Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1757 secret love is also sweet

Mrs. Yan has fulfilled her greatest wish. The marriage of Su

Shang was settled, and she also got a rich dowry. In the future, someone will protect her, even if she and Yan Kai divorce, they will have money to use. The biggest worry in the heart is death. Mrs. Yan dreams all night.

She later dreamt that when she was young, she stood on the balcony on the second floor of her home and shouted "Xu Pei!" Xu

Pei is a gentle and shy boy who knows girls' thoughts best. He stood under the tree, the mottled sunlight fell on his face, his hair and eyelashes were crossed by the sunlight, showing a light golden yellow. He smiled and the whole person was flashing. That

is the person she has been dreaming about all her life.

She knew that he didn't like girls, and also knew his pain, but she just fell in love with him, plunged into it and refused to turn back.

Later, she listened to her father's arrangement and married Chen Ding. Chen Ding in the dream is like a monster with thick black shadow and bloody smell. She is put down.

She was so desperate and miserable.

She was pregnant with her eldest son and thought it was over, but lingchi never disappeared.

In the first few years of Chen Ding's marriage, she was really in love with her. She refused, he thought she was shy, only more determined. When Chen Ding arrived in her room again, she stabbed him with scissors. Since then, Chen Dingyi has hated, humiliated and even beaten her as soon as he saw her.

The reason why she is not in good health is because she has been hit a lot. Once Chen Ding kicked her hard. After her rib broke, she stabbed her lung. When Chen Guyue grew up, he would not only please Chen Ding, but also know how to protect his mother, so her life became peaceful again. Chen Ding no longer adds up to her fists and feet and doesn't think much of her.

Later her brother was promoted.

That year, when Chen Guoyue was eight years old, Mrs. Chen had the courage to fight with Chen Ding several times and stabbed him again. Chen Ding doesn't dare to poke it back. Mrs. Chen knows that he is a bully. Since

, her relationship with Chen Ding has been even worse. Chen Ding is afraid of her and has learned to be patient and respectful to her, and even dare not contradict her decision.

Because her brother is Chen Ding's immediate superior.

During the Anti Japanese War, her brother was a Japanese prisoner. Half a month after his capture, he was brutally killed. Chen Guyue was also in order to avenge his uncle. He fought to death to attack the Japanese army and was finally hit by a cannon.

Although she lost her son and brother, she and Chen Ding have played a role in checking and balancing each other for more than ten years. Chen Ding does not dare to belittle her easily. It has become a habit to be afraid of her.

She's had a hard life. Fortunately, we had prime quotient later. Business is a small cotton padded jacket. It's like a thirsty person has seen water since he came to her. As for Mrs. Chen's love, Su Shang accepted and appreciated it, which also made Mrs. Chen feel that her feelings were not wasted. Especially after Gu Yue died, Su Shang became her only one.

Her life is too hard, to survive now, many times through the war, her physical function to the extreme, has been unable to endure.

After settling down with Su Shang, she had nothing else to ask for. She was in a trance day by day.

Just in June, Mrs. Chen didn't know much about people.

During this period, Chen sushang and Yan Kai have been living in Chen's house. Once Yan Kai came back with a strong fragrance, which was used by Chen Haoyue. Chen

Su Shang smelled it and was very insensitive.

Xu Qizhen also visited Mrs. Chen several times. Mrs. Chen is awake. She doesn't know who Xu Qizhen is or who Su Shang is. She just takes Chen Su Shang's hand and asks "Qi Zhen, when does Xu Pei leave school?"

On June 15, Mrs. Chen suddenly returned to the scene and people woke up.

It was evening and the sun was setting.

She said to Chen Su, "it's warm outside, isn't it?" "

it's not just warm, it's very hot." Chen Su business road.

"Help me to sit in the yard." Chen

Su Shang called Yan Kai and asked him to take a mat. She helped Mrs. Chen to the yard. Mrs. Chen sat under the tree and looked at the burning sunset sky. She took a deep breath. "I seem to smell the flowers." "Mom, it's Ashley," said Kay

"It smells good. There are no such flowers in Nanjing." Said Mrs. Chen. She has no energy to explain or tell. She did not see Chen sushang and Yan Kai, nor did she let them live a good life in the future.

She just looked at the horizon and was infatuated for a long time. Suddenly she said to Chen Su, "I dreamed about Xu Pei again last night, and your eldest brother and second brother. Many of them are over there. If I go, they will take care of me. "

Chen Su Shang said, "definitely." "

Xu Pei is the most careful person I have ever met. He always cares for others. He knows what you think, what you fear and what you expect. He was born sharper than others, so he hid a lot of bitterness in his heart, which others could not understand. " Mrs. Chen said again. Yan

Kai knew that Xu Pei was his second uncle who had been dead for many years, and he was sad.

Ruan Yanfeng was alone for half of his life, because no one can replace Xu Pei. Without Xu Pei, no one else can go into their heart.

So is Mrs. Chen.

She was more miserable because Xu Pei had never loved her, hugged her or kissed her. Her love, is a cavity bitter Acacia.

"Su Shang, don't be upset." Mrs. Chen looked back at her daughter. "You see, the sunset is so beautiful. Mom has seen everything. No regrets. "

"Yes." Chen Su said, "I'm not sad, mom. You have a hard life, I know. It's a good thing to leave. I'm free and can be reunited with my eldest brother and second brother. I have Yan Kai and Shifu. Don't worry about me. "

Yan Kai looks at her. His heart was hurt by her words, which made him feel strange. She is a bit pitiful. Mrs. Chen nodded happily, "OK."

That night, Chen Su Shang kept his eyes open and tears flowed.

Yan Kai was lying in the same bed with her. When she felt it, she carried her into her arms.

Just before dawn in the morning, Chen Su Shang got up and went to Mrs. Chen's room. Chen's eyes are closed tightly, and her lips are smiling. She has gone. Chen sat down on the ground, tears like broken beads. She seemed to hold her breath. It took a long time for it to come out, and she cried.

The cry was shrill. Kay's eyes were hot with tears. She couldn't help her, so she had to pick her up. Chen's wife passed away to the funeral, which was completed in three days.

The Chen family buried her in a cemetery on the outskirts of Singapore. Su Shang cried so much that she soon recovered her composure. She packed her things in silence and moved away Mrs. Chen's important things.

She followed Yan Kai back to Yan's house. In the evening, she said to Yan Kai, "thank you for being with my mother so peacefully."

"Yes, she is my mother-in-law." Yan Kai said.

He wanted to continue to comfort her, but he heard Chen Su saying, "Yan Kai, I'm going too."

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