Chen sushang's expression was flat.

Chen hazy endured the sharp pain of skin and flesh, whining and telling at the same time. "

she burned the rune. Suddenly, the Fuwen paper started, and I heard her say, "let me go to Qiang Jiu and kill her. I don't know. What I dare not do is to kill her.".

In fact, as soon as the Fuwen paper was burned, Chen Yu's brain was buzzing. He didn't know anything.

But he will put this matter on Chen Su Shang, and he will pick it up clean.

Chen sushang stood there.

The expression on Chen Ding's face is unpredictable.

He refuses to admit that his son is a dandy. Even if Chen is no better, he can't accept that he is a lecherous man.

Chen Ding also remembered that Chen sushang was the apprentice of the Warlock. At the beginning, the little Taoist said that he was a descendant of the orthodox sackcloth, and his technique was very powerful.

"Is that you?" Chen Ding asked suddenly. Several women had their own thoughts and looked at Chen Su Shang quietly. "It's not me," said Chen

Chen Ding immediately turns around and takes out a gun from the bottom of the next assorted compartment.

When the pistol was loaded, he aimed it at Chen sushang. "You are an unknown thing. Are you disturbing my house? I have raised you for ten years, you immature white eyed wolf! " Chen had no overdue expectation for him, and knew that Chen's family had indeed given her food, so she had no malice towards Chen Ding. "I have not. If I could enchant, I would have used it for you, so that you would not point a gun at me. " Chen was stunned. If Chen Su Shang really has ecstasy, there is no need to use it to do such thankless things.

Chen sushang continued, "ask Mrs. nine again. Did the young master look lost when he went to her room?" My wife was surprised at her happiness. In the future, Yuehe four bedrooms will be fatal. How can one roof contain two bedrooms? Neither she nor the fourth wife wanted to put themselves in the position of concubine. Now

when to bury thorns without burying them? "

the eldest lady is not dead yet, so it's better to take advantage of her life and draw up their mother and daughter first. When I get rid of the four rooms, it's not easy for me to clean up my wife, mother and daughter? " Nine Madame is calculating. She thought so, and her face was very ugly, a little pale. "When, at that time, the young master had a lot of strength. It's not like he was delirious to see him talking and doing things."

It's a lie.

If you think about it carefully, Pingle remembers that when Chen Yu knocked on the door of her house, he was still giggling, which was a little strange.

It's because of his strangeness that Pingle didn't realize his intention at the first time and was knocked down by him. After he knocked her down, he didn't rush to close the door, which was seen by the maid passing by later.

It's not like a man with a brain can do all these things. Along the way with Chen Yu, Pingle could see that although his eyes were irregular, he was afraid of Chen Ding. When he was sober, he never dared to die like this. Ping

Le tentatively went to see Chen Ding's face, and suddenly added, "master, put down your gun, I'm afraid. This is our own home. Don't shoot at home. "She knows Chen Ding best.

Chen Ding's so many women, she is neither the last to enter the door, nor the most meritorious, or even the most beautiful, but she can stand out from the crowd, let Chen Ding run with her.

She knows Chen Ding, his temper, and when to say what, and she can control him. At this time, Chen dingzheng was full of resentment because he lost his power, and his mood was extremely bad. In his own home, he can't even protect his own woman, and he almost got a green hat from his own son. Ping's "own home" made his anger rush to the top. He turned around and shot Chen. The gun pierced Chen Yu's calf.

The fourth wife was so scared that she passed out. Chen Haoyue also lost her voice and cried out. Chen Yu fell into a pool of blood and convulsed. In such a crisis, Chen went back to the back garden. She can't really psychedelic. She is a serious Taoist in linen. Besides arranging the Fengshui Bureau, she can also spell.

Chen sushang also learned spells, but when she left her master, she was very young and careless, and the spells could not be taught through books. She only learned two or five eyes. She came to see her every three years, and she would send her some runes. She came to Mrs. Chen and became the third miss of Chen's family. After that, she went to church school and studied western science. She combines science with master's technique, which is nothing but positive and negative to Yin and Yang.

Around people, there are both yin and Yang, just like the positive and negative poles of electromagnetism.

Yin Qi can also be called "evil Qi", while Yang Qi can also be called "auspicious Qi".

When the Yin Qi around a person is too heavy, it will cause him to be depressed, inexplicably depressed, easily sad or even heavy, which is also called "moisture" in traditional Chinese medicine; when the Yang Qi around a person is too heavy, it will cause him to be irritable and irritable, which is also called "burning" in traditional Chinese medicine.

No matter it's wet or on fire, it's very common. It doesn't need to be specially adjusted. After a period of time, it will naturally return to balance. There are natural conditions and man-made abnormal conditions. Chen Su Shang's master gave Chen Su Shang a kind of Rune paper, chanting incantations and burning, which can change the air field around the human body and allow a large number of Yin Qi to invade. Yin can enter the body in a hurry, leading to temporary confusion of consciousness and even hallucinations.

Some people walk on the night road in the middle of the night and suddenly see the ghost. The vivid description is not false, but at that moment, the place he stepped into is extremely Yin Qi, which leads to his own hallucination.

And the ghost he saw must be the image outlined in his mind when he heard the ghost rumors.

Chen Su Shang's master is good at this. He gave Chen Su Shang a lot of runes. Chen's hazy aura was changed by spells, and Yin and evil spirits poured in, causing him to be confused.

Chen Su Shang didn't let him go to Qiang Jiu. Chen joined his father on the way to escape, and when he saw Nine ladies, he coveted her beauty. When he was killed by Yin, his brain was in a state of confusion, and he went to Mrs. nine's room with his instinct.

He would never dare to be so sober.

The mind devil can be the master. Chen sushang just suppressed his reason and made his mind the master.

Back in the back garden, Chen Su Shang lay down, not thinking about Chen Ding. Mrs. Chen is alive. She takes good care of her. Not only did Mrs. Chen support her for ten years, but also because she promised her second brother.

Every time I think of my second brother, Chen Su Shang's heart tightens. If Mrs. Chen is gone, she will leave the Chen family. Chen Ding had thousands of troops in his hand, and could not stop the warlocks. Now that he's down, he's even less qualified to block Chen Su Shang.

Their farce, Chen sushang watch a lively, completely do not stray.

After this, Chen Yu never dared to provoke her. In this family, Chen is the only one who is a little bit threatened. No one is afraid of Chen Su's threat. She

after lying down, her mind is full of Yan Kai. No, it's the way that women think of men, but from the perspective of magicians. "

a person's face, if the magician can't see clearly, means that he may be the one chosen by heaven, in the future you can't say anything." Master's voice sounded in her mind, "there is another reason why you are still young. When you grow up in the future, I will tell you another reason."

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