Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1760 new life in Hong Kong

Time turned to August.

Yan Kai received the first deal and plans to go to Hong Kong. He went back to Singapore first and asked his uncle to help him get the civil air route to Hong Kong. Xiang

Hong Kong is a British colony. Si Xingfu has a lot to do with Britain now. He only needs a word for the flight to Hong Kong.

At the same time, he went to arrange and exclaimed, "at the beginning, there were no planes in the whole Asia, so I went where I wanted to go. Now that we all have them, we have retreated. We need regular channels wherever we go. "

Yan Kai said, "uncle, this is not a step back. With rules and regulations, it's progress. " The company didn't take it seriously. Gu

came in the light boat. She took a jade plate in her hand and gave it to Yan Kai. "Since you are going to Hong Kong, go to see Mr. Huo and give him this jade plate." "

is this an antique?" "

you told Huo ye that Mrs. Hirano had left it to me before. He knew what it was." Gu Qingzhou said, "when you see him, give him."

Yan Kai nodded.

When he was ready, he went to ask people what gifts they needed. After making a note of them, he was ready to go to Hong Kong the next day.

After supper, he and his parents sat in the living room chatting. Yan

Zi Qing is very worried about him this time and keeps telling him. Many of the politicians who have gone to Hong Kong have turned around during the domestic war. Their power should not be underestimated. We should be careful everywhere.

Xu Qizhen is silent. Kay asked her, "Mom, what do you want? I'll take it for you, too. "

"Xu Qizhen returns to her mind," your mother will be very happy when you come back safely

After a pause, she added, "it seems that Su Shang has gone to Hong Kong."

Yan Kai immediately stopped talking. After his divorce from Chen sushang, he fled to Manila and then stopped answering the phone call from Singapore. The long distance telephone signal is not stable, and he deliberately avoids it. As expected, he didn't contact his family for more than a month. As for Chen sushang, he did not know where she was going.

After coming back, I heard that she had left with her dowry.

Yan family gave her alimony, she did not want a cent.

"If you see her, ask her." Xu Qizhen said, "if she doesn't live well, you can ask her to come back to Singapore again. I promised Jin Shu that I would take care of her. " Yan

responded. He agreed on the surface, but he didn't think so. Hong Kong is so big, how can he easily meet Chen Su Shang?

So thinking, he will fly to Hong Kong the next day.

He just sat down and asked his entourage to pour him a glass of wine. The eyes that follow

are twinkling.

"What's the matter?" Yan Kai held up the empty wine glass and looked at the entourage doubtfully.

The follower looked behind his eyes. Yan

Kay also followed his eyes and saw that the small door of the storage compartment under the aircraft had been lifted up, and the two small heads were eager to explore. He was very confused and silent. However, after

the two small heads thought that he had no movement, and stretched out the whole head. It's Yan Tong, 15 years old, and Yan Bi, 10 years old.

Yan Kai walked over, hit them on one head and knocked them both down to the storage cabin. He also jumped down, and then saw Yan Qi and Si Ning'an. Four

eyes on him.

Yan Kai, with a black line on her face, shouted, "who the hell let them get on the plane?" With

never dare to speak. If it is the three young ladies of the Yan family, it's just to block them, but it's with the master.

"Return!" Yan Kai drinks angrily.

"Master, this is a one-way line. If you don't report your return, you will be shot down by the patrol plane in Singapore."

Yan Kai went to Singapore this time, but he didn't know the date of the return flight. He thought that he would call his uncle to ask for a route after things were done. Didn't

think that he was made a hole by his own kids. "Don't be angry, brother Kay. We have an appointment with ling'er. When you get to Hong Kong, put us in the Huo family. Uncle hobo will take care of us. " Sning'an road.

Ling'er is the little name of Huo Yue's eldest daughter. She is 14 years old this year. During the Spring Festival, Huo Yue and Si Xingfu will meet each other and lead their families. Therefore, the children of both families are familiar with each other.

The children of the Huo family are relatively small. There is a big age gap between them and yuzao and Kaichang. Only sningan is close to them. Ling'er has no elder brother. Seeing that Si Ning'an is particularly gentle and beautiful, she likes him very much. She often comes to Singapore with her parents. She is the same age as Yan Tong. They soon get to know each other.

Different from the children of the Si family and the Yan family, the children of the Huo family are all gentle and courteous, and all have the inner show of the children of the big family. Si Ning'an has never seen such a quiet sister, and also likes ling'er very much.

Yan Kai "" he brought all four little ghosts up, and then specifically scolded Yan Qi. Because Yan Qi is an elder sister, he is not reliable, and he plays with his younger brothers and sisters.

Yan Qi was scolded by him as if he were a cold cicada. He dared not say a word. His brother and sister are very close on weekdays, but Yan Kaizhen gets angry. Yan Qi is very afraid of him.

Chen arrived in Hong Kong in early July. She rented a house in the middle of Hong Kong Island, a wealthy area in Hong Kong. He traveled all over the country and met many dignitaries. During the civil war, those people fled to Hong Kong and introduced each other. Taoist Chang Qing has a lot of contacts.

Network resources can be realized. Chen

Su Shang and her master disappeared for ten years. Her master changed from a little Taoist to a great magician. Other don't say, can afford half mountain mansion, asset is quite abundant. "Master, how much do you have?" Chen sushang asked him directly, "can't we just sit back and eat?" He showed her a 300, 000 pound bank draft.

"It's just part of it. You take the flowers first. I'm not in Hong Kong every day Teacher and father.

They can eat for many years as long as they don't smoke opium or gamble. Chen sushang also had $190000, which was her mother's dowry.

Together, these assets are enough for more than ten years.

It's not that I don't make money. Chen has settled down in the middle of the mountain. She has been deeply involved in the WTO. She no longer wears a Taoist robe. Every day she wears a suit and shoes. She is modern and handsome. She often has social intercourse. Chen Su Shang is not very suitable.

Shifu goes out to play and often doesn't come back. There are drivers, servants and bodyguards in the family, but Chen Su Shang can hardly leave. But master came back, took her out to eat French food, and took her to dance. He met a decent man on the dance floor.

He called himself Ye Wei. He looked like he was in his forties.

As soon as he spoke, he had a Hunan accent.

"Are you from Hunan?" Taoist priest Changqing immediately asked him.

Chen sushang also looked at the past. When she was a child, she seemed to have stayed in the 100000 mountains in the west of Hunan Province. Later, she was taken a long way by others, then she was locked in a dungeon, and then she was saved by her master.

Master's Taoist temple is in the east of Hunan. He is a native of Hunan.

"Are you from Hunan, too?" Ye Wei seems to be alert for a moment.

The Taoist priest Changqing saw his vigilance, and his heart was thumping. He always felt that he couldn't see clearly. So he casually perfunctorily said goodbye to Ye Wei. When I went back to

I didn't know the car broke down on the mountain road.

Although the half mountain mansion is expensive, the traffic is really inconvenient, and there is no one nearby. He went home in the middle of the night. The bus couldn't move. The bus didn't come until tomorrow morning. The two of them stood on the side of the road and looked at each other.

A car happened to pass by. Chen

Su Shang hurried to block the car.

Do not think, this block, unexpectedly stopped Ye Wei. "

do you live here, too?" Ye Wei asked Chen sushang.

"Yes." Chen Su said, "Mr. Ye, would you please take us there?"

Ye Wei is very generous and polite. The previous estrangement seems to be just an abnormality that he was not prepared for for a while. He is a gentleman himself.

From this day on, Chen Su Shang and ye family met formally.

Ye Wei is not alone. He has a nephew and a niece with him.

Because he was in his early forties, Chen Su Shang and the elder Taoist thought his niece and niece were children.

I didn't know that ye Wei's nephew was a 27-8 young man, and his niece was more than 20, bigger than Chen sushang.

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