Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1761 small roles

Chen sushang and his master lived in a mansion. His former owner was Chen, and he was fond of kitsch. He made a plaque at the door and wrote "Chen Zhai". Chen

is a big surname. There are more people who have the surname Chen in the world.

The Chen family moved to the United States and entrusted the house to a relative and friend, so that he would choose someone with excellent character to live in, otherwise he would rather not rent it. The house is luxurious and can't be destroyed at all. That

family and friends happened to be the admirers of Taoist priest Changqing. Hearing that Taoist priest wanted to rent a house, he sent a telegram to the United States. Mr. Chen of the United States has also heard about the high skill of Changqing Taoist priest. This house is for him to live in. The Fengshui in the future must be excellent. The nengwang family readily agreed and reduced the rent by half.

Otherwise, the rent of this half hillside mansion is very considerable, and ordinary people can't afford it. Ye

was the only one who began to be very wary of Chen sushang and Changqing apprentices. Later, he saw that they were close neighbors of his family and felt at ease.

Taoist priest Changqing, who claims to be a Taoist externally, is a bit of a dandy in clothes and manners. He was born with red lips and white teeth. He even looked cute when he was smiling. Ye Wei suspected that he had no ability at all, which was his reputation made by communication. But

Chen Su Shang is young, fair and healthy. In addition, there is nothing special, not even much beauty.

Ordinary women are easy to be ignored.

The more we get along with each other, the more we feel that this pair of teachers and apprentices are incompetent, and Taoist priest Changqing has seen it everywhere since he left home for a long time. When talking about the situation in the world, he is not as calm as a magician should be.

Ye Wei was completely relieved and invited Chen sushang and Taoist priest Changqing to visit his home. Chen

Su Shang knew ye Xueyao and ye Xuezhu. Ye

Xue Zhu is three years older than Chen Su Shang. She is lively and straightforward, but her official language is not very good. When she speaks, she becomes a Hunan dialect. Chen Su Shang occasionally cannot understand what she is talking about.

Ye Xueyao, however, hardly spoke. Chen

Su Shang went to eat at Ye's house twice, but he never heard ye Xueyao speak. Ye claims to be their "six uncles".

Like Ye Liushu, ye Xueyao is a tall and handsome man. He is very white, not that kind of porcelain white, but the miserable white without sunshine all the year round.

He doesn't talk or look at people.

"Is your nephew mute?" he asked yewei directly Ye is a little embarrassed. "No, he is not dumb. He was born stuttering, so when outsiders were around, he was always embarrassed to talk. " Chen's prime quotient was a little unexpected. She thought ye Xueyao was the kind of arrogant and unwilling to take care of others. I can't imagine that it was because of his stuttering that he was more pleasant than the noble people. Chen Su Shang looked at ye Xueyao more.

When they went back and forth, the Ye family thought that they knew the details of the Changqing Taoist priest and his disciples, and they also thought that they knew all the Ye family.

Everyone gets along with each other in their own minds. A few days later, ye Wei took a walk in the afternoon, and met Chen Su Shang, who also took a walk.

He sighed. "

What's the matter, Mr. Ye?" Chen sushang asked. Ye smiled. "Su Shang, let's get closer. Don't be so polite. I don't call you Miss Chen, and you don't have to call me Mr. Ye. You are smaller than my nephew and niece. If you don't like it, you can call uncle Liu. " Chen Su Shang knows a lot about this.

Address doesn't mean anything. When someone else should hurt you, they won't be soft on you because of your intimacy. So it doesn't matter what you call it. You should be careful. "Uncle Liu, what are you worrying about?" Chen Su Shang really changed his mind.

Ye Wei likes this girl very much. She is not the most beautiful, nor is she the most intelligent, but the language is sharp, and she gets along with a kind of refreshing.

"I'd like to invite a Mr. Xueyao to teach him some English. Now that we are in Hong Kong, we can't live without British culture. " Ye Weidao.

Hong Kong is a British territory, but most of its residents are Chinese. It's OK to have no English.

However, there is no fault for the high demands of others. They can't speak two sentences of English when they are in communication. They really don't have a high style. Those who are conceited and fashionable will murmur behind their backs. "

What's wrong, isn't it going well?" Asked Chen sushang. "

No, please." Ye Wei sighed, "it's mainly Xueyao who is very picky."

Chen Sushan sympathizes, but says nothing.

She became the adopted daughter of Chen's family. She had read the best girls in Nanjing. Her English was fluent.

But she didn't say it.

After his mother's death, Chen Su Shang followed his master and spent the whole day at home, which was actually very empty and confused. She didn't know where the future was or what she was going to do.

She recently talked with her master about this. Her unreliable master suggested that she "don't do anything, just sit around and have fun! Master raised you. When you had such little dolls, master kept them. " It's very pleasant to be free in busy

. Can be idle every day, that kind of idle emptiness, can crush people.

Chen sushang has no time to spare. He can't stand it.

If you can find something to do, it's not bad to spend time. However, these people are not willing to make deep acquaintance with Ye family. They came from Xiangxi and were wary of the warlocks. Chen sushang and her master did not trust ye's family very much. After talking with Ye Wei, Chen Su Shang thought for a long time. In the evening, her master, who had been wandering for several days, finally came back.

He's back to pack this time. "

I'm going to Myanmar." The master said, "my friend asked me to go. It's very important that I come back next month."

Chen Su Shang said he would leave when he saw him. He couldn't help feeling "I'll go too!"

"No, it's dangerous." The master said, "this time I may have to deal with the descending school. You know, I'm most afraid of those people who are skilled in demagogues and descending skills. It's easy for me to protect myself. I'll hold you back. You are eating and drinking in Hong Kong. Master can support you. Did you have enough money last time? " Master Chen said, "if you have been Miss Chen for ten years, you will get a little skill and stay in a mansion in the middle of the mountain. You are not qualified to be involved in the relationship between warlocks."

It's very heartbreaking.

"I'm bored," Chen said "

you are full." The master said, "isn't it a good day to have money and leisure? If you're really free, go to college. I'll call a friend to help you to ask for several copies of the regulations of various universities in Hong Kong. You are ready to prepare. It's cost-effective to have to go to university for several years and then pass through the years. " Chen

vegetable quotient: "I just live every day?"

"Don't I just hang out every day?" The master said, "I've been mixing for more than 30 years. Do you think I've complained?" Chen knows that in this way, she might as well stay in Singapore and be a young grandmother of Yan's family, at least dealing with a group of people and doing something every day.

Compared with ten years ago, her master has made no progress. In addition to

learned to stink.

"By the way, I'm not at home. I asked Ye Wei to take care of you. You can go shopping with Miss Ye's to see a movie. " Master said again. "

don't be wary of Ye family?" Asked Chen sushang. What do you need to be on guard against? You are a small role, no one takes you seriously, and naturally no one will harm you. "

Chen sushang "

I want to escape from the school!

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