Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1749 first date

Chen sushang told Yan Qi, Yan Tong and Yan Bi fortune telling, half true and half false. He specially picked up good words, which made them so happy that they went around her.

Then sningan came.

Chen sushang also gave him fortune telling. He could see that he would be very precious in the future. Therefore, he also said a lot of pleasant words, coaxing his elder sister Ning'an to call her short.

She also paid attention to Yan Qi's face. When Ning An was close to Chen sushang, Yan Qi was not jealous.

Chen sushang thought, "master Si admires Miss Yan, but miss Yan really regards him as his younger brother. Evil fate. " She had a good time with Yan's children until Yan Kai came in.

Yan Kai was "detained" in Singapore by Xu Qizhen these days. He was worried and helpless.

He would love to go back to Manila early. Secretary Xi has asked people to put Su Peng and some new guns in Manila. Yan Kai wants to go back and have a look in person, although his close friend Qiao Si will settle everything.

"Miss Chen." Yan Kai promised his mother to try to date Chen sushang to see if they could get along. This girl is liked by his mother. If her character is within his tolerance, Yan Kai is willing to marry her and leave her in Singapore.

If he gets along well, he will come back several times more; if he doesn't get along well, he will come back less.

Anyway, if there is a little grandma in the family, it's not easy for grandfather and parents to say three or four things. "

are you free? After lunch, can you go out for coffee and a movie? " Yan Kai asked.

Chen Su said, "OK." Like Yan Kai, she has a very positive attitude towards this matter and doesn't want to let her mother down. Yan

chessmen and other people make a fuss. Just

at the age of ten, Yan Xun threw down her brother's arms and said, "Kai, I'm going too!"

She's learning from the Secretary's children.

Starting from Si yuzao, the four people all called Yan Kai "Kai elder brother", and those smelly children were in Yan's every day, and Yan Yan grew up with them, gradually unable to distinguish the difference between herself and Si's children, and then called him Kai elder brother, no matter what.

"Don't go!" Yan Kai said, "when you talk about your boyfriend, he will take you." Yan Tong, a five-year-old girl, grasped the flaw: "my brother asked Chen for an appointment. Do you want to be Chen's boyfriend?"

Yan Kai said, "nonsense, your brother wants to be a husband!"

After that, he saw Chen sushang looking at him indifferently, and then he thought that Chen sushang was not his shameless sisters.

He touched his nose awkwardly, then went to see Chen Su Shang.

Chen Sushang 's response is very light, did not show shame, even with a smile. When eating

rice, there is a fresh shrimp. Xu

Qi Zhen said to Yan Kai, "Kai Kai, you peel shrimps for Miss Chen." "

No, she can't eat shrimp. When she eats shrimp, everything goes wrong. The doctor says she is allergic." Mrs. Chen stopped in a hurry. Xu

Qi Zhen hurriedly asked a few questions and said that allergy is a big problem and should not be underestimated. She also asked Chen sushang about food allergies?

"No, just shrimp." Chen sushang said with a smile.

"Nakai, you can bring some other dishes to Miss Chen." Xu Qizhen said again.

Mrs. Chen said, "don't be so polite. Miss Chen's is very outsider. Call her name. "

Xu Qizhen smiles. When talking about intimacy, Xu Qizhen leads Yan Kai and Chen sushang to be more familiar with each other. Therefore, he asks Chen sushang, "do you have a small name, Su Shang?"

Mrs. Chen said, "there is one that her master took for her. It's called Ali."

"Ariel." Yan Kai thought it was interesting, "better than Su Shang."

Chen sushang had a heart attack. Hearing Yan Kai's words, he immediately felt that this man was very annoying. "

A Li" is not her master's name, but her birth parents took it, and later they abandoned her. Now, she has a new identity and name, her mother no longer hurt her, but also gave her a new name. "

I like the name Su Shang." Chen Su Shang's expression suddenly became cold. "I don't like people calling me Ali." Yan

Kay made an awkward scene. He thought to himself, "this girl is not good at all." Two

at the beginning, the more in-depth understanding, the more speculative.

Yan Kai didn't want to go to the movie he had made an appointment with this afternoon. Xu

Qi Zhen also saw that the topic of the two people was not right, and immediately interrupted. After having a meal, Chen Su Shang asked Yan Kai to "invite me to have a cup of coffee, will you?"

This is enough face for Yan Kai. Mrs. Chen is very pleased to see Chen Su Shang. She is very happy. She thinks that if she can exert herself, it will be easier. She is also reassured.

Yan Kai is not a mean person. She is not very angry with girls.

Chen sushang lowered his stance, and he would not call her down. Yes, Yan Kai said, "well, thank you very much, Miss Chen for giving me this treat. Will you go back to the cinema? " Chen said it was OK.

Two people went out. Chen's wife is not in good health. She is tired after eating. She plans to take a rest for a while.

Xu Qizhen arranged for her to take a nap in the guest room. Chen

Su Shang and Yan Kai leave the door, and Yan Kai drives by himself.

They talked about the war of resistance. Chen sushang said that her brother died in the front line of the war of resistance. Yan Kai said that he shelled his mother.

This matter, Chen Su Shang does not know, very surprised to ask "you are not afraid of afterwards others say you?"

"What are you afraid of? Killing her can not only improve my national integrity, but also my filial piety to my mother. As for the rest, we don't have to worry about it. " Yan Kai Dao.

Chen sushang nodded and said nothing more. This is a good beginning, because Chen sushang's resistance to him has all disintegrated after hearing what he said. When talking later, she accidentally said something wrong, and she didn't challenge him.

Yan Kai was tortured by his sisters, who had very low requirements for girls. As long as Chen Su Shang doesn't find fault with her, Yan Kai thinks she's good. It was a good afternoon to have a few wrong ideas and seek common ground while reserving differences.

After watching a good funny movie, Yan Kai drove home.

He held the steering wheel in his hand and asked Chen sushang, "have you ever been in love before?"

Chen sushang shook his head. "No."

"I talked about one before, and then I broke up." "Do you mind?" said Yan Kai "

don't mind." Chen Su said, "I only knew you yesterday. For me, everything about you starts from yesterday. I don't mind everything until yesterday. " Kay smiled.

He turned to Chen Su and said to him, "Su Shang, you are very smart and profound. Then I will tell you something. " "You said," Chen nodded "

my mother wants me to marry you. It's not for love, it's just for the family. " Yan Kai didn't mean it very well. "I didn't dare to make my mother unhappy all the time."

Chen sushang is also very honest. "My mother also wants me to marry to the Yan family, so you can protect me."

Yan Kai looks at Chen sushang again. Chen sushang looks at him too. Both of them laugh.

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