Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1756 no confidant in the world

At the end of the banquet, Yan Kai and Chen Su came to Chen's house.

It's Chen sushang who plans to stay for one night.

"My master is here. I have a lot to talk with him. My mother is worried about us. After three, there is no taboo. How about staying? "Chen asked him.

Even when she asked, she spoke with command.

Follow Chen sushang, just nod or shake your head. Yan Kai, however, doesn't care about this. He follows Chen sushang to make up for the mistake of marriage.

"Well, I'll ask the driver to go back and clean up some clothes." Yan Kai Dao.

Mrs. Chen is very worried about "ah Kai, will it delay your business"

Yan Kai's career is in Manila, Philippines. He is the eldest son of Yan Family in Singapore and has nothing to do.

"Mom, it's the biggest thing I've ever done." Yan Kai said with a smile.

His words made Mrs. Chen very happy.

Chen Ding asks people to clean up their rooms, but Chen sushang insists on staying with Yan Kai in the back garden.

There are only three houses in the back garden, which is very narrow.

"Don't be ignorant." Chen Ding whispered to his daughter, "you live there and quarrel with your wife to rest."

"It doesn't matter. Let my son-in-law take care of my mother." Chen Su business road.

Their father and daughter whispered, and they didn't want to let Yan Kai hear their swords drawn, but he did.

When he heard this, he thought, "Chen Su Shang has his own ideas. It's like getting married. She makes up her mind to get married. She'll wait even if I don't come back. "

It's good that you can't easily change what you are determined to do.

Yan Kai pretends not to hear, leaving Chen sushang to mediate.

When Chen Su Shang was only Chen Su Shang, Chen Ding could not be her master. Now she is the younger grandmother of Yan family. Chen Ding has to be more cautious and let her take Yan Kai to live in the yard.

For dinner, only the Chen family eat together.

Chen Ding also called his son Chen Yu over.

There are too many guests at the busy banquet in the morning. Chen Ding has not introduced Chen Yu alone.

At this moment, he will introduce Chen Yu to Yan Kai one by one.

Chen sushang was very impolite. He pretended to whisper to Yan Kai. In fact, he said to her in a whisper that everyone could hear: "my eldest brother died when he was five years old; my second brother was a martyr pursued by the government. I don't have any brothers but those two. "

Chen is embarrassed.

Chen Ding almost breathed blood.

He was not close to Chen sushang in the past, but the Chen family supported her in the end. Moreover, she married Mrs. Chen to give a very rich dowry.

According to the old custom, a woman's dowry can be taken by her own, and she doesn't have to take it out to mend her mother-in-law's family. In the future, she can give her daughter dowry.

Chen Ding has always been rich and does not covet his wife's dowry. But if there is no Chen Su Shang, the money will be his as soon as Mrs. Chen dies.

The rich dowry that Chen Su Shang took away is equal to taking Chen Ding's money.

No matter according to the law of Singapore or Nanjing, Chen Su business is not qualified to inherit Chen Ding's things.

She took advantage of it, and she was so ungrateful.

Chen Ding is going to get angry, but the Taoist priest Changqing over there says to Chen Ding, "commander Chen, I see your face. You have a huge fortune to make recently. If there is a chance to make money, you can invest freely. "

He is always accurate.

Chen Ding is planning to invest in a film company recently. He is still hesitating.

Changqing Taoist priest's words hit his mind. He turned his attention and chatted with Changqing Taoist priest.

Yan Kai looked at Chen sushang and thought, "sushang is very powerful, a little like my aunt. Since she is such a competitive character, I can take her with me when I go to the Philippines. "

However, he also thought, "the mother-in-law is still alive and in poor health, so the prime minister should not leave Singapore."

He was confused and suddenly found that there was a line of sight on him.

He looked up and saw Chen Haoyue again.

The lights of the night were all over her, and her white jade was more prominent.

Different from Chen sushang, Chen Haoyue has long hair, big eyes and a delicate and beautiful face. She is particularly white, with no blemish on her face, and her eyes are calm, more like jade.

In a word, the beauty is not alive.

The jade man seemed to glance at Yan Kai several times.

Yan Kai reflected on "whether she was looking at me or whether I was more thoughtful"

and he looked back.

He wanted to know if it was his illusion, so he stared at Chen Haoyue for a moment, about forty or fifty seconds.

Chen Su Shang next to him suddenly kicked him.

Yan Kai turns around.

Chen sushang's face is very ugly and speechless. Yan Kai didn't understand anything, but was misunderstood by Chen sushang and even more upset.

He stopped talking.

After dinner, he chatted with Chen Ding and others in the living room. Chen Ding deliberately left his son, but Chen Haoyue sat down and didn't get up to leave.

Chen sushang is not there.

She went out with her master, as if there was something to talk about.

"Master, did you find out?" Chen sushang asked him. "Yan Kai's face is very strange. I can't see it. Your Taoist practice is higher than mine. What's the situation? You and me before, and what's the situation? "

the magician can't see a person's face. Usually there are two situations. The first one is a good explanation, that is, to choose a person and make a big deal in the future; the second one is a better explanation.

Taoist priest Changqing originally intended to tell Chen sushang.

But when he thought about it, he changed his mind. "I forgot, too. Maybe he's very expensive."

"This is the first case. Master, you lied to silly girl "

the evergreen Taoist priest smiled and said," Su Shang, you suddenly decided to get married. Shifu was surprised. Can you tell me why "

" for my mother. " Chen sushang is calm.

Yan family knows, Yan Kai also knows, she knows even more. In this marriage, Chen sushang is to reassure Mrs. Chen, and Yan Kai is to reassure Xu Qizhen.

"Mrs. Chen wants you to marry," asked the Taoist priest Changqing, "why, I'm afraid that after her death, Chen Ding will deprive you of your inheritance right and drive you out, and then you won't get any money."

Mrs. Chen wants to leave a legal property for Chen sushang, which can only be used as a dowry.

If she dies, even if she leaves a will and wants to leave the money to Chen Su Shang, Singapore's law will not recognize it.

Singapore's law does not recognize any "adoptive" daughter, no blood, no inheritance.

Mrs. Chen is worried that she will die in a sleep. Chen Su chamber of Commerce has nothing. At that time, she may be driven out, or bullied by Chen Ding's outer room and children.

"This is the main thing." Chen Su said, "she is more worried that I will go wandering with you in the future alone."

Taoist priest Chang Qing is very aggrieved. It's not good for him to roam freely in the Jianghu for a long time.

He covered his chest and was heartbroken. "Ah, there is no confidant under him"

Chen Su

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