Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1782 wimps die

He Wei is a decent elder.

The elders should teach their children more than reproach them, or they will lose their authority.

"Marlowe, when you come to me, I should teach you. I treat you as my own person, so I'm not polite to you. As a woman, you know Miss Chen's difficulties, but you still want to stab her. It's very unkind. " He Wei said seriously.

Su manluo's pretending to be pitiful, even anti generals, is not difficult.

He Wei's experience over the years has enabled her to deal with various problems and people freely.

“…… You did something wrong. I said it hurt you. If you don't say it, it hurt you. If you have any opinions about you, you really don't like you. Do you understand? " He Wei asked again.

Sumanlo was afraid to talk to her.

At this moment, she found that she was no match for He Wei.

Su manluo is not frightened. She is still young. When she gets to He Wei's age, she will be more powerful than her.

She has also checked the past of He Wei, but she is the daughter of the boss of a small traditional Chinese medicine shop. Su manluo's background is much higher than her, and she will naturally surpass her in the future.

"I see." "I'm sorry, auntie, I shouldn't contradict you," said sumanlo

He Wei nodded: "you can understand."

With this matter, He Wei no longer lets Su manluo slowly find a house, but sends his servant down the mountain to deal with it.

But in half a day, the servant found an apartment.

He Wei went to see it by himself, and changed the furniture and curtains in the apartment into pink and white, which is exactly what Miss Su likes. Then he said to her, "I really love that you get up early and come back late every day. It's better to live in an apartment near the bank, which saves you the trouble of running and working hard. "

Su manluo is still dragging, and he can't drag on at this time.

If she doesn't provoke Chen sushang, He Wei will not be so obvious if she annoys him.

The next day, Su manluo moved away.

After she left, He Wei asked people to clean up and clean the guest rooms.

She found someone to call her father and called him in person.

The long-distance call to Manila is not very stable. He said simply: "since the child is working, his attitude should be correct. It's not good to be late or leave early. My home is too far away from her bank. I heard that she has been late three times. I think it's safer to find an apartment nearby. "

Every word of her thought was about the future of sumalo.

Su Peng received a phone call and could not say anything but thank you.

He was worried about his daughter, but he thought of the temper of his daughter's eldest daughter. He could not let her indulge in pleasure: "thank you very much, Mrs. Huo."

"You can understand my intentions. I have an account with Mrs. Si." He Wei Dao.

Su Peng continued to say thanks, and said that Su manluo had troubled Huo Yue and He Wei during this period of time. He would come to the door to say thanks some other day.

When the signal reaches this point, there is instability and intermittent sound.

He Wei hangs up.

She also went to Chen Su Shang.

Chen sushang is in her study. When she comes out, her face looks haggard, as if she is extremely tired.

Changqing Taoist priest is also at home.

The Taoist priest is much smaller than He Wei. When he faces He Wei, he dare not run the train with his mouth full. Instead, he is gentle and humble to chat with him Wei.

“…… She's been busy studying these days and doesn't sleep well. " Changqing Road said with a smile that he did not see his apprentice's embarrassment.

Chen Su Shang reluctantly smiled: "Madam Huo, please take a seat. I'll wash my face."

When she came out, she put a little powder on her face and put on rouge and lipstick. The beauty of the cosmetics is enough to make a fake.

She sat on the sofa opposite to He Wei.

He Wei apologized to Chen sushang and said, "Miss Su has no intention of saying anything. Don't let Miss Chen help you."

Chen sushang is a little embarrassed.

"No, no, she said nothing." Chen sushang explained, "she just introduced herself. It's nothing. Madam Huo, you are very kind. "

Her heart is warm.

He Wei is polite and considerate in this respect, more polite than ordinary people, and really careful.

Chen sushang is always touched by the thought of her mother, Mrs. Chen, when she receives such care.

He Wei had nothing else to do. Seeing that things were clear, she got up and left.

Chen sushang sent her to the gate.

“…… Girls need more rest and nothing is worth breaking down. " He Wei turned around and said to Chen Su, "study should also combine work with rest."

"Yes, I see." Chen sushang said with a smile.

After he Wei left, Chen sushang thought of Su manluo for no reason and shook his head.

Her master then asked her, "that sumanlo, do you want her to help you deal with her?"

Chen sushang was surprised: "don't you say that if a magician does harm to a man, he will make a scourge?"

The Taoist priest stood up.

He always dresses casually at home. Because He Wei came, the Taoist priest put on a coat outside his pajamas, but he was still slippers and pyjamas.

When he stood idly, he had a young man's job: "your master is not only a magician, but also a beautiful man. It's a sharp weapon to deal with a young girl, an old, golden and handsome man like me. You can't kill without blood. "

Chen sushang: "..."

Her master's face is better than that of the city wall. If she stabs it down, it will be the real loss of blood.

She also expressed her position: "I don't know any sumanos, and I won't know her in the future."

The Taoist priest Changqing sighed and said that his apprentice was bloodless: "if you die in the future, you will die in a cowardly way."

Chen sushang always felt that Yan Kai didn't really escape from marriage, so he didn't let her down. He was two hours late, she slapped him, and they were clear.

She doesn't remember hating Yan Kai.

Love and hate often go hand in hand. She did not love Yan Kai, and even if she did not hope for him, she would not be disappointed or hate him.

As for sumanlo, she hated her so much and was not happy because of her words because of the jealousy of another beautiful woman.

There is no reason for this jealousy. Therefore, Chen Su Shang is not satisfied to be a humble person.

Su manluo moved away. Chen sushang would not go to the bank or even go down the mountain. She thought that she and Su manluo would be hard to meet.

Unexpectedly, only two days later, she had dinner and went to the Ye's house. When she was going to give yuan Xueyao a class, there was a fashionable girl sitting in the Ye's living room.

In October, Hong Kong is still not cold, but fashionable girls wear fur with white fox fur, silver and white cheongsam and short boots. They are extremely beautiful and enchanting, like the expensive girls who came out of Shanghai 20 years ago.

This kind of old-fashioned dress, for ordinary people, will be old-fashioned, but it is nostalgic and beautiful to wear it on beautiful women.

The woman is sumalo.

Chen sushang was surprised to meet her and was stunned.

Su manluo smiled first, and didn't mind meeting Chen sushang, but her expression didn't change.

Ye Wei and Yuan Xuezhu were very happy, laughing and pulling Chen sushang: "sushang, do you know Miss Su? Miss Su said she met you in Singapore. "

When Chen sushang and Yan Kai got married, the photos in the newspaper were published. Su manluo didn't say she had seen Chen sushang, but said she had seen her photos.

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