Taoist priest Changqing took over the jade plate. He looked at it carefully and gave it back to Yan Kai: "I don't know what it is." Chen Su Shang next to her seemed to want to interfere. Then her master stepped on her foot under the table and almost broke her toe. She was silent and speechless. Yan saw Kay's spare light and thought it was hard to say, so he asked tentatively, "can my aunt take this jade pendant with her?"

"Yes, jade is for people." The Taoist priest said.

"My aunt also said that she would wear it to my cousin. My cousin is not old. Can he bear the jade?" Yan Kai asked again.

"Jade is jade. Anyone can wear it. The more you raise it, the better. It's too wasteful to hide. It should be worn. " Yan

Kai is clear in his mind. Long

Taoist priest Qing is sociable. If he offends others, he will not say or do anything harmful to others.

Therefore, this jade pendant has some secrets, but it does no harm to itself. "

this is probably what my aunt wants to know, isn't it?" Yan Kai thought.

He got the result and was ready to go back to Singapore. Before returning home, he needs to go shopping and buy the gifts that his family wants. Otherwise, those sisters will fight endlessly.

Yan Kai asked Chen sushang, "do you want to go shopping?" Chen said: "yes." She accompanied Yan Kai to the department store and went everywhere to buy anything new. After the war, Hong Kong recovered even faster than Singapore. There were no signs of gunfire, and the streets were bustling.

They also passed by the dock, just in time to see a British navy fleet docked, and the navies got off the ship, crowding the dock to the brim. "Their uniforms are very beautiful," he said Yan

Kay also saw it.

"Yes, it's beautiful." He said.

They strolled around and didn't return to the hotel until the evening. Yan

Kai had a word to say to Chen sushang, but he was afraid it was not suitable, so he hesitated not to speak. Before leaving, he asked Chen: "what do you want to say? You can tell me what you want. "

Yan Kaiqing cleared his throat: "Su Shang, you are a very good girl..."

"don't lay the groundwork, just say it." Chen Su Shang interrupted him with a smile.

Yan Kai was ruthless and decided to speak out: "if there are good men pursuing you, you should accept it. Love is beautiful, just like eating honey. It's good to have a few relationships. Our marriage is an expedient. I hope it will not be your bondage. "

He could see that her love history was single. His poor sweet words can make her happy. Yan Kai is very sorry.

Chen sushang is not his favorite type. He admits that Chen sushang is not ugly, and his facial features are hard to see. But everyone has his own aesthetic preference, which is engraved in the bone. Kai likes girls with long hair and big eyes. Chen sushang is not his favorite type.

No matter how much he loves Chen Su Shang, he can't love her.

Last time in the car, Chen Su Shang's master said that ye Xueyao wanted to pursue Chen Su Shang. Yan Kai thought it was good. Chen Su Shang seemed unhappy at that time. Kay is afraid that she will fall in love with herself. He always felt pity for her and was afraid of her. He hoped that she would not throw herself into hopeless feelings. "

... I see." Chen sushang was silent for a few seconds, then slowly said, "I understand what you mean. Thank you for your kindness."

Yan Kai sighed and smiled: "to be honest, you can feel my kindness, not misinterpret my meaning to get angry. I'm very happy. I want to thank you, too, for understanding. "

Chen Su Shang smiled.

She looked up at Yan Kai.

She didn't know what it was like.

As Yan Kai said, she is so big that she has never loved a boy or been loved. She is ignorant of love.

She suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Yan Kai on her face: "good night."

Her lips were soft and landed on his right cheek. Back to

when they came, they both drank orange soda, so when she came closer, the sweet smell of orange in her mouth was smelled by Yan Kai. The breath is sweet, fragrant and warm. Yan

Kai's heart lake suddenly moved, as if a stone had fallen into the heart of the lake. All of a sudden, I don't know if it's because of the kiss or because of the sweet smell of orange. After su Shang kissed him, he took two steps back, smiled and waved: "I don't know what year and month to see you next time. You go back and be careful." Say

and she turns away. Until her figure disappeared at the end of the corridor, Yan Kai slowly closed the door of the room and was stunned. He said that Chen sushang had no love, and he himself had only sumalo? When he fell in love with sumanlo, they were both young and he never kissed her. Because she is not very good at serving for both Si yuzao and Yan Qi, Yan Kai has a cognition since she was a child: be careful with girls, or it will be very troublesome. Not

is fear, but trouble.

So, at that time, he asked Su manluo, "can I kiss you?"

Su manluo ran away with a red face. He ignored him for several days. He thought that she was also upset. He thought that the girls were really not easy to kill. It was only later that he realized that girls were shy. Yan

Kay could not help but reach out and touch his face. On the morning of the next day, he flew back to Singapore, still thinking about Chen sushang.

When he arrived in Singapore, his confused thoughts stopped. He took the jade plate and went to his aunt to make things clear to her. "

... I doubt there is any taboo. Su Shang's master is a very powerful magician. He is really very powerful. He repaired the fengshui of that road. " Yan Kai said, "Uncle Huo also praises his ability. Su has a compass which her master gave her. When she was near the jade pendant, the compass was ringing, but her master took it away.

I thought about it later, afraid it was something of different schools. Su Shang's father loves to eat, drink and have fun. He is not willing to provoke innocent disasters, so he refuses to break the rules of others. But he said that this jade pendant has only advantages and no disadvantages. "

Gu Qingzhou looks down at his jade plate.

It was worn by Mrs. Hirano at that time, and later it was given to her. It has been nearly 20 years since

. In the past 20 years, Gu Qingzhou has met an antique expert, so he has to show it to others. No one can see the clue.

Recently, a new antiques expert came to Hong Kong from Peiping during the war in China. His family used to do jade business. There are so many ancient jades. No, this jade pendant was taken by the man. He only said it was from the Kangxi period. He said it was also valuable, but not so precious. Even though I thought about the boat, it may be just a thought, which is meaningless.

Until Yan Kai said that the magician's compass had changed under the influence of the jade pendant... She took it up again and said, "is there any other way?" "I think so," Kay nodded He finished talking with Gu Qingzhou and turned to his uncle's manager.

He expected to say something, but it's not very interesting. "What do you want to say?" he asked with a smile? If you don't say it again, there's no chance. "

Yan Kai was very sorry: "uncle, can you give me a navy uniform? What about the British... ""

what girl is crazy about the Navy? " The Secretary asked. "

.... I'm crazy about myself." Yan Kai is a little guilty.

He thought of the last time Chen Su Shang said that the military uniform was good-looking, and he wanted to show it to her.

He is confident in his figure.

Yan Kai is a tall man with long legs and wide shoulders. He had seen his cousin and uncle in uniform. Yan Kai felt that he would not be much worse than them.

"Fart, to tell the truth!" Si Xingfu road. Yan

Kai: "..."

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