Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1780 pampering

He Wei sat in his study and thought of the past. At that time, in order to strive for the work of the bank, she worked hard in front of her teachers and tried her best to make up for it.

She got a job at Leighton bank.

When she arrived in Hong Kong, she rented a house by herself and arranged her own life and work in perfect order. She can have today's achievements. Her head office in the UK and her husband have helped her a lot, but it is also related to her own efforts. She worked so hard that she could stand on her feet. When she was a little younger, she studied and tutored at the same time, subsidizing her family, so she hated people who got nothing for nothing. Miss Su went to Hong Kong by herself and didn't make any plans. She went straight to the Huo's house and waited for He Wei to arrange her work and life. He

Wei didn't have a good first impression of her.

Of course, it may also be that Miss Su is too beautiful. Too beautiful women, same-sex people are not very good.

He Wei is now more than 40 people. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she can't escape the years.

Young and beautiful women, they have a light body, plump and full skin, which can not be compared with middle-aged women. He is not worried about her husband. When he was young, he had seen everything and experienced everything. Now for him, family, He Wei and children are all he has.

No beauty will touch his heart.

Women's jealousy is unreasonable, not because of anything, sometimes it is very simple jealousy. She was thinking about something, and her little son's voice came out: "Abba!"

He Wei comes out of the study.

She and Huo Yue have a study alone. They usually don't disturb each other. Huo

Yue was sweating all over his head and said to He Wei, "I'll take a shower, go swimming later, and have lunch later." He

said with a smile: "I can't today. There are guests at home."

"Is it?"

He Wei tells Huo Yue about sumanlo.

As soon as Huo Yue heard of Gu's introduction, he said, "you can't be careless in arranging and entrusting the boat." "

I know." He smiled. He and his wife are talking. Huo Yue's youngest son has been circling around his father's legs, trying to climb on his father's back.

Huo Yue holds his son by the back hand, afraid that he will fall down, and bends a little.

It's time for sumanlo to go downstairs. Huo

Yue raised his eyes to see her and smiled politely: "this is Miss Su?" "

Yes." He Wei Dao.

Su manluo is stunned. He doesn't know what to call Huo Yue. Because Huo Yue is in excellent condition and just came back from running, he looks younger than Su manluo's father.

She has already called He Wei "aunt". It's not good to call huoyue uncle again. But it's not appropriate to call him uncle. Maybe people don't like her to call her so old.

So she made her own decision: "how do you do, uncle?"

Huo Yue nodded and smiled apologetically: "I just came back from running, sweating all over. Miss Su, please. Excuse me first. " He picked up his son on the back hand, held him over his head, and then went up to the third floor with the child on his head. His family live on the third floor.

The first floor is the living room, reception room and study; the second floor is all made of guest rooms; the third floor is high and far-reaching, with fresh air, which Huo Yue likes very much. He went up until he had lunch and went downstairs with a long suit of clothes and shoes. He took off his sportswear and put on his long gown, which changed his temperament greatly. Now he should be called uncle. "

... How about the first lady and the second young master?" Su manluo is asking him Wei. She knows that the Huos have three children.

"They both went to school." He smiled.

At lunchtime, Huo's driver didn't pick up the young lady and the young master for dinner.

Su man Luo asks: "do not wait for big miss and second young master?" "

they have lunch at school." He smiled. Su

Monroe said, "in the past, when we were studying, we all went home for lunch."

He Wei and Huo Yue both laughed. After two days, He Wei's secretary helped Su manluo find a position, which was also a job in the bank. After su

manlo went to see it, he came back to prevaricate and said to He Wei, "Auntie, it's a little far away. It's a two-hour drive back. Moreover, the bank's position is biased. "

She has called Huo Yue "Uncle" and has to change her mind to He Wei. He

micro has been in the financial circle for years. She is not the girl of that year.

As soon as she heard this, she knew that Su manluo was going to take charge of this place. I'm not going to work as a senior lady. Besides, the guest is the guest and can't stay long.

He Wei makes things clear and clear. He Wei will never tolerate any unreasonable demands.

She immediately smiled: "it's OK to rent an apartment near the bank. It's the same. This is a British bank, with better opportunities in the future. "

Sumalo was afraid to speak. He

Wei talked with her about her career prospects and how difficult it is for a young person like her to enter such a bank without working experience. She is used to being a boss. She can speak for two hours without repetition. Su

Marlowe couldn't put in a word. She was speechless and couldn't find words to refute. He

micro deals with all kinds of people, and has long been used to how to make people choose right words.

Su manluo was brought up by her parents and enjoyed it. The Huo family has many houses, wide courtyard and a swimming pool, which is a rare and magnificent place in Hong Kong. She really wants to live. She thought it wasn't too hard for the Huos. After all, she was introduced by Mrs. Si. However, he Weiqing asked her to rent an apartment. Although she loves to enjoy herself, she is not cheeky, and she will not know that she will be forced to stay even if she is driven away.

She is embarrassed to say to He Wei: "Auntie, am I causing you trouble?"

"We are elders. Who are you going to bother if your children don't bother us?" He smiled.

This, both intimate and let Su manluo can not find the next words.

Su manluo thought, thanks to the chairman of the Financial Association, it's really powerful.

In the next few days, Su manluo went out to find an apartment. She was late from work, went out to dinner with her colleagues, and then went to see a house. She didn't go back until after nine o'clock.

When the car was halfway up the mountain, a big dog suddenly came out. The driver was in a panic. He turned the car aside, and the head of the car suddenly hit the roadside guardrail. Half of the head of the car swung out.

Sumalo screamed in horror. The driver said to her, "Miss, you get off first."

Su manluo is just screaming, it's crazy. There were lights at a distance

and a car was approaching. Seeing this, the other side stopped.

Su manluo's back door was opened, and the man saw her screaming and pulled her out of the car.

The driver also slowly climbed to the back seat from the front row, and walked out of the car slowly from behind. And

Su manluo, after being pulled out of the car, is still scared and pours into the man's arms.

A girl with short hair came down from the man's car.

She asked the driver, "aren't you hurt?" The machine shakes its head.

Su manluo also looked at her.

It's Chen Su Shang.

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