Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1758 flash marriage and divorce

The word "go" is probably very ambiguous, because Yan Kai was shocked when he heard it.

He has been married to Chen sushang for a month. On the day of his new marriage, he almost eloped with Su manluo, which made Chen Su Shang a joke. She slapped him on the wedding night.

After three dynasties, they went to the Chen family.

From that day on, they both lived in the Chen family. It's Mrs. Chen. Yan Kai dare not act rashly for fear that her mother-in-law will hear her. So

however, he hasn't had a big ceremony with Chen su.

Chen sushang suddenly said he wanted to leave, but Yan Kai was confused. He thought she was seriously ill and died soon. However, after

he heard Chen sushang continue to say, "I may have to go to other places with my master, and I will return to Singapore when I worship my mother in the future. I'm sorry, Yan Kai, I used you. "

Using him, using the marriage, let her mother go without regret, without concern. Kay should be angry.

He is not angry, because for him, marrying Chen sushang is also a fad, a muddleheaded promise, to stop his parents' nagging. To this day, he is still confused about the marriage. In addition, he didn't sleep with Chen sushang, so he had no pressure to divorce. "

according to the law of Singapore, you are free to divorce." Yan Kai said, "after all, I have no responsibility to be a good husband. Don't worry, I'll give you alimony. " He said this with a light sigh of relief.

Before Chen Su Shang, Yan Kai had no idea about marriage; after marriage, he realized that he didn't want such a marriage. Marriage is the running in of two people. There will be many problems and difficulties. There is no emotional basis. Two people will only hate each other and get worse and worse. Mr. Chen offered, and Mr. Yan Kaizhen put down the heavy burden. Otherwise, he could only leave her in Singapore and go to Manila by himself. Yan

Kay slept in the sofa that night.

The next day, they went to see their grandparents. Yan

Kai opened his mouth and said their decision.

Yan Ziqing's back of the hand was blue and sharp, and he wished he could shoot the son of a bastard. Only a few days after he got married, he was going to divorce, even the first seven of his mother-in-law. "

is my idea." Chen sushang stood in front of the Yan Family and looked up at them. "I married Yan Kai to please my mother. I've been following master since I was a child. Since I don't have my mother, I'll go with master. " Yan

old, Yan Ziqing and Xu Qizhen look at each other.

The little sister Yan Yan is fond of her sister-in-law, although she has not seen Chen Su Shang for several times. She ran over and hugged Chen sushang's waist. "Don't go, sister-in-law! Let's play together and give you half of my cookies! "

Chen sushang was silent and reached out to touch Yan's head.

Xu Qizhen can't bear it. She stands up and leaves, leaving them in the dining room. Yan

Ziqing chases out in a hurry.

When he left, he looked at Yan Kai. "When you agreed, relatives and friends came to the wedding. Now when it comes to divorce, where do you put your parents' face? Your mother is worried about you. "

He told both Yan Kai and Chen sushang. If you are old, you will give a wink to Yan Qi. Yan Tong, a 15-year-old smart and clever chess player, stood up and took away her ignorant sister and her tearful younger sister.

Only Yan Lao, Yan Kai and Chen sushang were left in the restaurant. Yan Lao said to both of them, "sit down and have a meal. Let's have a full meal first." Chen was a little afraid of his grandfather. The father looks very kind, gentle in speech and expression. But Chen sushang was a little afraid of him. He thought he had a clear mind and could understand everything. Chen took a soup bag and it tasted like chewing wax.

She reluctantly drank half a bowl of porridge and saw her grandfather put down his chopsticks. She and Yan Kai seemed to have telepathic feelings and put down their chopsticks together. They all looked at Yan Lao.

Yan asked them, "who forced you to get married?" Small

two people are speechless.

"If I remember correctly, you two agreed. Marriage is all like this, take matchmaker's words as the beginning, oneself promised, it is not to be arranged marriage Yan Lao Dao.

"Yes, Grandpa," Yan Kai nodded

Chen sushang's heart was heavy, and he did not answer.

"Is it right to end the marriage you promised yourself before you get along with it?" Yan Lao asked. Neither of them answered.

Yan allowed them to be silent for two minutes and asked Yan Kai, "Kai Kai said first." "Grandpa, when I was very young, I had to ask my father to buy me a boat and want to be a sailor in the future. At that time, I wanted very much, and my feelings were true; I got seasick less than 10 minutes later, almost hit a reef, and I dare not get on the boat again, so was my fear. I am older than I am. Yuzao, who is one year younger than me, got married. With his parents urging me, I have no idea about marriage. It's not a gamble or a compulsion to decide to marry a vegetarian business. I really wanted to try it at that time. But after trying, I know it's not suitable. The most responsible way is not to delay prime quotient. She is only 18 years old this year. At the beginning of a girl's good life, as long as she leaves Singapore, no one knows that she has been married. In the future, she will have a person who loves her very much, which is her happiness. Grandfather, I made a mistake, but knowing it can change nothing. Do you think that's right? " Yan had listened patiently, without any words, but looked at Chen Su Shang again. Chen

Su Shang is also honest. "Grandfather, I decided to marry Yan Kai, knowing that my mother's life is not long, and I want her to have no regrets. I haven't had a round house with Yan Kai. Neither he nor I have any interest in this marriage. " Yan

heard this all the time and sighed. "

OK, you two have a clear idea. It's not a gamble. You've made a mistake from the beginning." "When you are young, you will make mistakes. It's nothing."

Yan Kai and Chen sushang look at him nervously, waiting for the next part, afraid that he will make a turning point.

But there is no turning point.

He said, "if you want to divorce, then divorce. However, our Yan family is not nobody in Nanyang. Marriage is a big deal, so we should not play games like this. You two divorce procedures, two years later, so reduce gossip. In the name of my elders, I'll write a divorce letter for you. Su Shang, can you trust me

"Of course I can!" Chen Su set up a horse road.

Although he has been doing black business all his life, he has a beautiful hand.

He wrote a divorce letter to Chen sushang and Yan Kai, and sealed it with his own seal. He said that the British governor's office recognized it and wrote the time so that they could come back two years later to exchange the real divorce letter.

It's understandable that the couple got divorced after two years.

But if you divorce just one month after you get married, that's talking. Chen

Su Shang has nothing. The Yan family is not greedy for her. She is not afraid to leave her. There are still wars in China, but she can't escape back to Nanjing. Her marriage in Singapore will not be recognized by domestic laws. Yan is very satisfied with the old treatment.

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