Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1781 why provoke her?

Su manluo hangs on yuan Xueyao.

Yuan Xueyao was stunned, then pushed her away and made her stagger.

Chen sushang was so immortal that he stood right behind her. With yuan Xueyao's push, Su manluo fell back and fell into Chen sushang's arms.

The lights of Ye's car are closed. Su manluo stands on Chen sushang's shoulder and looks at him.

Chen sushang does not know Su manluo, but Su manluo obviously knows her.

“…… Have we met? " Asked Chen sushang.

Su manluo is shocked. She doesn't talk.

Chen sushang is a little curious.

The driver said to yuan Xueyao and Chen Su, "thank you for your help. Can you send us back first? I work for the Huos. "

"Mr. Huo's?" Asked Chen sushang.

The driver said yes.

Chen sushang looked at Su manluo again and thought that I have seen all the children of the Huo family. Who is this?

She thought so. She was very polite. Please get in the car.

Su manluo low voice thanks, oneself sat in the back seat.

Yuan Xueyao drives, the driver sits in the copilot, Chen sushang and Su manluo sit in the back side by side.

Chen sushang asked again, "have I seen you?"

Last time a car passed by, it seems that it's the same girl. I specially looked back at her.

At this time, Su manluo was in a settled mood and could deal with a few sentences, so she pondered for a moment: "I have seen your photos. When you and Yan Kai get married, there are pictures in the newspaper. "

"Oh, you are from Singapore." Chen Su is clear.

When Su manluo saw her, she didn't care. Thinking about her wedding day, she felt so itchy that she felt like she had a secret that she should tell to shock others, but was hidden.

After two seconds of silence, she said directly, "I'm Su manluo."

When she said that, she felt too frivolous. But if she doesn't show off, she feels like a cat claw scratching in her heart.

Su manluo likes the attention of others.

Sure enough, when Chen sushang heard the name, the whole man was stiff, and his back and neck were tightened into a line.

Yuan Xueyao looked at her in the rearview mirror.

Chen Sushan stopped talking.

When the car arrived at her door, she said to yuan Xueyao, "I'll go home first. Please take Miss Su up. Good night. "

"Good night," Yuan said

As the car continued to move up, Chen sushang stood at the door and did not move his feet for a long time.

She felt no pain in that matter, but shame. All Singaporeans should know that Yan Kai almost eloped with Su manluo on her wedding day.

As for Su manluo, she is not guilty at all. She even doesn't respond to Chen sushang's identity and is unhappy. She takes the initiative to point out.

When Chen sushang thought of this, he thought that he would not like to see Yan Kai and Su manluo again in his life.

Yuan Xueyao sent Su manluo to the door of Huo's house.

She sat in the car as if she could not move.

Seeing that she was soft and leaning on the seat, the driver said to her, "Miss Su, wait a moment, shall I help you up or let the servant help you up?"

"Servants." Sumanlo is weak.

As soon as the driver left, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at yuan Xueyao, the driver in front of her in the dark carriage.

"Is that girl your girlfriend?" she asked

"No." Yuan Xueyao replied.

Sumanlo smiled and stopped talking.

When the maid came to help her get out of the car, she suddenly moved to the other side, got down from there, and then around the front of the car. She walked slowly, but with a straight back. Under the light of the headlights, she passed yuan Xueyao's sight. Then she stopped where the lights could still see her and waved to him with a smile: "thank you."

Then, half dead, she was helped up the steps by the maid.

He Wei and Huo Yue haven't slept yet, because ling'er has a performance tomorrow, and she is still rehearsing. He Wei and Huo Yue are the audience.

Ling'er's own demands are high, and he can't be wrong at all. She had studied dance for several years, but she never gave up except during the war.

Hearing the servant say that Su manluo is back, He Wei looks at his watch and says nothing.

At eleven o'clock, ling'er's movements were standardized, and she was satisfied. Huo Yue and He Wei were ready to go back to the house.

When passing by the living room, Huo Yue heard the voice of the small meeting room and said to He Wei, "go to sleep first."

"It's the ninth master." He Wei said, "what are you afraid of?"

She's going to follow.

Entering the small meeting room, I found that there was no big deal, but the driver was reporting to Xi Jiu about tonight's events.

After hearing a few words, He Wei suddenly said to the driver, "what did Miss Su say to Miss Chen?"

"She said, 'I'm sumanlo.'" The driver repeated.

He Wei was a little annoyed.

"What's the matter?" Huo Yue asked

He Wei said: "the last chess game told me that Yan Kai almost escaped from marriage on the day of her new marriage. The woman was su manluo. So, as soon as Mrs. Chen died, Chen sushang was going to divorce immediately, because of that. "

Huo Yue doesn't know the inside story.

He is a family friend, not Yan's. When Yan Kai got married, it was just when Kang Han fell ill. Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu sent her to Hong Kong. Huo Yue and He Wei received them.

He didn't go to the wedding site, and he was not interested in the wedding of the younger generation. He didn't know about the gossip.

"Then she's going too far." Huo Yue Road.

He Wei nodded: "even if she is right and Yan Kaifei wants to follow her, she should not provoke Miss Chen. I'll talk to her. "

Huo Yue pulls her: "it's so late. Go to bed first."

Su manluo's side, I think he's asleep.

He Wei had to take this breath for a while.

Early the next morning, Su manluo got up early and said she would help the servant make breakfast.

She didn't do anything but set up a couple of chopsticks.

After dinner, she said to He Wei, "Auntie, I won't go to work today. Yesterday I was scared and had a fever."

He Wei: "..."

She reached out and touched sumanlo's forehead.

Her forehead is cooler than He Wei's palm. He Wei says directly, "I'll take you there without a fever."

Sumalo: "..."

She would like to say, she went to the bank to work, not like studying abroad as a layer of gold powder plating?

Why do you work so hard?

Such hard work, like those who need to earn money to support their families, is very disgraceful. Her father was a senior officer in the division, and Su manluo always felt that he was a face-to-face person.

I can't imagine

She had to go upstairs and change again.

He Wei took her out, got on the bus and said to her, "did you meet Miss Chen yesterday?"

Sumanlo was surprised.

She did not know why micro asked this suddenly.

"Yes." "Auntie, do you know Miss Chen, too?" said sumanlo

"We know each other." He Wei said with a serious expression, "what did you tell her?"


"Why do you want to provoke others?" He asked.

Su manluo's careful machine was directly exposed like this, and the whole person was ashamed and annoyed. His face was red, and He Wei asked for a while: "Auntie, do you have any opinion on me? You don't seem to like me very much. "

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