Chen soshang served his mother to lie down, took his clothes and went to the bathroom in the front villa to wash them. She had just come to the bathroom door when a man came out of it. In his early twenties, he was born tall and strong, but extremely arrogant. His name is Chen Yu, the son of Chen Ding. Mrs. Chen has always known Chen Ding's several outer rooms, but she never made trouble. Because of her poor health, it's hard to live alone. She really has no energy to control Chen Ding. Because of her poor health and haggard appearance, Chen Ding is not satisfied with her. She is always picky and irritates her with words, and then naturally looks for other women to keep outside.

In this escape, Chen Ding received an old and a young aunt.

The old aunt has a son and a daughter.

Her daughter is nineteen years old, and her name is Chen Haoyue. She is very beautiful. Her skin is white and transparent. She is like jade. She is also cold and proud, more like a jade man.

Chen Dingtong's daughter is in terrible pain. In addition to her daughter, she also has a son, who is twenty-three years old. Her name is Chen Yu.

Chen was raised in a woman's bed when he was young. His family lacked a dignified man to discipline him. He became a dandy who ate, drank, whored and gambled.

At the moment, the dandy, dressed in a bathrobe, stood in front of Chen sushang. "You don't have eyes, son of a bitch? Don't you call me when you see me? "

They joined on the way to Nanyang. Chen

hazy, like Yan Kai, thinks that Chen sushang's single eyelid and short hair are not related to beauty, but they are pretty, and the more they look, the more they look.

He thought she was Chen Ding's daughter. He thought she was his own sister or his own sister. He didn't dare to make a mistake.

Later, I learned that she was just Mrs. Chen's adopted daughter, and Chen Ding hated her very much. Chen Yu was eager to provoke her.

"Bastard?" Chen sushang raised his eyes and looked at him quietly. "You are the wild seed!"

Chen was hurt by her and pinched her neck angrily. Su Shang is flexible. He dodges his big hand, turns to his back and kicks him in the back.

Chen Yu is kicked to the ground by her.

He got up after a long time of pain, thinking that even if he killed Chen sushang tonight, his father would not take him.

The father didn't like the adopted daughter very much. He stood up.

But see Chen Su business palm suddenly more yellow paper runes. The charm was burning in her palm. She read a few words in a low voice. Chen was dazzled and went out in a daze. When Chen Yu woke up, he had been tied up by his entourage and thrown on the carpet in the living room. His father, Chen Ding, sat on the sofa and looked at him angrily.

Chen is not sure why.

Mingming everyone is sleeping, but now the lights are on at home, everyone is in the living room, including the annoying Chen Su Shang.

Chen sushang has taken a bath, her short hair has been swept to her ears, and her face is white. Her face is small, her mouth is small, her eyes are not big. It's clear that everything is ordinary, but it's very nice to get together.

Chen hazy also seems to think of the just thing. "

beast, I haven't taught you air traffic control in these years, you have become this virtue!" Chen Ding, with a cane in his hand, was furious. Chen was confused.

He saw his mother and sister.

His mother was Chen Ding's fourth woman. She was kept in a villa outside. The servants did not dare to call her "fourth aunt". They all called her "fourth wife". My wife is now in tears. His younger sister Chen Haoyue, a beautiful girl with pure and pure jade, was worried a little more and finally caught the fire of a cigarette.

In addition to these two, Chen Ding also took another outside room - Mrs. Jiu Pingle. Ping

Le is a beautiful flower of explanation, which is both beautiful and intelligent, and has won Chen Ding's favor. Chen was determined to escape. He left behind several other outer rooms where he had daughters, including those daughters, four wives who had only sons, and nine wives who had no children. I can see his love for Mrs. nine's happiness. At the moment, Pingle has clear finger marks on her neck and bruises on her face, which seems to be a big crime. "

if the moon is still alive, I will kill you today! But you are the only one. Come on, get my whip! " Chen Ding was trembling with anger.

Chen Guyue is the second son of Chen's wife, Jin Shu, and Chen Ding's legitimate son.

Chen Ding and Jin Shu have no feelings, but they love their son very much. His son died in the battlefield, under the Japanese fire, almost killed Chen Ding.

As soon as the Japanese surrendered, Chen Ding had no place to hate. He hated the party and the country and let his son go to war. He was not willing to work for the party and the country again. "

No, sir!" The fourth wife knelt down and hugged Chen Ding's leg. "We have only one son, please forgive him! He also lost his mind and was impulsive. "

it turns out that Chen Yu was confused and obedient to his original intention, and touched the room of Mrs. nine in Pingle. Mrs. Chen Ding came back from her study and opened the door in her pajamas.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Chen Yu's infatuated fans smiling at her and hugging her. My wife struggled hard, but Chen Yu grabbed her neck again.

Chen did all these things without closing the door. When the maid heard the news, she was scared to death. Chen must come down from his study and see with his own eyes that his son grabbed his concubine's neck in one hand and tore her clothes in the other. He went to pull Chen Yu and was shaken off by Chen Yu's backhand. When he fell, he hit the corner of the dressing table and almost broke his tailbone. He could not stand stably.

Fortunately, the maid was smart and shouted to her retinue, which subdued Chen Yu and knocked him unconscious.

In such a scandal, Chen Ding wants to kill Chen Yu very much. But he has only such a son. His incense is all on him, and he can't really kill him.

After Chen was tied up, he suddenly fell into a coma. When he woke up, he was confused about what he had done. He didn't know.

Here comes the whip.

Chen Ding slaps Chen Yu on the head and makes him cry.

The fourth wife was afraid of the whip. She had also suffered it before. Knowing the taste, she didn't dare to stop it. She just kept crying. The most

is Chen Haoyue crying to hug her brother. When the whip hit her and left a scar on her white cheek, Chen DingCai was forced to hold her hand.

"What are you doing to protect him?" Chen dingnu way, "he dare to use strong to the common mother, dare to beat his Lao Tzu, can help you in the future?"? Get out of the way. I'll teach him a lesson! "

"Dad, brother is not sensible." Chen Haoyue's face hurt badly, and his tears flowed, "Dad, please forgive him, please. Nine madam, you help to say a word Mrs. Pingle is the victim.

But she knew Chen Dingtong's daughter and his baby son. Now he is angry. He looks back and calms down. He is still closer to the fourth room. If the bright moon provokes a few words, Chen Ding remembers that today's event is caused by her. He suspects that she seduced Chen Yu first, and that she can't wash her mind even if she jumps into the Yellow River.

Then, the Pingle Committee wronged and said, "master, don't be angry with me."

Chen Ding had no choice but to stop beating and scolding. He glimpsed Chen Su Shang, who had been watching the activity all the time, and immediately became more angry. "What are you looking at? In the middle of the night, you come here to pick up the fun? "

Chen Ding used to hold his own status, but he ignored Chen sushang. Like a servant, he didn't look at her or get close to her, but he never scolded her.

Now, he doesn't care about anything. Mr. Chen likes Mrs. Chen very much and has a good relationship with his second brother, Chen Guiyue. Before brother went to war, he said to her, "if I can't come back, you must take good care of my mother." She agreed, so she can't leave Chen's house for the time being. "

sorry." She bowed her head and often backed away, ready to leave through the side door. But Chen Yu, who was crying on the ground and howling with ghosts and wolves, suddenly said in a loud voice, "it's her who killed me. She gave me the overpowering drug. It's her!"

With such a voice, everyone's eyes fell on Chen sushang.

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