Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1747 marry the prime minister

After Mrs. Chen got up early, the kitchen delivered breakfast. She has a maid here. She is from Xu Qizhen's side. She takes good care of Mrs. Chen.

The maid was smart enough to tell Mrs. Chen what happened last night. She meant to make Mrs. Chen happy. What are the four and nine wives, concubines?

What do you have? Either honor your son, or honor your beauty. On the other side of my wife, the most important thing to rely on is the children. Since the young master has been shot, it means that the fourth wife's loss of favor is just around the corner.

Mrs. Chen changed her face and called Chen Su Shang.

"Su Shang, what did they do last night?" When the maid was sent off, Mrs. Chen tightened Chen's hand.

Chen sushang has always kept her mother in the dark. She told Mrs. Chen the whole story.

Chen Dingming disobeys the military rules, but also wants to find another room outside. Chen Yu is deeply influenced by his father's nature and a lecherous man.

Chen Yu not only covets Mrs. nine, but also is eager to move to Chen Su Shang.

Compared with Mrs. nine, Chen sushang is not so beautiful, but it is easier to get it. So his recent goal is Chen sushang, and every time he sees her, he has no intention. Mrs. Chen was a little shaken with anger.

"What a wretch!" Mrs. Chen said angrily, "he thought that when he arrived in Singapore, I couldn't deal with him, could I?" Chen

Su Shang helped her and squatted beside her. "Mom, I won't let him bully her. I'm a gunner. "

Mrs. Chen touched her face with heartache. "Good boy, mother is angry. A commoner like this should be killed alive. If your second brother is still "

Chen sushang almost tears.

When the second brother was alive, they had a good life. Chen Guyue, the second young master of Chen's family, is both intelligent and progressive. Chen Ding loves his son and is often led by his nose. "

mom, didn't we say that we didn't mention the second brother in the future?" Chen sushang's voice was a little low. "Second brother died for his country. He is a hero. The second brother went to the Anti Japanese front to hope that we could live in peace. " It is impossible for her to forget Chen Guyue.

But Chen's legacy is that their mother and daughter can live in the peaceful world. Since they have survived, they cannot fail him. So they agreed not to mention him in the future. Put him in my heart and live well, so that I will not fail him.

"Mom knows." Said Mrs. Chen. She asked Chen Su Shang to help her. They went to the front house and found Chen Ding.

Chen Ding's feelings for his wife, who was married by marriage, have always been complicated. When he was young, he liked her, hated her, even beat her, and was beaten by her. Now she is haggard and as old as his mother, let alone his friendship with her. But this woman, indeed, has a lot of weight in his life.

In the past, Mrs. Chen's family was very famous. He didn't dare to make mistakes, and his mother supported her. Later, when her mother left, Chen Ding's eldest son died, and he was only Chen Guyue's legitimate son. For Chen Gu month, Chen Ding is very important. Chen's wife, Jin Shu, is Chen's biological mother. He dare not take this real wife for his son's sake.

Now in Singapore, if not for the friendship between Jin Shu and Xu Qizhen, the Yan family would not protect him. He is the most wanted person in Nanjing secret service. Without the protection of Yan's family, Singapore is not safe. You can't offend a wife.

"Molesting the common mother, but also put the blame on his sister, he has human relations?" Mrs. Chen scolded Chen Yu, "what can such a beast do at home?"

Chen dingpatiently said, "I have beaten him and shot him. He should have been taught a lesson. Don't be angry, madam. "

"How can I not be angry? He's such a big man. Why didn't he go to the front when he was fighting against Japan? He is so lazy that I recognize him for losing our Chen family's face. How can I bear to do such ugly things now? " Mrs. Chen does not give up.

Chen Ding has a pain in his heart.

He thought of Chen Guyue again. So if the month is still here, Chen Dingzhen will shoot Chen Yu. This kind of disobedient son was born by a woman outside. His blood is not right. What's the use of keeping him?

Helpless! Isn't it helpless for him to be scolded by such a sick wife? "

I used to be away from him. His mother was incompetent and didn't teach him well. Later, he will be around my wife and I. let's teach him slowly. If we can teach him well, don't be angry with my wife. " Chen Ding said with patience. Mrs. Chen is still pulling her face. "How can he not make it? I'm in a hurry! It's just that he framed the prime minister. Is he still a man? How can su Shang bear to be weak and simple? " Chen's brow was fixed, and he wished he could shoot the lady in the head. She gave her some color and started a dye shop. But he didn't dare to do it. After all, his foundation was not stable. Yan's side still needs the sick wife to maintain.

Mrs. Chen left after complaining for a long time. When she went out of the door, she saw Mrs. nine Pingle standing at the door of the study with snacks. She didn't know how long she had been eavesdropping. Instead of going back to the back garden, Mrs. Chen took Chen sushang to Yan's house. On the

Road, she said to Chen Su, "when I lose my temper, Pingle stands at the door and eavesdrops. She knows I'm strong, and she'll flatter us later. Catch her first. With her by the master's side, Chen Yu's beast won't make a big deal. " Last night, Le was thinking about whether to lean to his wife, but he hesitated.

Because the wife really wants nothing.

Pingle knows that Chen Ding has given a large amount of money to the Yan family. He thinks that his wife is just leading the line. The Yan family protects Chen Ding because of the money. If you don't think about it, Chen Ding will let Mrs. Chen scold her. It can be seen that Mrs. Chen has a deep relationship with the Yan family. She will lean on Mrs. Chen's mother and daughter. "

use each other." "In any case, balance is very important to achieve the goal," Mrs. Chen added Chen

the prime quotient nodded and was taught. When the women arrived at Yan's house, Xu Qizhen prepared snacks to receive them.

Mrs. Chen looked at Chen Su Shang, smiled and said to her, "go out with Miss Yan. I have something to say to your aunt."

Chen sushang obediently went out.

She went to Yan's backyard with Yan Qi.

As soon as they left, Mrs. Chen looked at Xu Qizhen. Xu

Qi Zhen understood and immediately closed the door to let the servants out.

"Qi Zhen, can I ask you something?" Mrs. Chen took Xu Qizhen's hand.

"You said." Xu Qizhen said.

"Yesterday at dinner, your son has been looking at Su Shang. He doesn't seem to hate Su Shang, does he? Can you decide to marry the prime minister? " Said Mrs. Chen.

She was also very embarrassed when she said that.

She sighed with shame. "Qi Zhen, you must think I ask too much, but I can't help it. I'm not well. The girl of Su Shang is good at martial arts. I think she has seen my limitation. She has been very good to me recently. Even for cream snacks, she would like me to have some. I may not be able to wake up when I fall asleep. "

Xu Qizhen is stunned by her words.

She looked at Jin Shu and thought that she was very old and haggard. But then she thought that she was two years younger than herself.

How can we talk about death at this age?

She also said that Chen Su would learn from the chamber of Commerce

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