Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1753 escaping marriage

It's six twenty in the evening. Yu Zao keeps looking at his watch. Kay hasn't come back yet. The guests under the building are full, Yan Ziqing is angry and Xu Qizhen is silent.

"Look again!" Yan Ziqing said angrily, "I told him at the beginning that he should be careful! He plays with his marriage and escapes at this time! "

Yan said, "it's not time, what's the hurry? It's not necessarily a runaway marriage. Maybe it's on its way back. "

However, at 6:40 p.m., Yan Kai has not come back.

The guests were whispering.

"Didn't it start at half past six?" Someone asked the person next to him, "is that half past six?" "

it's half past six." "

ten minutes? No "

people whisper. Mrs. Chen on the floor is also looking at her watch. It is said that Su Shang should be allowed to go downstairs to prepare at 6:20, but there is no one in Yan's family. The companion

mother also disappeared. Her face is ugly.

Chen sushang, dressed in a wedding dress, squatted beside Mrs. Chen and comforted her in a soft voice. "Mom, it's inevitable that there are some mistakes in such a big family business as Yan's family and such a big wedding today. First bitter, then sweet. If something breaks out before marriage, it will be smooth after marriage. " Mrs. Chen looked at her daughter with great pain. Now, the humiliation she has given to Su Shang. She was also frightened by Chen family, afraid that after she couldn't wake up, Su Shang couldn't make her own decisions. For example,

now it seems that it shouldn't be its own, so it can't reach for it.

"Mom's OK." Said Mrs. Chen. Then they waited another half an hour. Chen

must also be alarmed. Chen

Su Shang can get married with Yan's family. He is Yan Kai's father-in-law. In the future, he will worry about life and death. He can use the rest of his money to get drunk. Chen will definitely bring them to Singapore. The most valuable ones are not those pounds, but a batch of original diamonds. These original drills don't take up the weight. He took them lightly. When things are stable, he can sell it for money, and then spend the rest of his life in luxury and comfort.

He has always looked down upon Chen sushang and thought that she is ordinary in appearance and hard to achieve anything, but he did not expect that she and Yan Kai would have such a marriage. Now

at present, Chen Dingxian can't bear the good things he has got to fly.

He found Yan Ziqing and Yan Lao. "The wedding must be done, right? You can't do this to the vegans. " "Don't worry, the wedding will be done."

Chen Ding was a little relieved when he said that.

Chen Su Shang waited until eight o'clock and put off for a whole hour and a half. He didn't want to wait much. Chen's wife was also weak and trembling. "Su Shang, let's go." Chen

plain business "good. Just a moment, I'll change my clothes. "

She was going to the bathroom to take off her wedding dress. There was footsteps outside, followed by a knock on the door.

Chen sushang opens the door and sees Xu Qizhen leading the bridesmaid.

The makeup on Xu Qizhen's face is all spent, and her hair is a bit disordered. It seems that she has gone out for a while. She was full of guilt and said to Chen Su, "it's so late. I'll call him when the wedding is over. Su Shang, would you like to have this wedding? "

Mrs. Chen said "Qizhen"

I would like to! " Chen Su Shang said, "how can you live a smooth life? If there is any difficulty in the future, I will spend it with Yan Kai. This is the first thing. I will not shrink back. " Mrs. Chen sighed, "Su Shang, don't aggrieve yourself." All for her! "

I'm not aggrieved, mom. I calculated that the auspicious time of 8:20 is better than 6:30, which is more suitable for Yan Kai and me. " Chen Su business road. Mrs. Chen burst into tears.

After much ado, the wedding started on time at 8:20. The guests, with their hearts in their hearts, dare not show half of their faces, congratulated the newlyweds one after another.

After Yan Kai kisses Chen Su Shang, the wedding is finished, and the applause is thunderous.

It's the end of the excitement. It's the end of shunshun.

Later, the banquet was delayed for nearly two hours until more than one o'clock in the morning.

The guests have enough to eat and drink, and gossip to chew their tongues and return. Yu Zao, Zhang Xinmei and his three younger brothers returned to his home. Xuan had already fallen asleep. Si yuzao and her younger brothers had tea in the living room and had a snack. Zhang Xinmei went upstairs to see her daughter. "

sumalo, the goblin!" Si yuzao shouted, "she just needs to be beaten! She came back early, knowing that brother Kay got married today, and made such a moth! "

The sparrow boat said, "it's really cheap."

"You men like this kind of vile woman!" Si yuzao's angry machine gun strafing involved innocent younger brothers.

"Is that a fool?" Only 16-year-old Si Ning'an said seriously, "I can't tell if I have ulterior motives. It's stupid and thorough." The company is silent.

Si yuzao glanced at him. I know that my sister is angry tonight. I'm afraid that I can't escape, so I dare not say, "brother Kai's fault is bigger." "

Yes!" He said this in the mind of Si yuzao, who hated and said, "brother Kai is irresponsible! I really want to fight him! "

"It can be masked to block his car. It's special for face fighting. It doesn't hurt his muscles and bones. It can also make his nose blue and his face swollen The secretary gave advice for her sister.

Si yuzao said, "or put a gun, hit his arm or leg, and make him ache for several months. Later, walking or holding a gun will be affected."

It's better for sparrow Fang to have a good relationship with her cousin? It's not suitable to fight face or gun. It's better to go and cheer uncle up, fight him, and call cousin and cousin to watch. It embarrassed and hurt him, but it didn't hurt him at all. I can say that my uncle listens to me most. " Zhang

after seeing her daughter, Xin Mei went downstairs to hear the words of the sister and brother of the Si family. She had no words for a long time.

When Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou went to Hong Kong, Zhang Xinmei was in charge. " He said to his three uncles, "the business of his uncle's family is his own housework. No one of you is allowed to talk about it. So late, eat less and go back to bed! "

The three uncles put down their chopsticks and said "good night to brother-in-law" in turn, so they went to sleep.

Zhang Xinmei picks up Si yuzao and goes to bed. All day long, if you have that Kung Fu, you'd better have a look at xuanjiao and me. "

Si yuzao is in the air, unable to help but want to laugh.

Two people lie down after washing, Zhang Xinmei also tells Si yuzao, "don't talk about your cousin, you know? No matter how good the relationship is, it should be measured. " "

measure" can make the relationship longer. Even between parents and their grown-up children, we need to know what to say and what not to say, and also need a sense of discretion, let alone relatives.

"Good." Then I'll teach brother Kai a lesson in the future. And, that sumanlo, I'm going to see her tomorrow. The coquettish fox! "

"You've given up." Zhang Xinmei said, "the reason why she is a fox is that Yan Kai is willing to go to her. The problem is still with Yan Kai. You all say that this is arranged marriage, and Yan Kai has his unwillingness. You're not him. Don't stand and talk without backache. Sleep! "

Si yuzao is not so easy to kill. The next day, she began to talk about how she hated sumalo. Her three younger brothers, who had already found out her sister's temper, joined her one after another. Following her sister's words, they also scolded Su manluo for fear that the wrong words would lead her anger to themselves. Three flatterers! Even the taciturn and steady Sikai came to flatter his elder sister. It can be seen that he was poisoned by Sika since he was a child.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Xinmei thought, "well, xuanjiao can't cultivate jade algae in the future. I don't have so many sons to hold her!"

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