Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1766 Yan Kai's enthusiasm

Yan Kai's feelings towards Chen Sushang are complicated.

Generally speaking, he felt pity for her and was afraid of her at the same time.

To say that, she has no pity, she usually lives upright, not delicate to provoke pity. Besides, she has money and master. She lives in a half mountain mansion in Hong Kong. She is better than most of us.

So "pity her" is a false proposition.

And to be afraid of her is also a bit erratic. Chen Su Shang had great ideas. She said that if she wanted to get married, she would get married well. If she wanted to get divorced, she would get divorced immediately. Apart from that, she seems to have nothing to fear.

The "pitiful and terrible" place she left in Yan Kai's heart was probably the way she cried when Mrs. Chen died and when she slapped him.

Chen sushang can't always cry or hit people, but those two things make Yan Kai remember deeply, so she put a label on her heart.

Yan Kai went to the Secretary's house and saw the Huo's people coming to report this.

At that time, his cousin, Si Ning'an, was also present, and Li Ma said, "is it sister Chen? It's too dangerous for her to go to Myanmar alone. I want to go, too. "

Some of the children of Si's family, because Si Ningan often went to find Yan Qi and contacted Chen sushang.

He likes Chen Su's business very much. Chen Su's business chamber of fortune telling is very funny.

Si Xingfu objected: "you don't have to have a class? If you don't study hard, get out of my way. I don't raise waste. "

Si Ning'an is silent.

Yan Kai said, "let me go. I finished my last business, but I don't have any new business. It's the same with coming back to Manila a a few days later. "

Whether Chen sushang is safe or not, he doesn't care. He just watches his cousin scolded and wants to get rid of the siege.

This is his original intention to accompany Chen soshang to Myanmar.

He is not selfish.

But when he was rejected, he was a little uncomfortable.

"It's OK. I'm quite free." Yan Kai smiled and said, "I may also want to pick up the business in Myanmar, just to explore the way. It's not worth flying in the future. "

He said that Chen Su Shang would not refuse any more.

She pressed her temples. "I'll sleep a little longer. I was a little dizzy on the plane."

Yan Kai said yes.

Chen Su Shang closed the door of the lounge, and Yan Kai was a little upset, thinking, "isn't this my fault? Why should I stick my face on someone's cold ass? "

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he thought so and walked away.

Chen sushang waited at the airport for four hours until midnight. Midway through, the orderly sent her a night snack, hot cocoa and cake.

In these four hours, she took a nap, and her mind was full of the abnormal road in Hong Kong. She passed all the arrays taught by her master in her heart, and thought of observing the sky the day before yesterday and finding that LiuNian flying star and giant gate star were about to be ordered.

Giant gate and Lian Zhen are two evil stars. Once one of them is ordered, there will be misfortune.

However, her technique is not refined, and she does not know the specific date of jumen star's order.

"If the array is urged by the giant gate star, what will be the result? Is there going to be a plague in Hong Kong, or is there any other disaster? Natural or man-made, or anything? " Chen sushang thought.

She didn't know.

She has been a "Miss Chen" for ten years, studying Chinese, English, arithmetic and other sciences, leaving behind her original ability to muddle along.

She can't even draw the spell for the introduction of magic.

She was so upset that she met Yan Kai again, and he also offered his extra warm-hearted heart to make Chen sushang upset. He wished he could be photographed to Manila.

Four hours later, the plane took off.

Yan Kai went with Chen Su Shang as expected, but he no longer spoke, but sat quietly behind him.

Chen Sushan has no desire to talk.

In Myanmar, they finally found the Taoist priest Changqing.

The Taoist priest has finished his work and is aware of the difference in the sky. He is thinking about how to go back to Hong Kong.

It's OK. Once there's something, it's a big deal.

The Taoist priest was burning with anxiety.

Chen sushang flew to find it. The Taoist priest was so happy.

"Ah Li, you are a good disciple of master!" He clapped Chen Su Shang hard on the shoulder. "Airplanes are good things. They are really good things!"

He also saw Yan Kai and gave him a hug: "why did you come, my former son-in-law?"

When he found Ali, he was only 17 years old. This year, he was only more than 30 years old. He was a father-in-law. He regarded Ali as his daughter-in-law, although his "father-in-law" looked very young.

Yan Kai was embarrassed by his name. He cleared his throat: "I'm afraid that Ali may have an accident alone."

"Don't call it Ali." Chen sushang immediately reminded him.

Yan Kai changed his words:

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"I forgot, Su Shang."

The Taoist priest didn't want to listen to their reminiscences.

He got on the plane, let's hurry back to Hong Kong.

Chen sushang looked at Yan Kai and said, "don't you say you want to see the situation in Myanmar? Do you want to go back or stay? "

"I'll go back." Yan Kai said, "it's an excuse to look at the situation. It's just to accompany you to find someone."

Chen sushang: "...

Yan Kai has a lot of girls in her family. She can still talk glibly, but she seldom does this to Chen sushang. Maybe he didn't take Chen sushang as her own person.

Now see her like this, simply broken pot broken.

Unexpectedly, such a few words, but played a very good effect, Chen sushang did not get angry, but also pressure smile, let him also on the plane.

Yan Kai's love history is not rich enough. When she was young, she had a sumanlo. Later, with the war, her first love ended.

He didn't know until today that all girls eat the "sweet talk" set, even if Chen sushang is such a serious girl.

Three people got on the plane.

The plane is still the previous route, first to Singapore, and then back to Hong Kong from Singapore.

Changqing Taoist priest and Chen sushang sat side by side, and he didn't avoid Yan Kai, but directly chatted with Chen sushang on the plane.

"... it's the first day of September, I know." "Once it has to be ordered, someone has set up some array, I'm afraid something will happen," said the Taoist priest

"Master, something has happened, or I will not come to you." Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai sat in the back row of the two of them and listened to them, feeling very complicated.

He has studied, though not very well. In the west, astrology, like the Chinese art, belongs to the mysterious type. He doesn't believe it.

Unexpectedly, Chen sushang and Taoist priest Changqing said that they had a nose and an eye, as if they really had that kind of thing.

Chen Su Shang told her master about the accident again: "I waited for a long time, and only passed a car in 20 minutes, and went to see me specially. The police said there would not have been a car accident for months. "

Yan Kai could not help interrupting: "maybe there is something wrong with the road. Sometimes the road is damaged, the car may be unstable in the past, plus it is a turn. "

Chen sushang: "that's not the case."

Yan Kai stopped interrupting.

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