When Chen sushang returned home, the driver had already arrived home.

She called all the servants to her and told them, "don't listen to any of you if it's not my order. If there are no rules, please leave! "

Then, she said the driver's question in public, "this time, I'll warn you. If you listen to others casually, I'll leave. I'll fire you. Have you thought about it? If you come back and I'm left behind, how can I come back? "

The driver realized later that he had done something stupid.

"I'm sorry, miss." The driver wiped his forehead and sweated, "I remember. I dare not. Thank you for giving me another chance. "

Chen sushang thought of the Ye family again.

Why did ye Xueyao go there? He can drive a car, Chen Su Shang is very surprised, because he looks like he came out of a very backward place.

She thought for a long time, went to her master's room, and looked around her master's phone book.

She finally found a phone call from Mr. Hu.

She called and asked if she knew where her master was.

"I know." Mr. Hu said, "do you want to go to the Taoist priest? Going to Myanmar is not particularly smooth. There are still wars in China. "

Chen sushang asked again, "I want to find my master as soon as possible. Is there any other way?"

"No," Mr. Hu said

Chen sushang: "...

she hung up the phone, no longer hesitated, directly let people drive, continue to the mountain.

She stopped in front of Huo's house.

When she knocked on the door, the elder Miss ling'er of the Huo family recognized her and shouted happily, "Miss Chen."

Chen sushang smiled: "eldest lady, is madam at home?"

"Yes." Ling'er said, and then shouted, "Muma, Miss Chen is here."

Not only He Wei is at home, but Huo Yue is also at home.

He is playing glass ball with his little son upstairs. The father and son laugh from time to time. The child's fresh laughter, with the sound of the man's thick and mellow voice, rolls around with the glass ball, lively and warm.

Chen sushang looked at the eye tower and did not move.

He Wei asked Chen sushang to sit down in the living room: "what's the matter with Miss Chen?"

"Mrs. Huo, I'd like to ask Mr. Huo's help to lend me the plane. I'm going to Burma." Chen Su said, "I know it's a kind request. How much money can I pay? It's a matter of life and death to ask for help."

He weiduan looked right. "Miss Chen, please take a seat."

She didn't take Joe, and she didn't make perfunctory remarks. She turned around and went upstairs to ask Huo Yue to come down.

Huo Yue is more than 50 years old this year. He is still a man of cloth shoes, long clothes and elegant style. He didn't get fat, and his waist was still straight. From his temperament, he could still see that he was handsome.

He smiled at Chen Su Shang: "Miss Chen, when do you want to use the plane? Where are you going? The route is to be applied for. "

"To Myanmar." Chen Su business road. Huo Yue pondered: "there are American reinforcements in Myanmar, so we need to use a lot of relations. I'm afraid we can't go for a while. Otherwise, do not delay your business. You can go to Singapore and apply for a flight from Singapore to Myanmar, but only a few hours later.

”Chen sushang was so anxious that he had to see her master as soon as possible. He didn't care about the rest: "thank you, Mr. Huo."

"No thanks. Your master, Taoist priest Changqing, we have eaten together. He is very capable. You live here, and we are neighbors. If you have any trouble in the future, just come to us. " Huo Yue is polite and thoughtful.

He called Xijiu.

Xijiu is a few years older than huoyue, because it is thin and not very old.

He asked Chen sushang to follow him.

Two hours later, Chen Su Shang arrived at Huo Yue's private airport and boarded a plane to Singapore.

Suddenly she felt strange in her heart.

Last time I left Singapore, it was not long ago. I will go back in a flash.

Her mother was buried in Singapore. When she thought of going back to Singapore, she was shocked by the illusion of "going home".

When she landed at the airport in Singapore, Huo Yue's captain said to her, "Miss Chen, first go to the city to have a meal and rest.". We have to go to ask for the route from the Secretary's home. We can only start when we get permission. It's estimated that it will take four or five hours. "

Huo Yue has called Si Jia.

If the secretary wants to communicate with Myanmar, he will not be able to communicate with Myanmar immediately.

Chen sushang knew that Huo Yue was in trouble. He thought that she had no friendship with others. It was shameful to ask them to spend money and contacts to help her.

"When Shifu comes back, let Shifu give Huo Yue some magic tools." Chen sushang thought.

She really has no ability, but her master has.

And this time something happened in Hong Kong. Maybe it will affect the whole Hong Kong. Huo Yue's family lives in Hong Kong. In case of an accident, their family will suffer.

Chen sushang put these aside and said to the captain, "I will not go, I will wait here."

She has biscuits in her bag, just a glass of water.

Chen sushang thought of his compass pointer turning like a windmill, and his heart would be burnt. Where could he care about fatigue and food and drink?

When the Huo family saw that she was unwilling to listen to her advice, they told the people in the guard room to let her go in and have a rest.

Sika airport is military and not open to the outside world. If it wasn't for Huo Yue's plane, other people would not be entitled to stop. There are also lounges and even cafeterias at the airport.

Huo's entourage communicated with the airport, and then asked Chen for a rest room and dinner.

For dinner, there are three meat and three vegetable dishes. The main food is rice, but there is no soup. It's milk and hot cocoa.

Chen Su Shang liked hot cocoa very much. After drinking it in a cup, he asked, "can I have another hot cocoa?"

The orderly said yes, and turned to take it.

The lounge is small, with no bed and only a sofa chair.

Chen Su Shang drank two cups of hot cocoa and didn't eat, because he couldn't eat it, so he dozed off on the sofa.

She woke up when there were footsteps outside and men talking.

After listening to a few sentences, I think the voice is Mandarin with a Minnan accent.

She remembered Yan Kai's accent.

"Is it Yan Kai coming, or are Singaporeans with similar accents?" Chen Su Shang turned in his mind, and his body was faster than his head. He went to the door and opened the door of the rest room.

She did see Yan Kai.

Yan Kai was wearing a long cloak with white shirt, black trousers and a pair of black leather shoes. He was chatting with the people of the Huo family.

When he saw Chen Su Shang, he straightened up and walked towards her.

"Are you well rested?" He asked without exception.

Chen sushang did not understand and looked at him: "how did you come?"

"I happened to return to Singapore and heard Huo ye call his uncle and say that you are going to Myanmar. The situation there is not very stable. How do you think of going to Myanmar? "

"Go to my master." Chen sushang said truthfully.

Yan Kai asked again, "is your master OK?"

"He's OK. There's something wrong with Hong Kong. I have to call him back." Chen Su said, "it's a matter of Fengshui."

Yan Kai knows.

"I'm not busy these days. I'll go with you." Yan Kai Dao.

Chen sushang looked at him and was puzzled by him.

What is the purpose of his doing so much? "No, thank you, Yan Shao." Chen Su said, "I'll go to my master and go back to Hong Kong when I find him. Don't bother you so much. Follow me."

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