Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1750 arranged marriage

When Yan Kai and Chen sushang came home, it was the time for dinner. After having a meal, Yan Kai drives herself to see Mrs. Chen and Chen sushang back. He sent their mother and daughter to Chen's living room. Chen must have heard that Yan Shao had come and welcomed him warmly. "

I'll send the vegetable merchant and aunt home." Yan Kai said, "it's so late. My aunt is a little tired. I won't disturb her." "

then you'll come to dinner another day." Chen Ding said with a smile.

Yan Kai said yes. He looked at Chen Su Shang again and made a special speech with her: "Su Shang, I'll go back first."

Mrs. Chen hurriedly said, "Su Shang, send Yan Shao away." Chen said it was OK.

She sent Yan Kai to the gate. The street lights at the door pull their shadows very long. In Yan Kai's spare light, he saw Chen Ding looking at him and Chen Su Shang at the gate, so he leaned over and kissed Chen Su Shang's hair, "good night, Su Shang."

Chen Su said good night and waved to him.

When she turned back to the living room, Chen Ding was already sitting on the sofa, with a gentle smile on her face. "Su Shang, you and Yan Shao"

Mrs. Chen said, "just know each other, nothing."

The more she is like this, the more she seems to have problems. Chen Ding will scratch her heart and lungs to know.

Mrs. Chen's mind is very deep. She ignores Chen Ding and asks Chen sushang to help her. The mother and daughter go back to the house.

Chen is still in the hospital, accompanied by his fourth wife and Chen Haoyue. There are only Chen Ding and nine wives in the villa.

This time, Chen sushang didn't have to worry about anything more. He went back to fetch water and wash Mrs. Chen simply. He came back to take a bath. She came back from a bath and the light in Mrs. Chen's room had not been turned off.

Chen sushang came over and said, "Mom, why don't you sleep?"

Mrs. Chen patted her bed gently. "Mom is waiting for you. Come and sit down."

When Chen sushang sat down, Mrs. Chen took her hand and said, "how are you talking with Yan Shao today?"

Chen Su Shang knows her mother's mind, but she still refuses to say more, because she is not willing to tell her marriage like this. But her mother's health is so bad that she dare not ask her to worry about herself.

"Not bad. He's very talkative." Chen Su business road. She didn't say the words behind Yan Kai. Chen's wife said, "Su Shang, mom wants to tell you the truth. Today, mom asked Mrs. Yan to marry you." Chen looked at her. "Mom, don't you want me?"

"Of course not." Mrs. Chen sighed, "but my daughter is always going to get married. The Yan family is good. Qi Zhen is a good person. Xu's family are all soft. She won't bear to scold her daughter-in-law. Qi has a brother, Xu Pei, who has been dead for many years. He was very good at the beginning, especially good, but it's a pity that good people don't live long. " When Mrs. Chen said this, she burst into tears. Chen

the prime quotient is fretting in his heart and understands.

It turns out that when her mother was young, she also had love of unrequited love.

"Mom, don't be sad."

"How many years have passed, and what are you sad about?" Mrs. Chen sighed and wiped her eyes? If I let you marry to Yan's, do you blame your mother? "

"No wonder, Yan Kai is very good." Chen Su said, "only he is critical of me, not me."

Mrs. Chen is pleased. When she got her daughter's letter of approval, Mrs. Chen put down a heavy stone in her heart and was in a good mood. After five days, Chen came home from the hospital and hid in the room, afraid to speak loudly, for fear that Chen Ding would be angry.

And Yan Kai, also told his parents and grandfather, "Chen Sushan is very good. Although I don't like her, I don't hate her. She's a very thoughtful girl, and she's not ugly. "

Xu Qizhen is relieved.

Yan Ziqing was a little reluctant, and privately said to his son, "marriage is a big deal. Don't promise anything to please your mother." Kay didn't think it was a big deal.

It's just marriage.

"Dad, what's the world, and marriage is a big deal?" "Divorce is as easy as eating and drinking water," Yan Kai said with a smile

"Bastard!" Yan Zi's face was cold. "Do you rely on this attitude to get married? You are a girl who delays others, you know? If you don't, someone may find someone who really loves her. "

"I plan for the worst and lower my expectations so as not to be disappointed. As long as we are not disappointed, we can cultivate our feelings slowly. " Yan Kai said, "besides, if I don't get married and my mother doesn't let me go, I can't afford to delay."

Until now, Yan Ziqing was sure that he had been talking for a long time, all of which was playing the piano against the ox. The son never listened to him. He has three daughters, all of whom are cute and adore him. Yan Ziqing is too addicted to being a father. In the future, there will be a son-in-law who can make troubles, so he is too lazy to take care of this bastard.

It was settled smoothly.

When Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu come back from Hong Kong with their children, the first thing is to hear that Xu Qizhen arranged a marriage for Yan Kai. The expected production period of the algae is these days. She didn't go to Hong Kong, so she was not bothered by the boat.

She still goes to work every day, goes back to her mother's house, and munches on her brother Kai's gossip.

"It's on May 17." Yuzao said, "it's not engagement, but direct marriage. It's amazing that my aunt can arrange such a marriage these days, which is really admirable. " Gu

the boat frowns at yuzao and says, "don't talk nonsense. When people get married, how can they become arranged marriage?"

"It's all arranged." "Yuzao smiled and said," it's not too big to watch the bustle. "Just after Miss Chen arrived in Singapore, my aunt stared at her. Brother Kay was obedient to his aunt's words and could only agree. If it's not arranged, I'll cut my head off. " Gu

the canoe dislikes looking at her daughter very much. "You are going to be a mother. Don't speak in an open mouth, so use less bloody words." "

sorry xuanjiao, mom is wrong." Yuzao touched his stomach and said. Before her child was born, she knew it was her daughter, so Zhang Xinmei named her child Zhang xuanjiao.

The word "xuanjiao" comes from the book of songs, which means "a thousand arrogants and ten thousand favours". This is to raise a little princess.

In front of the pregnant woman's daughter, Si Xingfu was not good at smoking, but the addiction was a bit hard. He chewed gum and said, "Yan family really wants to get married with Chen family?" "

Yes, my cousin will be the adopted daughter of the Chen family in the future." Jade algae road. "

have you met that girl?" The Secretary asked. "Yes," said yuzao

Pregnancy can not stop miss Si yuzao's gossip. When it was said that Yan Kai was going to marry Chen sushang, she went to see Chen sushang.

Chen Su can't talk about how beautiful it is, but he is very patient. At first glance, it's very good. The more he looks, the better he looks.

Besides, it's very pleasant to talk with her, and she's very good at following other people's topics. Yu talks to her about speculation. "Mom, would you like to see Miss Chen?" Asked Si yuzao. "It's not my daughter-in-law. What's going on when I go to see it?" She is not available.

Yuzao may be about to give birth these days, and Gu Qingzhou and Kang Yu have also taken Kang Han back to Singapore, intending to temporarily place her in the hospital. Wait until

she adapts to the environment in Singapore, and then take her home.

These all need to take care of light boat operation.

Then, Gu taught several children, "your brother Kai's marriage is a big event and also a happy event. Don't arrange the marriage one by one. Your cousin is not happy when she hears about it. Give me some sense, or I will be served by my family. "

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