Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1768 cooking skills of vegetable merchants

Chen Sushang picked up a lot of cosmetics, including perfume. She didn't rush to pay the bill with Yan Kai. She

talked about Chen Haoyue and Chen Yu to Yan Kai, one by one "wild seed", and regretted that she was not qualified.

But Yan Kai didn't care, which made her a little embarrassed. If Kai wants to pay the bill, Chen sushang thinks that he does not lack these small money, so he does not refute his face.

Later, Yan Kai paid for everything she bought. He is in a good mood. Chen

Su merchant reminded him of the perfume and said to him, "at that time, I thought you were very close to Chen Haoyue, and then she smells her perfume." Yan

kaiyileng. He asked subconsciously, "because of this, do you want a divorce?" Ask

after that, he realized that he wanted to slap himself. What stupid question did he ask?

Chen sushang said truthfully: "divorce is planned for a long time. You left me at the wedding and made me a joke in Singapore. Then I had no patience. Of course, later I suspected that you and that wild... That Chen Haoyue had mixed up, and I couldn't bear it for a day. "

Yan Kai smiled. He helped to hold things, and didn't want to ask any more questions.

He drove Chen sushang back to Yan's house. Xu

Qi Zhen was a little angry last time. She disappeared for two months. Her anger has gone. Seeing Chen sushang coming back, Xu Qizhen felt at ease. Chen

Su Shang put down his gift: "aunt, thank you for visiting my mother." Xu

Qi Zhen smiled: "yes. When we grow up together as children, we are the closest. " At that time, Xu Pei was also very good to Jin Shu. If he likes women, he will be the first one to like Jin Shu. If she had been her sister-in-law, she would never have come to this end.

Xu Qizhen is a little sad. As Jin Shu said, all the children of the Xu family are sensitive and think for others. "

.... last time they saw you, they came back to tell me. You live in the Banshan mansion in Hong Kong, which should be very safe, right Xu Qizhen asked her. Mr. Chen nodded: "it's very safe. There are servants at home. The situation in Hong Kong is very stable. I have a good time. " Xu asked her master again.

After chatting for a while, Xu Qizhen heard that Chen Su was living with Yan Kai. She was very happy. However,

and she asked Chen Su Shang to eat.

"I'll cook for you myself." "Tell me what you like to eat," said Xu Qizhen

"My mother used to eat sweet potato seedlings." Chen Su business road. One

Yan Kai, who was silent for a long time, immediately answered: "you have a good fortune. My mother's sweet potato seedling is unique. With her own sweet osmanthus sauce, you can't forget it once. " Chen asked: "Auntie, can you learn art secretly? I want to try it for my master. "

Xu Qizhen never grudges her cooking skills. Anyone who wants to learn can come to her. Yuzao used to love what she made and let her maid come to learn fishing songs for three months. Even if the maid comes to study, Xu Qizhen is devoted to teaching. "

OK. If you stay a few more days, I can teach you how to make roast duck. " Xu Qizhen said. Chen said: "Jinling roast duck?"

"Yes. After you leave Nanjing, you can't eat such authentic Jinling roast duck any more. It's better to make it yourself. The skin is red and the flesh is tender. It's Crispy but not burnt. It's hard to grasp. " Xu Qizhen said.

Chen Su Shang set up his horse and said, "then I will learn. I haven't had anything to do recently. I'll stay for a few more days. " Yan

Kay smiles beside her.

Chen sushang moved back to Yan's house from Yan Kai's side, and Yan Kai himself came back to live in his former yard. Yan

the girls at home are crazy. Chen Su Shang comes back again. They are so happy that they circle around her. Xu

Qi Zhen teaches Chen Su Shang how to make osmanthus jam, sweet potato seedling and roast duck. He is busy in the kitchen all day.

Yan Tong and Yan Bi are going to school, and Yan Qi is following them.

Xu Qizhen said of her three daughters: "if you are lazy, you will love to eat. No one is willing to do it. Yuzao is lazier and greedier, so let's learn from the fishing songs. " Yan

chuckles at chess. Chen

element quotient is very interested in yuzao. She met with Si yuzao, knew that she had a good relationship with Yan Kai, and liked her bright personality.

"Miss Si is cheerful and enthusiastic." Chen Su said, "I haven't seen her for a long time."

"She's busy. There's a lot going on in the hospital. She went to work only after she was a month old. She was so busy that she didn't touch the ground. " Xu Qizhen said, "chess is only one year younger than her. She used to have to learn piano, but now she is at home."

Yan Qi is nearby. Hearing this, he is still smiling and not ashamed. He stretches out his head to eat osmanthus sauce.

Chen sushang was surprised to see Xu Qizhen. When she was in Nanjing, she also lived in the aristocratic circle. She knew that the ladies of the big families could not work. She learned to eat, drink and play.

Unexpectedly, Miss Si of Nanyang army valve division had to go to work only after the first month. What's more, Xu Qizhen complained about her daughter's idleness at home when the Yan family was so rich. "

they value daughters as sons." Chen sushang suddenly thought.

Like men, we should have our own work and know how to make progress.

When she thought about it, she felt very hot and regretted that she had divorced Yan Kai so rashly.

If Singapore is such a country that does not restrict women's careers or even encourage them, she would rather stay in Singapore. She is too boring in Hong Kong. She was not reliable since she was a child. At that time, he took Chen Su Shang everywhere with him every day. He could not sit for a moment and was curious about everything. Why does Chen Su Shang think he has learned well after more than ten years? My father is not running all over the mountain now. He is running all over the world.

He also taught Chen Su business how to muddle through for more than 30 years.

"What's the matter?" Xu Qizhen asked her.

Chen Su Shang shook his head. "I think of my master."

Yan Qi helps stir osmanthus sauce and turns to ask Chen sushang, "your master is very young and handsome." "

Yes, those people in Hong Kong also say so, so he plays very well, doesn't touch home often, and there is always a place to take him in. Sometimes they play cards, sometimes they dance, they eat and drink, they play all day and all night. " Chen Su business road.

Yan Qi envied: "that's too much fun, isn't it?" Chen

Su Shang shook his head: "it's not fun, it's lonely after a long time." Xu

Qi Zhen looks up at her.

Chen soshang lived in Yan's house for five days and learned how to make sweet potato seedlings and roast duck.

Yan Lao and Yan Ziqing also saw her and praised her for her talent in cooking. "

an aunt teaches well." Chen sushang is very embarrassed.

"If you don't go back to Hong Kong, stay and learn how to cook from your aunt, she will be much better," said Yan

Chen sushang was silent at once.

Xu Qizhen said again, "you can come back every three to five."

Chen sushang said: "I'll see if I have time." Yan

Kai doesn't speak. He did not agree or disagree with the matter of whether Chen Su Shang would come back.

Later, she went to Malacca with the Yan's children for two days.

Gu and Bai are in Malacca. When they go, they live in Gu's house.

Gu Zhen is very gentle and shy, but he works carefully and takes care of them.

On the third day of September, master called Yan Kai's home and said that it was over. He asked her to go back to Hong Kong. Chen

Su Shang hung up and was reluctant to give up.

After her second brother died, she had not been so happy for a long time.

After a flash of such emotion, she still promised her master, "I will go back tomorrow."

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