Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1748 the appearance of a li

Mrs. Chen clutched Xu Qizhen's hand to death.

If she were still in Nanjing, Mrs. Chen would never ask for it.

The Chen family had houses and clansmen. Although they were all destroyed in the war, the elders who could speak escaped to Chongqing, survived, and later returned to Nanjing.

The location of the old house is still there, and the house and courtyard have been rebuilt. Su Shang is her adoptive daughter. Even if she dies, the Chen family will protect her.

And Chen Yu, probably not qualified to enter Chen's old house, Chen Ding can only find another house to settle them. At that time, Su Shang had nothing to do with these people. She could live a leisurely life. Mrs. Chen entrusted several sisters in law to take care of her, so she was relieved. But it's different now. Chen Ding refuses to recognize his adopted daughter because his family has no relatives in Singapore. When will the prime minister's business fall into Chen Ding's hands when Mrs. Chen dies? Even if she didn't fall into Chen Ding's hands, she would go out to wander with her master again, and Mrs. Chen would be reluctant. She loves her daughter as much as she loves her own. How can a mother tolerate her daughter's sleeping and eating? Yes, Mrs. Chen has a lot of private money, all of which are her original dowry. If she wants to give Chen sushang a reasonable and legal way, she can only do "dowry" for him. There is no other way.

If she dies, Chen Su Shang may not even be able to inherit.

She also knows that in her current situation, it's really difficult to ask Xu Qizhen for her. Yan

Kai is not Xu Qizhen's own son.

Xu Qizhen refuses. If she dies in a few days, Xu Qizhen will also fall into guilt. The Xu family are kind and sensitive, just like Xu Pei. Mrs. Chen knows that she is mean. But

she sighed in her heart. For her daughter, she can only be so mean. Last time Yan Kai looked at Su Shang that way, he should have a good feeling for her, right?

Xu Qizhen said, "Jin Shu, I am not unwilling to help. You also know that nowadays, all children have their own ideas, especially Kay. I have to ask him first. "

Mrs. Chen nodded, "that's right." However, after

, she said, "even if not, one day I suddenly went, can you find a name to pick up the prime quotient? She was very pitiful. She was abandoned from childhood. She followed her master to the Jianghu and suffered a lot. Besides, Su Shang is on the genealogy. You must find a way to protect her inheritance right. I know that the law of Singapore does not recognize the inheritance right of "adoptive" children. " Xu

Qi Zhen said, "don't be silly. Vegetable chamber of commerce is good, so are you. Don't worry too much. " She

they both said that there was a knock on the door from the maid outside.

The maid whispered at the door, "madam, here comes Mrs. secretary."

Xu Qizhen looks at Jin Shu. After saying that, Shu can get a result, which is not under her control. So she sat in the right position and said, "you are busy first, I have nothing to do."

Xu Qizhen nods.

She opened the door herself and went out to see Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou did not come to see her alone today, but to find Yan Ziqing. "

three brothers are not at home?" She asked.

Xu Qizhen said, "I went out in the morning. What's the matter? "

"On board. There's a friend of his. He goes on the Philippine line. The boat is locked in Manila. He wants to ask the third brother's help and get the boat back first. " Gu Qingzhou road.

What Si Jia occupies is the military strength of Nanyang.

really talks about the eye liner in the dark. The people of the guild calculated that the effect of bombarding with cannons was very poor. The other party would hide in the dark without hurting the root. It's better to find Yan Ziqing.

Xu Qizhen said, "OK, I'll tell him to go there when he comes back. Just call. "

Gu chuckled, "Ning'an is coming. I'll come to him."

Xu Qizhen also wants to talk to Gu Qingzhou about Ning'an and Yan Qi. Ning'an is only 16 years old this year, but Yan Qi is 22 years old. He can't delay like this. "

would you like to sit down? I have a guest. Would you like to have a meal? " Xu Qizhen said.

"Is that Mrs. Chen?" Gu asked "

Yes." "

let me say hello. If you want to go back later, I have something to do at home, so I won't eat. I'll come back another day. " Gu Qingzhou road. Xu

Qi Zhen led her to the small living room.

As soon as Mrs. Chen saw the stranger come in, she hurried to stand up and smiled. "Jin Shu, this is Mrs. Si," said Qi Zhen Mrs. Chen knew that Nanyang's great warlord was the Secretary's family, and immediately called "Mrs. Secretary" respectfully. Gu

canoe way: "I heard that you are here. I forgot and didn't go to visit you. When Mrs. Chen is free, please go and sit at home. "

"You are very kind." Mrs. Chen said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou exchanged a few casual greetings.

Here comes sningan, "mummy." Gu

in the light boat, I will make a speech with Xu Qizhen and Mrs. Chen "without disturbing your reminiscence of the past. Qi Zhen, wait for the third brother to come back and let him go to my house quickly. The ship can't be delayed. "

"Don't worry." Xu Qizhen said. Xu

Qi Zhen sent Gu Qingzhou and Si Ningan to the gate.

She also asked Gu Qingzhou, "are you so busy recently?"

"I'd like to visit Hong Kong in a few days. I have a relative who is sixty years old. Si Xingfu and the children are going too. There is no one at home, so we have to finish the urgent work quickly. " Gu Qingzhou road.

"Which relative?" "

who's, Mrs. Huo's family." Gu Qingzhou road. He mengde, He Wei's father, and Gu Qingzhou's uncle are the 60 year old. "

then I will not leave you. When you come back, let's sit down and talk slowly. I have something else to talk to you. " Xu Qizhen said with a smile.

She said, glancing at snian.

Gu knew what she wanted to talk about. She nodded, "OK, I'll be back soon." On the way back to

Si Ning'an said to Gu Qingzhou, "Muma, a little sister comes from my uncle's house. She can see feng shui and tell fortune."

"So powerful?" Gu chuckled, "how old are you?"

"Only two or three years older than me." "She's pretty," said Ning'an. Elder sister Qi said that brother Kai stared at people yesterday, but his eyes couldn't be pulled out. "

"Is it Chen's girl?"

"Yes, Chen." "It's called Su Shang", said Si Ning'an. Gu

listened to his son's nagging and thought about him and Yan Qi. He had no idea. Back home, Gu told Kang Yu and ye Wu that they were waiting. "

my third brother is not at home. You can rest assured that the matter is left to him. " Gu Qingzhou said, "you are really unfamiliar people. What kind of business do you do with partnership?" Kang

Yu is embarrassed to smile.

Gu Qingzhou leaves them for dinner, and talks about Kang Han by the way. Kang

Han is still in the sanatorium in Hong Kong. Her health is not good and she is not suitable for transfer. Gu Qingzhou went to Hong Kong this time to visit Kang Han in addition to Huo Yue and his wife, as well as his family. "

last time in the hospital, Han Han saw a patient who had to hold someone's hand and call him" a Li ". She's getting worse and worse and worse Leaf Charm sighs.

The daughter of Kang Han and ER Bao, whose small name is a Li.

"Does she think other girls are like a li?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "what does that girl look like?" Ye

thought of Kang Han's words at that time.

"She said, a Li is like her father, with one eyelid." Ye Wudao.

"But there are too many people with one eyelid." Kang Yu answers.

Gu Qingzhou is full of worries. He doesn't say anything more.

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