Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1784 Tianda's misunderstanding

Ye Wei drove down the mountain with Chen sushang and Yuan Xuezhu. Chen asked them, "aren't you warlocks? How can't you predict that Xueyao will be in danger today?" Yuan

Xuezhu looks at her, and even ye Wei looks at her in the rearview mirror. The car was silent for a while. Chen

Su Shang is full of fog, so he looks at Yuan Xuezhu and ye Wei again.

Finally, Yuan Xuezhu broke the silence and said to Chen Su, "Su Shang, as soon as you open your mouth, you will reveal your details. Your master didn't teach you the real technique, did he? I haven't even told you the basics of the technique, have I? " Chen nodded.

Ye Wei was in front of him, driving his car and saying, "like medicine, the art of surgery is" the one who is good at medicine doesn't cure himself, the one who is good at change doesn't divine himself. ". The more skillful people are, the more they can't see the fate of people around them.

The "people around us", first, have been together for years. The magician's own good fortune and bad fortune are gradually the same as those who have been together for a long time. Seeing them is like looking at himself, and he can't understand anything. Second, the people who are close to each other or are destined to be married can't see accurately. " Chen's mind moved.

She suddenly remembered that when she met Yan Kai, she thought his face was very strange. Her divination is still very powerful. It's a real technique, not a scam.

Later, she asked her master specially, because when she was taught divination, her master only said that the magician of heaven could not see, but did not say the second one.

Now ye Wei's words seem to answer her questions. "

predestined marriage?" Chen sushang was surprised, "what does this mean?" Yuan Xuezhu beside

can't help but: "Su Shang, I'll tell you a secret. The so-called predestined marriage is your predestined love. You can't see his good and bad. Ordinary people can't count, so they often can't find their natural marriage. Some depend on the accumulation of each other's predestination after marriage; some depend on each other to endure. Of course, there are also divorces and others. If

you are proficient in art, when you see a person but can't see her good fortune or future, that person is not your relative, and the age of your marriage is similar, that person is your predestined good fortune. My brother told me honestly some days ago. When he saw you at the first sight, he thought you were invisible to him. He mistakenly thought you were his destiny. That's why he wanted to pursue you. " Chen was stunned.

She caught a little flaw and asked yuan Xuezhu, "do you think it's wrong? Why is it mistaken? "

Yuan Xuezhu was shocked and regretted his failure. Chen is really smart.

Ye Wei still remembers that Chen sushang hasn't really divorced, so he is very frank with her and doesn't worry about her.

If she really doesn't mind anything, it's their fate to be nice to yuan Xueyao. It doesn't matter if she does. It's just that she and Yuan Xueyao are at loggerheads.

"You haven't divorced yet, so I talked to Xueyao about you. I don't advocate that he pursue you. He said it on his own initiative. He didn't see your destiny. He thought you were his destiny. Xuezhu and I were there, and we said, we can't see you.

After comparing with each other, we can know that your master's life style is invisible to any magician. It must be your master's skill in your two characters. It can also be seen that your master's skill is far superior to that of our uncle and nephew. " Ye Weidao. Yuan

Xue Yao has been unilaterally mistaking Chen Su Shang for his marriage. Later,

came to confront uncle Liu and Xuezhu, only to know that he misunderstood. Under these circumstances, it is impossible to judge whether Chen Su Shang and Yuan Xueyao can form a good relationship at all.

Only Chen Su Shang can. But the Ye family are all warlocks, whose life grid leader can see them, but Chen sushang can't. It's not that they are related to her, it's that her technique is low.

In this way, Chen Su Shang can't see yuan Xueyao, and Yuan Xueyao can't see Chen Su Shang, so we can't count any destiny.

Yuan Xueyao thought about it, but still wanted to marry Chen sushang.

Because it's not a man of God, it can also be married, and even old. The beginning of a misunderstanding is a medium. Through this medium, he really fell in love with Chen Su Shang.

"That's a big misunderstanding!" Chen Su said, "I said he was very strange. How could he say he liked me as soon as he met?" Yuan

Xuezhu took her hand: "Su Shang, don't be selfish. You are beautiful."

Chen sushang has no inferiority. She is not ugly, as she has known since she was a child. People in this world, there are particularly eye-catching beauty, but also like her such patience. So, if you get along with her for a long time and fall in love with her, she is not surprised. But she is not the kind of girl who makes people fall in love at the first meeting, which she also knows. Yuan

Xue Yao is not so frivolous and superficial as he is, but he is deeply rooted when he meets him. Now

at last, Chen Su Shang understood.

She felt helpless and funny. "

My Shifu must know that he has been watching. I'll tell you what's so exciting about it. " Chen sushang said again. Ye

only: "...

the Taoist priest Changqing has a lot of talents in technique, but the degree of reliability is to be divided into relatives and acquaintances. For an outsider, he is a Taoist priest with profound skills, a charming man and a romantic lover.

For Chen sushang, he is a pit goods, pit disciples never take soft. He is naughty, noisy and out of tune all day long. He also tries to bring his apprentice into his own way. "

what is the Taoist priest busy with recently?" Asked yuan Xuezhu.

Chen Su Shang also shook yuan Xuezhu's hand back: "Xuezhu, you must not fall in love with my master. He will only break your heart. If you get along with him for a long time, you can't even see him with your toes. " Yuan

Xuezhu blushed. Ye smiled: "Xuezhu, listen to Miss Chen's good advice."

Yuan Xuezhu took back his hand: "I don't understand what love is!" She is very determined. Chen

Su Shang can foresee the future of a young girl's broken heart, which is a pity for yuan Xuezhu. What's more, it's a pity that a girl who falls into a single love has a blind mind. She can't listen to her words and can't return to her mind at all.

As they spoke, the car came to the door of the police station.

As soon as Chen Su Shang got off the bus, he spoke fluently to others about their intention and what was the matter.

She negotiated with the British police for a long time, but ye Wei and Yuan Xuezhu were beside her. They couldn't understand a word. They were very anxious.

Half an hour later, Chen sushang came out and said to Ye Wei and Yuan Xuezhu, "let's go, first go to my master, and then slowly discuss how to deal with it. The police department will not let people go for the time being. " Yuan

Xue Zhu looked at the police station and silently put his hand in his pocket. Ye noticed and held her hand: "when you get to someone's place, you should follow their rules."

Yuan Xuezhu was not willing: "Why are we trapped in these white skinned people? It's not a small thing to kill them? " Ye stared at her: "your brother's magic is more powerful than you. If he can come out, he will come out earlier. Don't make trouble. "

Then he asked Chen sushang, "sushang, what did the police say? What did Xueyao do? "

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