What did yuan Xueyao do? Chen sushang also speculated along the way.

However, when she heard the police's story, it was still unbelievable.

"A Mrs. Reeves called the police and lost her wallet," the police told Chen. There was a gold watch in her purse, and she pointed out that the young man was following her all the way. "

Chen sushang explained to the police: "Mr. Ye's assets can be checked by the police department. He is very rich and will never steal a gold watch. Have you found the gold watch on him, sir? "

Police arrogance: "not yet, but British Expatriates lost something to check."

Chen sushang understood.

In the eyes of these policemen, the Chinese people in Hong Kong Island are second-class, while the British Expatriates are first-class. Even if there is no real case, yuan Xueyao will suffer if he falls in.

Instead of asking about the case, she saw a letter on the police desk, a London postmark and asked if he had written it from his old home in England.

The police say it's his daughter, who is over six years old and has learned to spell.

"The six-year-old has not studied yet. She can write letters. She is very smart." The police are very proud.

Chen sushang was surprised and asked, "your daughter was born during the bombing of London? It's not easy. The generation of war is full of heroes. "

The police were moved by her remark.

He talked a lot.

Before the war, he fell in love with his girlfriend at that time. She had a lot of small problems. She even had to break up because of her dowry problem. Then there was a war.

The London bombings made them hide in the underground railway every day. At that time, the two families, on the contrary, were married in the fire.

"Miss, have you passed the war?" The police even asked Chen sushang.

"Passing by, I'm from Nanjing. When Nanjing was broken, I......" Chen Sushang said here, suddenly choked.

The police knew the tragedy of China when Nanjing city was broken, and they thought of the original London bombing, which resonated with and sympathized with Chen sushang.

He told Chen sushang in a low voice: "Miss, there is an order from the sheriff. We should be partial to the Chinese people in Britain. You spend more money. When you come here for two days, I will find a chance to release your boyfriend. "

Chen Su Shang is very happy. He steals a lot of money to the policeman and says to buy his daughter beautiful letter paper.

She also told ye Wei and Yuan Xuezhu these words.

After hearing this, ye Wei was shocked and moved: "Su Shang, you are smart. If we go to ask, we may not be able to ask anything. How much money did you put in? I'll supply you later. "

"When I came, I prepared a thousand pounds. The salaries of those policemen are no more than two thousand a year. He and I had a good chat and took so much money. In addition, Xueyao's case is not clear. It is estimated that there will be a result soon. " Chen Su business road.

Yuan Xuezhu also patted his chest: "thank goodness. My eldest brother is really down with blood mold! He usually takes a detour when he sees people, and he doesn't know what happened recently. "

Speaking of this, Yuan Xuezhu added that Chen sushang, "sushang, you are so careful. If it's me, I don't know how to bribe the police. "

If it's not chatty, and the other party promises to help and give money for nothing, it may be confiscated, with no effect.

Yuan Xuezhu, for example, knows nothing about the history of Britain.

When she saw the letter, she would not know that it was from England; even if she knew the age of the policeman's daughter, she could not tell the big event when she was born.

"My big brother wants to make a promise to you!" Yuan Xuezhu suddenly said with a smile.

Chen sushang is helpless: "at this time, are you still in the mood to joke?"

She was silent for a moment.

When she is silent, ye Wei is also silent.

For a long time, ye Weicai said to Chen sushang, "sushang, what do you think of this matter?"

"Like uncle Liu, someone set up Xueyao on purpose. As for who it is, I don't know yet. " Chen Su said, "have you ever offended anyone in Hong Kong?"

Yuan Xuezhu interposed, "No."

Chen Su Shang thought of someone.

She didn't think so.

"Uncle Liu, stop at any place. I want to call and ask Mr. Hu last time. He knows where my master is." Chen Su said, "we will get Xueyao out today."

They parked near the door of a cafe.

Chen Su Shang gave her a tip and asked the waiter to show her to the bar to make a phone call.

Mr. Hu is probably the most closely connected in the Taoist circle. He really knows the specific position of Taoist.

He gave an address, a house in another prosperous part of Hong Kong.

House is a British style villa, a bit like a castle shape, tall iron doors closed.

Chen sushang, ye Wei and Yuan Xuezhu got out of the car and looked up at the house with their eyes raised. They all thought: "the Taoist priest is really capable. Anyone can hook up with him."

They knocked on the door.

The servant invited them in and turned to go upstairs.

A moment later, the Taoist priest went downstairs. He was fragrant, his robe was loose, his hair was messy, like he had just woken up.

Seeing Chen sushang, he sighed: "Lao Hu, that old man, is really light and unimportant. How can you find here?"

As they spoke, a middle-aged man in his forties came downstairs.

Ye Wei and Yuan Xuezhu were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths.

Chen sushang knew her master's unreliability. It was just one of them. He nodded a little hello.

Master is frank, pointing to Chen sushang: "my apprentice, a Li."

"Is it Miss Chen? Nice to meet you. " The middle-aged man is a bit of a mixed race. The color of his eyes is blue. In fact, it's a little strange to match the Chinese appearance of his black hair and yellow skin.

Strange, not ugly.

He has a long, slim body, well-dressed hair and luxurious clothes.

"Nice to meet you." Chen Su then looked away. "Master, do you have a way to get through the police department? Xueyao has been locked up. "

Taoist priest Changqing is still sleepy and yawns when he hears that.

Instead, the middle-aged man was very polite and listened patiently to the conversation between Chen sushang and the Taoist priest: "is it your friend who has been locked up? Because of what? "

Chen sushang told the story carefully.

Ye Wei and Yuan Xueyao dare not say a word more. There's a kind of aura in this man. He doesn't look easy to provoke. In the words of the magician, the evil spirit is very heavy, for fear that there are countless lives on his hands.

Not much like a general, more like a killer.

"It's nothing. Since there is no evidence, people can be released. " Man way.

He stood up and called.

In front of the phone, he changed to a very standard London accent. After a few words, he hung up.

He turned to Chen sushang and other people: "you go to pick up people."

Chen Su's business way is.

She looked at her master again.

"I've been playing cards for two days, and I just went to sleep. You can play by yourself. Don't look for me any more. Wait for something. "

Chen Su's business way is.

She and ye Wei, Yuan Xuezhu out of the house, each saw the shock of the other's eyes.

Yuan Xuezhu had a pale face.

Her eyes are a little hollow: "Su Shang, the Taoist priest doesn't play with women, only with men?"

This question is really embarrassing.

Rao is embarrassed, Chen sushang still replied: "no, he only plays with beautiful people."

Yuan Xuezhu: "..."

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