Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1779 prominence

A car stopped at the door of Hofu.

The woman with long hair slowly got off the car and looked up at the courtyard.

Huo's family has a very tall iron gate. There are two attendants standing at the gate. They should have guns with bulging waists.

On the big iron gate, there are vines, which are also lush in the weather at the end of September.

The cold guard and dense plants seem to be the combination of two ways of life.

The car was rented. When the driver got the money, he took the woman's trunk down.

The woman is carrying her handbag, wearing a long yellow skirt and high-heeled shoes, quietly looking at the door of the Huo family.

The entourage noticed and was alert immediately.

"Who can I ask?" The follower's hand reached into his pocket. The bottom of the pocket is punched through, and through the pocket I feel the matching gun at my waist.

The woman smiled gently: "my name is su. I'm looking for chairman he. This is the Secretary's letter. "

She delivered a letter.

The entourage took over, still very vigilant: "the young lady waits a moment."

The woman nodded.

The entourage sent the letter to He Wei, because the woman said "chairman he" was his wife.

After the war, a new financial association was set up in Hong Kong to cope with the economic recovery. This financial association has hired a highly respected financial personage from Hong Kong as its chairman.

Finally, He Wei was elected chairman with the highest number of votes.

She didn't expect it.

In the past few years, He Wei, with the help of Mr. Leighton and Mr. Huo Yue, has gradually established his reputation in the financial circle of Hong Kong.

In recent years, she would like to focus on her family, running, swimming and playing with Huo Yue.

Her daughter is already 14 years old. She may go to study in England in a few years. If she doesn't accompany her much, she will come back from her studies and get married directly in the future. Her mother will never have a chance.

But who can know that the war happened later, and after the war, a mainstay is needed to support the situation?

He Weiyi doesn't allow words, but he is always troubled.

Fortunately, Huo Yue doesn't mind, even encourages her to pursue her social status. At the same time, he has a lot of leisure and is always with his children.

The three children in his family are a bit like him, all of them are gentle.

In his own home, no one would call He Wei "chairman". Suddenly, He Wei was surprised to hear that a young and beautiful lady came from his entourage.

She opened the oracle and it was written by her sister Gu Qingzhou.

He Wei and Gu Qingzhou often communicate with each other. Even if they can make a long-distance call directly to Singapore later, they will occasionally contact in writing.

Gu Qingzhou's words are no more familiar to He Wei.

She wrote a message to He Wei, in which she said that Su Peng's daughter, Su manluo, had studied economy for more than a year and wanted to find a job in Hong Kong.

Su Peng asked Si Xingfu.

At that time, he was drinking with his subordinates, so he readily agreed.

He later told Gu Qingzhou about it and asked Gu to help him deal with it. Si Xingfu has always attached great importance to Su Peng, although he temporarily lent Su Peng to Yan Kai.

But Su Peng is extremely painful to this daughter.

At the beginning, Su Peng eloped with his aunt. Later, the child born by her aunt died.

This is Su Peng's second child.

His wife was older than him. During the war, he found out that she was seriously ill. However, she was extremely short of medical supplies and inconvenient in transportation, so Mrs. Su died of illness.

Su Peng and his wife have a good relationship. After Mrs. Su's death, Su Peng and Su manluo's father and daughter are dependent on each other, which makes them even more distressed.

Sumalo has no experience, but he has his own ideas. She didn't want to stay in Singapore. She didn't say the specific reason. She just wanted to come to Hong Kong for development.

Su Peng doesn't have much heart, but he won't stop his daughter's choice. Su Peng is going to Manila recently, and he's not in Singapore.

“…… It turned out to be her. " He Wei read the text message and remembered that Yan Kai and his brother and sister lived in the house last time.

Yan Qi is very fond of being close to the elderly. It may be because of the influence of her mother Xu Qizhen. She is very sticky.

Because they met Chen Sushang, Yan Qi talked about all kinds of things about Yan Kai, Chen Sushang and Su Manluo.

Yan Qi also said at that time: "if my brother was not close to escaping from marriage, Su Shang would not have to divorce. Alas, it's a pity that we all like Su Shang. "

Then she said the reason why her brother almost escaped from marriage.

He Wei thought about this, but he still stood up and took Su manluo as the person recommended by Gu Qingzhou and went out to meet her.

He Wei's eyes brightened when he saw sumanlo.

Su manluo is a very beautiful girl, tall, big eyes, long hair, graceful figure, delicate features, the first eye is very eye-catching.

"Hello, chairman he." Su manluo said hello to her in a sweet voice.

He smiled and said: "Miss Su, I'm not used to the title of chairman at home. Like them, you can call me aunt

Su manluo is very clever, immediately affectionately called "aunt."

The entourage picked up Su manluo's box and went up with He Wei.

In fact, the mansions in the middle of Hong Kong Island also have different levels.

There is no doubt that the Huo family is the mansion of the mansion.

A three story building.

On the first floor, the furnishings are all elegant and simple. The living room furnishings are all Chinese style, all kinds of antique vases.

The stairs are winding up, and there are famous paintings hanging at the corner. They are all authentic works.

The first floor is Chinese, but the second floor is western.

The second floor is mainly in cream color. The sofa, tea table, bed and cabinet are all Western-style.

Even the hanging paintings are Western-style.

He Wei leads Su manluo into a guest room on the second floor.

Rooms are also white.

There are two light colored oil paintings on the snow-white wall. The room is very large, with a bed and a sofa. On the leather sofa, fluttered the plain white lace lace cover, the same color curtain and the bedspread.

In these plain colors, there is only a light green cabinet, embellished with these plain.

"Mrs. Huo has a good taste." Su manluo cannot help but admire in the heart.

The guest room also has a small balcony.

From the balcony, you can see the whole island in the distance. Nearby, it's Huo's wide backyard, with a tennis court and a swimming pool.

Only huoyue can build a swimming pool in the middle of the mountain.

It's not that the pool is expensive, but the land occupied by the pool is very expensive.

Su manluo thought: "Yan's family is not so luxurious."

The Yan family has always been an old house with simple and generous furnishings.

Of course, it's not comparable with the Si family. After all, it's on the middle of the mountain and can't be compared with the courtyard like the Si family.

"Miss Su, you stay first. I'll arrange the work." He smiled and said, "are you tired of running all the way? Take a rest and come down for dinner later. "

"Thank you, aunt." Said sumalo.

"You're welcome." He smiled.

She turned to go downstairs and told the kitchen to prepare lunch. Then she asked the servant, "is the master still running?"

"Yes." Servant road.

He Wei no longer said anything, turned to his study, called her secretary and asked her which bank had a vacancy recently.

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