Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1764: Miss Chen

Chen sushang took the compass and stood still at the intersection. There are

police cars parked. When the traffic police of England got off the train and saw Chen sushang, they went to ask her what to do in English.

Chen sushang's English is fluent. Although he has a unique Chinese accent, he can express clearly that "I passed by. Excuse me, can't we go by here any more? "

British police said, "yes, but there are frequent traffic accidents here recently. If you are driving, you should be careful." Chen

Su Shang casually pointed to the house in the distance and said, "I don't drive. I live there. I'm here for a walk. I'm also curious about the accident."

She put the compass in her bag.

She took a simple compass, which was only a little bigger than the palm of her hand, and had a cover. It closed like a little mirror used by girls, but it was very heavy. Only when she took it in her hand could she detect the difference. The British police noticed that it was also her make-up mirror and didn't ask much. "

don't be so curious." The police said, "there are eight car accidents in a week, several of them are seriously injured, and two of them have died. It's not fun." Chen's face slightly changed. She looked at the corner again. Even if she doesn't drive, she knows that the curve is moderate, not a big turn. The bad weather of wind and rain will not cause frequent accidents in a week. For roads like

without passing through busy streets, there is not much traffic. Sometimes there is a small car accident in two or three months.

It was because of the mystery that I saw the newspaper.

"Are you a journalist?" The police asked her again. "No," Chen said The British police didn't embarrass her. They even talked to her.

In Chinese aesthetics, Chen Su Shang is not a beautiful woman, but the British appreciate Chinese from a totally different perspective. Chen sushang has a single eyelid, long and bright eyes, flat nose and compact face. In the eyes of British police, he is a particularly beautiful oriental face. Because

in order to find her beautiful, the police are willing to talk to her more.

It's just boring to patrol.

They talked for more than 20 minutes, talking about the current situation of Hong Kong after the war and the current situation of the world. Chen wants more information as much as possible, so he is patient.

During the twenty minutes they talked, no cars passed by.

Chen Su Shang is quietly estimating that a car has finally arrived in the distance. When the car is at the corner, the tire seems to slip, and it turns to the side inexplicably, but the turning range is not large, and it soon returns to normal. Police

stop in a hurry.

The car stopped and rolled down the window. Chen was surprised to see ye Xueyao.

"Go back?" He asked Chen sushang. Chen

Su Shang explained to the police that this was her friend and came to pick her up without any other purpose.

The police waved and told them to leave quickly. Don't linger here. Don't be busy.

Chen Su Shang thanked the police and got on ye Xueyao's car.

"Why are you here?" She asked ye Xueyao, "are you passing by or looking for me?" "

look for you." Ye Xueyao said. When facing Chen Su Shang alone, he will not be so nervous and will not stutter within three words.

"I'm ok. I just go around. You'll go around later. My driver is still waiting for the road ahead. " Chen Su business road.

She got off at the intersection, walked about a mile by herself, came to the corner, let the driver wait in place.

Ye Xueyao said, "I know. I let him go back, back, back." Chen looked at him and said, "does he really go back?"

Ye Xueyao said, "go back."

She frowned slightly, thinking that the driver was really unreliable. Ye Xueyao is not his employer. He doesn't pay him, but he is so obedient.

If this is in Chen's house, this kind of driver will certainly be dismissed. "

you, you, you are not, are not, are not happy?" Asked ye Xueyao. Chen is not very happy. But when she heard that ye Xueyao was stuttering again, she knew that he was nervous. He also knew that he had done something wrong. "No," Chen said

Ye Xueyao stopped talking. He drove the car back to the middle of the mountain and sent Chen sushang home first. Chen sushang invited him to have tea, and he waved back. Back to his home, he saw Uncle Liu and Xuezhu were there, and the two muttered something.

Ye Xueyao sat there. Ye said to uncle Liu, "only on the first day of September will jumen star be ordered to activate our array. Now it's always an accident. Will it arouse the curiosity of other warlocks? Hong Kong is full of talented people. "

Uncle Liu pondered for a long time.

"The array has been laid down. Who is going to withdraw? One carelessness will backfire on us. " Six uncle way, "dilemma."

He was very upset and lit a cigarette and complained to Xuezhu, "I have already said that let Xueyao go. You have to make your own decision. If Xue Yao had not made such a bad array. " The leaves were silent. Uncle said, "the three of us can't add up to Xueling."

Xueling is their little sister. She is three years younger than Xuezhu, but she is a real master of art.

When it comes to Xueling, Xuezhu will go mad with envy. She said coldly, "uncle Liu, don't destroy our prestige. It's normal to have a car accident. Besides, it's only seven days away. I'm not afraid of anything. " Ye

Xueyao sat all the time, and at this moment she said, "I'm afraid."

Uncle Liu turned to him and asked, "what are you afraid of?"

Ye Xueyao pointed to the direction of Chen's house, "Taoist, Chen." He means Taoist and Miss Chen.

Six uncles still don't know the way of Changqing Taoist, let alone the details of Chen sushang. The two of them are so deep in the world that they are not like magicians at all. "

the Taoists went to Myanmar." The sixth uncle said, "Miss Chen is alone, the three of us. It's easy to subdue her. We will leave Hong Kong as soon as we can. "

Ye Xueyao is silent.

After a long time, he raised his eyes and looked at Uncle six. "I want it." "

What do you want?"

"Miss Chen." Ye Xueyao said. Uncle looked at him. Ye also looked at his brother and worried, "do you want Miss Chen? No way. You can't kill her. Her master is a little evil. It's better not to have a feud with them. "

Uncle Liu also said, "I'll help you find a trickster. She's gone. No one knows. Don't get in trouble before." Ye

Xueyao looked at his uncle and his sister and said "No." They both looked at him and waited patiently for his answer.

"Take her home, mine." Ye Xueyao said.

Ye Xuezhu's heart thumped and suddenly understood, "brother, do you like Miss Chen? Want to take it home as a wife? "

Uncle Liu was also surprised that ye "you"

xueyaotantan looked back at them "yes."

Uncle Liu and ye Xuezhu were speechless and looked at him with astonishment. I don't know why he had such thoughts. Although there are many rules in their family, they don't forbid marriage between men and women, or even with outsiders.

If they want to continue their blood, they must not marry close relatives. Otherwise, the children born are monsters, which will lead to the extinction of the family. Different from other people, even if they marry other women, they can't learn the skill. Ye Xueyao was different from them when he was young. He was raised in a cave until he was twenty years old. He was in contact with all the great warlocks of the family. He listened and watched a lot, and practiced a lot, but he said a lot less, which led to his poor words when he came out, and he would stutter if he exceeded the words. Uncle and Xuezhu keep him as a stranger. Unexpectedly, he moves his heart and looks like a normal person.

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