Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1773: watching is not afraid of big things

In September in Hong Kong, the weather is not particularly good. It rains occasionally. When it's rainy, it's hard to walk on the mountain road, so Chen sushang doesn't want to go out. She misses Nanjing very much. At this time of the past year, it's time to eat ducks in Nanjing. Chen's cook can make all kinds of ducks.

Besides roast duck, duck soup is also a test of cooking.

Mrs. Chen likes to drink duck soup. Other aunts and aunts of the Chen family also know that the cooks of the Chen family are good at cooking. They always run to Mrs. Chen in the cool autumn.

At that time, it was a really busy day.

As soon as Chen sushang thought of it, her heart ached. She missed her mother very much. Her master is still full of mischief. Chen sushang learned by chance that her master was not only mixing with women, but also going through the flood and drought. This kind of thing is not new in the prosperous cities of all ages. What's more, Hong Kong after the war?

After the war, everyone was celebrating the rest of their lives. They lived through life and death. The rest of the time must be done what they didn't dare to do before.

The more prosperous, the more absurd. Chen would never go out with him again. Teachers can play upside down for up to five days, and then go home for a few days.

This time, on the evening of the sixth day, master came back.

Knowing that he would not go out for the next few days, Chen Su Shang called him up the next morning. "

I made osmanthus jam by myself and spread it on the bread. Try it. This is what Mrs. Yan taught me. " Chen Su business road.

When master got up, he first relied on the head of the bed to smoke. The silk robe was loose and almost showed his belly. It may be that when he picked up Chen sushang, the other side was a three or four-year-old baby, which led to the Taoist priest Changqing regarding her as his daughter all the time.

He had no scruples in front of his own children. Chen

Su Shang looked at him and said, "master, your body is very strong." The father is very proud: "that is. Do you think money alone can make so many people willing to play with me? I have real ability... ""

shut up, I don't want to know! " Chen Su set up a horse road. Long

the Taoist priest was puzzled: "didn't you ask yourself?"

Chen sushang: "... She tugged at her master's robe, buttoned it up, turned around and said:" I'm going down the mountain to go to the vegetable market and pick some ducks myself. Don't go out these days. I'll make roast duck and duck soup for you.

I make duck soup as usual, but Mrs. Yan taught me the roast duck. She said that I could be a teacher. You must try it. It's the orthodox Jinling roast duck. " "

OK." The Taoist priest agreed to spread osmanthus sauce on the bread. In this way, he eats happily with one mouthful of smoke and one mouthful of bread. Chen called out the driver and went down the mountain.

She didn't leave until the Taoist priest called Ye's uncle and nephew. "

... Eat ducks. A Li can make very orthodox Jinling roast duck, which was specially instructed by the master. " The Taoist priest said. Ye

like Chen sushang, his uncle and nephew are all idle at home and occasionally go out.

They are tasked and can't be in charge of the place like Taoist priest, so they are bored.

The Taoist priest invited them to have fun and have delicious food. How could they not come?

"OK, here we are." Ye Wei said on the phone.

He put down the phone and told his niece and nephew about it. "Did the Taoist priest go home?" asked Ye


Ye Xuezhu's face is a little hot. She turned away in a hurry and refused to let her six uncles and her brother see her difference, but they had all seen it. Leaf is a bit of a mess.

It's just that they don't have much contact with the world. The Ye family's brothers and sisters, as if they had never met the world, have taken a fancy to their master and apprentice. To be

said, the Taoist priest is a personage, fashionable and beautiful. It is not surprising that he is adored. But everyone knows that admiring him can only be a romantic scene. The Taoist priest neither settles down nor marries.

Others can't talk about him, because he is the Taoist priest. He has neither Tao view nor clear cultivation, but he has Tao code and has a good skill.

Ye Xuezhu is not that kind of social flower. Where can she play with Taoist? Ye had no choice but to persuade and worry about breaking the window paper.

He sighed in silence.

Ye Xueyao looked at his six uncles and said, "six uncles?" Leaf

only to look back and shake his head: "nothing."

Chen Su Shang came back from the vegetable market at the foot of the mountain and found her uncle and nephew sitting in the living room. She greeted them with a smile.

She doesn't mind Ye's uncle and nephew coming to have dinner, because when eating, people are more lively and interesting. Otherwise, it would be cold for her and Shifu to have a delicious meal.

"... I not only bought roast duck, but also three geese. When I was in Nanjing, my family used to make stewed geese. The stew of the cook lasted 13 years. Later, I went to the capital. I couldn't take my belongings with me. I left them behind. " Chen Su business road.

The Taoist priest will see Chen Su Shang every three years, and he has also lived in the Chen family.

He knows Chen's cooking skills. "

well, you may live in Hong Kong all your life." "You make another pot of brine," said the Taoist priest

He turned his head and said to yewei's uncle and nephew, "the older the brine, the more fragrant it is. The better the taste depends on the years." "

the Taoist priest is a thinker." Ye Xuezhu said with a smile. She has made a lot of friends and learned a lot of fashionable words. Tao

Chang will accept all compliments according to the form, regardless of whether they are good or bad, so he laughs: "it's interesting for Xuezhu to talk."

Ye Xuezhu's face turned slightly red. Ye

but in his eyes, he sighed again and felt a little helpless for his niece.

When it comes to eating, the Taoist priest will boast that there is no food in the world that he does not know.

He made friends with both dignitaries and peddlers. He knew all the news and knew everything.

In the eyes of such a girl as ye Xuezhu, Tao grows up to be more charming than any expensive young man! But

Ye Xueyao stood up silently and went to the direction of the kitchen.

Ye Wei wanted to shout at him, but he could not interrupt the Taoist. He was facing Ye Xuezhu. He said that the French food in Hong Kong was good and bad. He almost invited him to go on a date.

Ye Wei interrupted in time and asked the leader, "Taoist, I have a question about Su Shang." Long

green, sit still, also correct the posture: "what's the matter with the element quotient?"

"What happened to her ex husband last time?" Ye Wei asked.

The Taoist priest said: "Oh, this is my ex husband. Actually it's not appropriate. I only know it recently. She divorced people, but their grandfather wrote a divorce letter, and the family agreed to divorce them. Her husband's family is quite influential in Nanyang, and Su Shang filed for divorce in the second month of her new marriage. Her husband's family can't make a big deal, or she will be disgraced, so she hasn't gone to the government for formalities. "

He said it lightly, and ye Wei and ye Xuezhu all looked at him in astonishment. He has only one meaning: Chen sushang has not really divorced!

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