Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1778 the way to keep Huo Yue alive

Chen sushang said he wanted to learn the charm, and as expected, he began to learn the charm. She had the best cinnabar in her master's box.

Master asked her to learn to regulate her breathing first.

When drawing a charm, one stroke cannot be wrong, one stroke cannot be broken, and one stroke must be continuous to the end. But only those who have painted know that useful spells will affect the surrounding aura and change the Yin and Yang Qi around a person.

As soon as the gas field changes, people themselves may not be able to bear it, and the strokes may be deformed or simply disconnected. This

is why Chen Su Shang has drawn hundreds of pictures before, and only one or two of them can barely be used. She studies hard.

She also went to Ye's house and talked a lot with Ye Wei about yuan Xueyao telling her the secret. Ye was shocked. "

don't worry too much. My master has known for a long time. Didn't he say anything? Don't worry, our teachers and apprentices are still very measured. " Chen Su business road. After that, she told ye Wei what her master had said. Ye's wife is Yuan's daughter. Yuan's family is a large family of warlocks, but because of its proximity to the Miao village, he later intermarried with Miao girls. Miao's family is a woman's inheritance of witchcraft, and Miao's women are not simple. After the marriage of the yuan family and the Miao girls, many excellent offspring came out. The children were born with demagogues and learned more magic than men.

Just like yuan Xueling, yuan Xueyao's younger sister, is the best of Yuan's generation. She is likely to replace yuan Xueyao as the eldest grandson of the long house and become the next head of the family.

Ye Wei's wife, who is also the offspring of Miao girl, is skilled in magic and can raise Gu. Unfortunately, she died early. Only when he came to Yuan's house, he was able to be a man and was highly valued by his father-in-law. He also learned some skills. He was a little better than Chen sushang, but he could not compare with yuan Xueyao and them. He seems to be an elder of the yuan family. The old man didn't even let the younger generation call him uncle Liu, but uncle Liu. On this

visit to Hong Kong, the yuan family entrusted heavy responsibilities to the two brothers and sisters, yuan Xueyao and Yuan Xuezhu. At the same time, they were worried that the two children were not worldly and suffered losses in the prosperous Hong Kong.

Although Ye Wei doesn't know much, he is very transparent. Yuan's family gave them a lot of gold bars. As soon as he arrived in Hong Kong, he bought luxury houses in a high-profile way, deliberately sold them in the grottoes, met many people and laid a foundation. As a result, he got to know the Taoist priest Changqing. Until now, he had not found out the details of the Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest looked at the three of them. "

uncle Liu, my master said that you should be kind to others when you go out." Chen Su Shang smiled and said, "don't worry, I won't say anything. What are you going to do? That's also your business. It's none of my business. So you don't want me to teach Xueyao English? " Uncle silently lit a cigarette.

As the smoke rose, his eyes were hidden behind the smoke, so that people could not see clearly. He was silent for a moment: "Su Shang, Xue Yao told you his identity, so I don't need to hide it for him. Xueyao worked hard since he was a child, so he hardly contacted with the outside world. Otherwise, he would not even speak badly.

For the first time, he liked girls, and he was sincere to you. If you have no idea, please don't hurt him. "

Chen Su said: "love is like this, we need to know each other. Only when I know him can I be sure whether to accept him or not. I also told Xueyao that.

Uncle Liu, I can't guarantee anything now, but Xueyao hopes I can give him a chance to get familiar with each other. If you don't think so, I can leave Hong Kong. " Ye stands up. "No, no, I don't mean that," he said. I understand what you said. I'm abrupt. "

Speaking of this, he paused and continued, "Xueyao's English is still to trouble you. It's good that you know each other as you teach. " Chen nodded. She had a chat with Ye Wei for a while, and Yuan Xueyao came back in a sweat.

Yuan Xueyao used to be in Xiangxi. Every day, he hid in his house and was isolated from the world. When he got up early, he saw a man trotting along the mountain road. Once he happened to meet him head-on, he smiled at him.

The other side stops.

Yuan Xueyao looked at him and thought he was in his early forties. But he looked at his face and deduced his age. He must be over fifty.

"Little brother, you look very pale. Do you often stay in the house?" The man smiled, "exercise more. You don't know how to suffer when you are young, but you will suffer a lot when you are old and weak. "

Yuan Xueyao. Fang introduced himself to

Fang: "my name is Huo, Huo Yue. Front is my home, are you Mr. Ye's nephew? Go to my house for tea with your uncle when you are free. "

After that, he ran away again.

Yuan Xueyao, seeing that he was so old, still had a strong and straight waist, extremely flexible legs and feet, and full of Zhongqi, felt that it was really good to run along the mountain road.

So he also began to learn from Huo Yue.

After he gets up every day, he runs for two hours before coming back. At first he didn't get used to it. A few days later, he accepted such a long trot. He is very young in the end, and he has learned skills all the year round. His body is stronger than that of ordinary people.

He didn't expect Chen Su to come to his house. "

prime quotient." He said hello to her and lifted his sleeve to wipe his sweat.

Chen Su Shang replied with a smile: "I came to discuss with uncle Liu how to arrange the next English teaching. Do you still want to learn? " "

want to." Said yuan Xueyao.

Chen Su said, "how about after dinner? Four times a week, two hours a time. "

Yuan Xueyao calculated that it used to be six hours a day.

He frowned a little and was not satisfied with it. He also wants to have more contact with Chen.

"I want to learn to draw spells during the day," Chen explained Yuan

Xue Yao said, "I can teach you." "

me, Ke, Yi, Jiao, you." Chen sushang repeated his words, "you speak slowly, word by word, such a simple sentence, there is no need to knock." Yuan

Xue Yao did parrot and repeat it. After he finished reading, Chen sushang said: "the art should pay attention to schools, and the art of your yuan family will not be passed on to outsiders. I may not be a member of your yuan family, so I will learn from my master. " Yuan

Xue Yaoding looks at her. He was sweating, his cheeks were red, his eyes were extremely hot.

Chen sushang was a little embarrassed by him and asked him, "do you accept my arrangement?" Yuan

Xueyao felt that she was not here to discuss, but to inform.

"Good." He said. Chen

when Su Shang left the Ye family, he thought that yuan Xueyao's character was actually very good, very easygoing, not rigid, even obedient to her.

She walked back slowly, just in time to meet a car.

Chen sushang and the car went by mistake, she didn't see much. The people in the car seem to look at her.

Chen Su Shang's Yu Guang glimpses a long hair and a slightly delicate side face. She should be a very beautiful girl.

There are many neighbors around. She only knows the people of the Huo family and the Ye family. The others are not familiar with each other, so she is only a stranger who is curious. She goes to her own home. But

the car went straight up the slope to Huo Yue's house.

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