Young General's Escaping Wife

1774. She's good-looking

Chen sushang is not very familiar with the kitchen.

Mrs. Chen is a famous lady. The education she received from her childhood is that women should be able to cook and have one or two good dishes that can be sold. However, she can't be in the kitchen every day and get greasy dirt all over herself.

Chen Su Shang can also cook several dishes.

Cooking is like needlework for the women of large families. To be able to do it is a kind of Deyan plastic work, but it doesn't need to survive.

She went to choose ducks and geese. In fact, they were all the ideas she had brought to the cook. She was only familiar with them.

The cook knows what a fat duck looks like.

When we arrived in the kitchen, the cook also cooked water to kill ducks. Chen sushang was beside us, chatting with the cook.

When ye Xueyao came in, Chen sushang was a little surprised.

"I'll take off the duck hair later. It doesn't smell good. Let's go out and talk." Chen Su business road.

They were standing under the eaves of the kitchen.

It's cool in the middle of the mountain when there's a little wind.

Chen sushang asked ye Xueyao, "what's the matter? Are you busy?"

Ye Xueyao shook his head: "it's OK."

"What do you want to eat or not?" Chen sushang asked again.

It's not easy to talk to ye Xueyao. You should make clear what you think of. When a person talks hard, he is not willing to talk more.

Ye Xueyao shook his head again.

Chen sushang could not guess what he was doing in the kitchen: "what are you doing here?"

"Look at you." Ye Xueyao said.

Chen sushang: "...

she suddenly remembered her master's words. Some time ago, master told her that ye Xueyao had taken a fancy to her and let her play with ye Xueyao to pass the boring time.

As soon as Chen sushang thought of those words and heard him say "look at you", he suddenly felt uneasy.

"The kitchen is very busy. It's full of lampblack later." Chen Su Shang straightened his mind and tried his best to keep his emotions under pressure, so as not to let himself show half of the abnormalities. "You go to the living room first."

Ye Xueyao shook his head again.

Chen Su Shang didn't know what to do. Ye Xueyao's six uncles and sister came.

Why has the kitchen become a hot cake?

Chen sushang had the heart to blow them all away, but he was Stoic.

Fortunately, ye Wei came here to call ye Xueyao.

Their uncle and nephew three went to the backyard of Chen's house, and under the pretext of seeing the scenery in the distance, three people muttered.

The meaning of Ye Wei is obvious.

Since Chen sushang has not really divorced, she can't be involved in her marriage with Yan Kai, otherwise ye Xueyao will be embarrassed.

"... brother, you need to find another one." Ye Xuezhu said, "Su Shang is a man with a big temper and a good idea. If she doesn't like you, you can't run into her and die. "

Ye Weize said: "Xueyao, you are the eldest grandson of the long house. You may be the head of the family in the future. The Yan family is not nobody. Let's not offend such a family. "

Ye Xueyao listened for a long time, but his face did not change.

He listened in silence.

Ye Wei and ye Xuezhu are still persuading him.

When he broke his mouth, ye could not bear it: "what do you mean? We said so much, did you hear that? "

"No." Ye Xueyao is concise and comprehensive.

Ye Wei: "...

it's rare for ye Xuezhu to see her six uncles fail so badly. She can't bear to witness it and turns away slightly.

Ye Xueyao tilts his six uncles and his younger sister upside down, but he still doesn't know how to stop. He continues, "I want her."

You want her!

He is determined.

Ye Xuezhu didn't know what it was like. She always felt that her brother was alienated from people and things. There was no right or wrong except Chen sushang.

"Big brother, what do you like about her?" Asked Ye Xuezhu.

Ye Xueyao's answer is very simple: "she looks good."

Ye Xuezhu: "...

it's really an irrefutable reason.

Chen sushang watched them go out and didn't know what they were talking about.

Xu Qizhen sent her a spice. She put it in her room and turned to get it.

Her master was in the living room, but she stretched her neck. She seemed to want to see the expressions of several people in the Ye family in the backyard.

Chen sushang felt that her master's expression was very familiar - it was a kind of excitement to catch up.

Master has to catch up with all the excitement. Otherwise, he has been fooling around for decades, which is too boring.

"What are you looking at?" Asked Chen sushang.

Changqing Taoist priest told Chen sushang what he said.

Chen sushang was reluctant to admit that he had not really divorced, so he frowned: "why do you say that to others?"

"Test your feelings and see what ye can do." Said the Taoist priest Changqing.

Chen sushang is even more speechless.

If he is not her master, she really wants to hit people.

Is there such a pit against the master of his apprentice? It's better for you to hang out than to have fun at home.

"Master, there will be no result for me and ye family. I don't like him." "Even if I get divorced, I won't follow him," Chen said truthfully

Changqing Taoist priest took a sip of coffee in front of him and said with a smile: "like it or not, what's the matter? Your master and I have so many company. If I like them all, can I like them? Play, fun is the first thing. "

Chen Su Shang sighed: "master, you don't want to get married or live a good life in some place, but I think. I want to be a family in the future, have my own husband and children, and grow old in one place.

If I'm in love now, and I've lost all my luck, what can I do if I can't find someone who is in love with each other in the future? I want to have a good life. "

Her words are sincere, but it's a pity to talk to the cow about the piano.

When her Master heard her words, he turned away and commented, "stupid!"

Chen sushang: "...

she used to be very young. She followed her master all day long. She didn't have her own thoughts and didn't feel anything wrong with her master. Now, she suddenly realized that she and her father's wishes were different. Maybe it's time to go their separate ways.

If she goes on like this, she will either assimilate with him or hate him.

He is the only family member of Su Shang now. Chen Su Shang neither wants to learn from him nor hate him.

At the beginning, the Taoist temple suffered a mishap. Hundreds of people died. Master's life has changed a lot, which may be the reason why he is enjoying himself in time.

When Chen sushang was young, her impression of her great master, other martial uncles and uncles would be blurred, but I remember that everyone loved her very much.

Master lost everything overnight.

When Chen sushang thought of this, he thought that it was reasonable for him to be absurd now. After all, not everyone can bear the pain of family destruction.

Everyone's way of arrangement is different.

She wanted to say something more. Her master interrupted her excitedly: "they are back."

He saw the expressions of Ye Wei and ye Xuezhu from the back window, and saw that they were dejected, but ye Xueyao's expression remained the same, so he said to Chen Su, "they have broken down. Ye family's kid is determined to pursue you."

Chen Su said, "I don't like it. If I don't like it, it's pestering. It's annoying. "

The Taoist priest of Changqing is still observing the third uncle and nephew of Ye's family. He is absent-minded and says: "dead brain!"

Chen sushang: "...

wants to betray and escape from the school again.

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