Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1752 the difference between yin and Yang

On May 17, Singapore had a clear sky, with a light fragrance of ash in the air. The midsummer was coming. She didn't get fat in yuzaoyuezi. She wore a delicate dress, approved a Tulle scarf and went back to her mother's home first.

She held hands with Zhang Xinmei, and the nurse followed her with the baby in her arms. "

help me look at her first." Si yuzao said to his servant, "where's my mother?"

"My wife and my husband flew to Hong Kong last night." Servant road. Si

yuzao was slightly surprised. "What's the matter with Hong Kong?" she asked "

this is Mrs. Qi who was received last time. She had a convulsion last night, which was very unstable. The doctor suggested that she immediately return to the former sanatorium, where the treatment plan was better. She hasn't recovered for more than a month because of changing the environment and being bad for her health. " Servant road.

Yuzao is clear.

Mrs. Qi is Kang Han. Kang

after Han arrived in Singapore, Si yuzao went to see her once. She was very thin and pale.

"Can my father and mother catch up with brother Kay and get married?" Asked Si yuzao.

The servant said, "I can't catch up. My wife called Yan's family and young master Yan last night and explained the situation. Yan's family can understand. "

Kanghan's illness is known to the Yan family. That

can't afford to be delayed because of an emergency. The relationship between Gu Qingzhou and Yan's family is profound, and it is not maintained by one or two human relationships. "

shall we go?" Si yuzao takes Zhang Xinmei's arm. For Kay's wedding, the Yan family has contracted the most luxurious hotel in Singapore. The auditorium on the first floor is arranged as the wedding site, and the guest rooms on the upper floor are the rest places for all the guests.

Because the hotel has many rooms and elevators, almost all the guests have their own rooms. A long red carpet has been laid in front of the restaurant, and the whole street has been filled with luxury cars.

Yan's family has been operating in Nanyang for decades, with family and friends everywhere.

When entering the door, Si yuzao saw his elder martial brother Lu Wenli at the first sight. She didn't expect brother Lu to come. "

Senior brother!" She greeted Lu Wenli. Lu

turns around and smiles at her. He

wore a clean shirt and trousers today, and his hair was a little greasy. He was born very handsome, dressed up more handsome. "

Why are you here?" Si yuzao is curious, "who invited you?" "

Miss Yan." Lu Wenli said.

"Yan Qi?"


If you know that elder martial brother Lu is more interested in braised pork than in women, you will be angry and spit blood. Zhang

Hsin Mei, then La Si Yu Zao "first go to Grandpa's side, and then chat." Every time he comes to Yan's house, he will visit Yan Lao. He would like to have a few words with Yan Lao, listen to his teachings and tell him his own ideas. Yan

I like to open my eyebrows very much. I think this child is the second intelligent person like Gu Qingzhou who has a clear mind. Today, it's the wedding of Yan's eldest grandson. He arrived early and is resting in the room on the second floor. Secretary

yuzao and Zhang Xinmei asked Yan's entourage about their room number, and went upstairs to see them. After they left, Yan Qi reached Lu Wenli and said, "doctor Lu, please sit next to me later." Lu

said good news.

Chen sushang also arrived at the hotel early and was making up in the largest and most luxurious suite on the fifth floor.

Mrs. Chen and Xu Qizhen are by her side. Yan Chu, Xu Qizhen's little daughter, refuses to leave. She has to look at her new sister-in-law.

With her hair set and her delicate jade neck exposed, Mrs. Chen's eyes turned red when she was different from the usual Chen sushang. "

mom, don't give up on me. We are all in Singapore. I can go home to see you every day." Chen Su Shang looked at her mother with a smile. "Mom, don't cry on a happy day." Mingming is the marriage that Mrs. Chen asked for. She is also very clear in her heart that Su Shang may not be willing to, but to fulfill her wish. But when it comes to the end, the one who regrets most is Mrs. Chen.

Her heart was empty.

It was in this moment that she thought of her marriage to Chen Ding. At that time, Mingming women had a lot of autonomy, for example, Xu Qizhen was still studying abroad. However, she spent her whole life in Nanjing, studying and marrying, all of which were arranged by her parents. She adored Xu Pei to a certain extent, but she didn't dare to express her love or even make a little struggle. At the very least, her marriage was unhappy. She was not in good health when she was young, but she was not so bad. If she was a little happier in marriage, if her two sons survived, she might look like Xu Qizhen, and people in their forties would look like in their early thirties.

She is hopeless. Why should Su Shang marry a man she doesn't like?

Mrs. Chen's brain can't turn around at this moment. She wants Chen sushang to escape marriage. "

Jin Shu!" Xu Qizhen holds her shoulder and comforts her in a low voice, "Jin Shu, don't worry, Kaikai will be good to Su Shang, and we will take care of her." "I'm just" Mrs. Chen tears. She is in a dilemma. "

mom, look at the ring Yan Shao bought for me." Chen Su Shang smiled sweetly, and the diamond ring on his hand came to Mrs. Chen. "It's very nice, isn't it?" She has a smile on her face. Mrs. Chen thinks that Yan Kai may not be the second Chen Ding, but Su Shang has no one else in mind, and may not hate Yan Kai as much as she hates Chen Ding. Only

if there is no conflict in your heart, your feelings will always come out. At noon, when the guests were almost there, the waiter sent the food upstairs. Yan and Si yuzao also came to see Chen sushang. Chen has changed his wedding dress.

her figure is very good, wearing wedding dress exquisite, and today's makeup is very heavy, eye liner is particularly black, the whole people's temperament is very different.

"My sister-in-law is so beautiful that my brother Kai can't pull out his eyes." Siyuzao said with a smile. "Yes, this wedding dress is very suitable for my sister-in-law. She has a good eye."

They both sang and held Chen Su Shang. Mrs. Chen turned her eyes and thought today's daughter was very beautiful, which made Mrs. Chen feel much better. Xu Qizhen was dazzled by Yu Zao's speech gap. Xu

Qi Zhen understands. After a long chat, Xu Qizhen said to Mrs. Chen and Chen Su, "I'm going to entertain you when you come down. You can have a rest after dinner."

Mrs. Chen and Chen sushang have no doubt about him. Xu

Qi Zhen goes downstairs and takes Si yuzao and Yan Qi into a room.

The face of Si yuzao and Yan Qi changed, and Xu Qizhen's heart thumped, "what's the matter?" "

Mommy, just now Su manluo called her brother, and he drove out." Yan Qi Dao.

Xu Qizhen heard that Yan Qi said Su manluo.

Su manluo is Yan Kai's first love.

"Don't panic." Xu Qizhen said, "it's still early. The wedding is half past six in the evening. There are still several hours left. Meet and talk. He will come back. " She said it so firmly, but her mind was in a state of confusion. Si yuzao told her some time ago that Yan Kai went to her house for a drink and was confused about the marriage. Qi Zhen didn't ask him to marry Chen Su Shang either. She just told him that it should be considered. Chen sushang is an object to consider. If he refuses, Xu Qizhen will not blame him. But he agreed. How can you repent when you agree?

"You two go. I'll have a rest." Xu Qizhen said.

After Si yuzao and Yan Qi left, Xu Qizhen calmed her mood for a few minutes and went downstairs to find Yan Ziqing.

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