to go so long.

"It's Chen Ding who came with his family. They didn't send you a telegram until they escaped. Qi Zhen, I've arranged for them to stay. I said you just went to a friend's house. You said you just came back later. " Yan Zi is clear. Xu

Qi Zhen hurriedly took his hand: "how about Jin Shu?" Yan

Ziqing looks at Xu Qizhen and thinks of Mrs. Chen: "how much older is she than you?"

"Two years younger than me."

"Then you look ten years older than you. Your hair is half white." Yan Zi is clear.

Xu Qizhen is no more than a man in his forties.

The expensive ladies of large families like them usually pay for maintenance. They should not be very old in their forties. Xu Qizhen is OK. The maintenance of Gu Qingzhou is more skilful. She and yuzao walk together, always like a little older sister with her sister.

"Not at all?" Xu Qizhen said, "don't talk nonsense to raise me."

"Then you go back and see if I'm lying," said Yan Zi

Xu Qizhen thought that since they have settled down, they should wait for their rest and go out on their own.

She chatted with Yanzi and asked him why he was willing to settle down with Chen.

"Here you are." Yan Ziqing takes out a check.

When Xu Qizhen saw it, it was a check from a British bank. It was worth two million pounds. "

so much money?" She was surprised. "Chen Ding for you?" "

Yes, he asked me to protect his family. He fled for a reason. We can't win the war. If we continue to waste it, there will be more casualties, not only soldiers, but also hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the city.

He told me that the general of the other side sent people to get in touch with him and promised not to kill the city or the captives, so he abandoned the city and fled. " Yan Zi is clear.

After hearing this, Xu Qizhen's expression slightly floated and praised: "he's not so bad..." Yan

Ziqing disagreed: "after he abandoned the city, the other general didn't kill the city or capture, which is true. But why did he run away at that time? It's not as bright as he said. He just wants to live now, and because the result is not bad, he is promoting himself in this way. " Xu

Qi Zhen nods.

If Chen dingruo really had the idea of half dividing the country for the people, he would not leave so soon. Do he really believe the other side's words when he ignores so many people's lives?

"He is guilty." Yan Ziqing said, "for the Nanjing government, he is indeed a capital crime. But from the perspective of ordinary people, he didn't cause a lot of crimes. After all, both the prisoners and the people survived. "

Xu Qizhen made a sound.

"He gave me another two million pounds." Yan Ziqing smiled and said, "Nanyang is the only one who can protect his family. Son of a bitch's money, why not? "

Xu Qizhen has no choice but to look at Yan Ziqing: "are you learning from the master?"

Yan Ziqing: "......" the Yan

family promised to protect their safety as long as Chen Ding did not leave Singapore.

Yan Ziqing doesn't need to send someone to stare at Chen Ding. He just needs to let the wind out and say that this person is covered by Yan family. Nanyang gangs or killers naturally do not dare to come to their homes. As long as the killers or spies from other places step into this land, there will naturally be local people with good eyesight to report.

Xu Qizhen didn't go to see her best friend until evening, pretending that she had just returned from going out.

At the sight of Mrs. Chen, Jin Shu, she was also frightened.

Mrs. Chen is two years younger than Xu Qizhen. She looks like a man in her sixties. Her hair is gray. She was a little plump when she was young, but now she is skinny, so the skin on her face is loose and wrinkled.

Xu Qizhen's tears almost came down.

"... Jin Shu, what are you doing?" Her voice stopped and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Jin Shu holds Xu Qizhen's hand: "Qizhen, we haven't seen each other for many years. I've been ill all these years, it's not good. I can't wait to see. You're fine. You're very healthy and young. " For a long time, it's very good for people who are ill to look like this. Mrs. Chen is very kind. She didn't have enough breath to speak, so she shouted out: "Su Shang."

A young girl came in. Female

the child has delicate eyes and eyebrows, wears a long white dress, has short hair and ears, and stands in front of Mrs. Chen and Xu Qizhen. "

this is my daughter." Mrs. Chen smiled at Xu Qizhen and said, "Su Shang, this is your aunt Qizhen. I told you that." Xu

Qi Zhen is shocked. Some time ago, Xu Qizhen and her sister Xu qiongzhen talked about Jin Shu, only to know that she had two sons, one died in an early age and the other died in the Anti Japanese war three years ago.

I haven't heard of her daughter. And the girl is not like Jin Shu at all.

"Aunt." The girl respectfully called Xu Qizhen. Xu

Qi Zhen regained his mind and smiled a little: "what are your two words...?"

"Prime quotient." The girl said, "the book of rites. Moon order says, the moon of mengqiu, its voice quotient". I came to my mother on the fourth day of July, which happened to be the beginning of autumn and served as my birthday, so it's called the vegetable quotient. The vegetable quotient is the autumn order. "

Xu Qizhen looks at Jin Shu.

Jin Shu was full of poetry books since she was a child, which seemed to be her name. "

I forgot to tell you that this is my adopted daughter." Jin Shu took Chen sushang's hand and raised him for ten years. It's a good thing to have her and keep me company. "

Jin Shu and Xu Qizhen have been communicating by telegraph, which is only once a year and a half.

Every word of the telegram asked for money, and Jin Shu's adoption of her daughter was not clear in three or two words. She thought it would be no later to meet in the future.

Xu Qizhen looks at Chen sushang and sees that she was born with integrity. She thinks of her son, Yan Kai.

"Su Shang, how old are you?" Asked Xu Qizhen. "

I don't know." Chen sushang is embarrassed to smile.

Jin Shu said, "she should be eighteen. When she came to my house, she had already looked like she was seven or eight years old. We couldn't estimate her age, so we calculated it for her at the age of eight. Ten years now. "

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