Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1786 rotten peach blossom

Chen sushang's response was quick, and the Taoist priest's friend was quick. When they returned to the police station again, the British policeman who took Chen sushang's bribe had sent yuan Xueyao out.

"I've said a lot of good things for your boyfriend. I'll get along well and get married earlier," the police said to Chen sushang

Chen Su said thank you.

What is the origin of Shifu's friend? I haven't had time to go into it before.

The car started and left the police station.

Yuan Xueyao has been silent. On the way, he suddenly said to uncle Liu, "stop."

In front is a jewelry shop. There is a car parked at the door. It is the one yuan Xueyao usually uses.

He got out of the car himself. However, after

he opened the door of Chen Su Shang and said to her, "Su Shang, you too, get off the bus." Chen nodded and said to uncle Liu and Xuezhu, "then go back first. I'll follow Xueyao. He won't go to the police station twice a day. "

Uncle Liu is not sure. But

over there, Chen sushang has closed the door and left with yuan Xueyao.

Before yuan Xueyao was captured, he just put his shopping in the car. But before he could lock the door, he was taken away. I don't know if the ring he bought is still there. When he came back, he found that this jewelry shop should be powerful.

His car is parked here. It's actually stable. The half open door is still closed. I think it's the assistant of jewelry store. Nothing was lost.

Yuan Xueyao breathed a sigh of relief.

After several hours of such a toss, he was hungry. After getting on the bus, he said to Chen Su, "go to dinner?" "

OK." Chen Su said, "turn left, then turn right after two intersections. There is a restaurant for Hunan cuisine." "

are you used to Hunan food?" Asked yuan Xueyao. "

it's OK. You can drink soda later." Chen sushang said with a smile.

Her smile infected yuan Xueyao.

The car soon stopped at the gate of Xiangcai restaurant. The man who answered the door was also with Hunan accent. Yuan Xueyao felt very familiar with it, and his unhappiness was swept away. After sitting

down, the waiter will serve them tea first. He had two drinks in a row. When the pot of tea was on the table, Chen sushang added another half cup: "drink less tea, or you won't be able to eat." Yuan

Xue Yao nodded. At this time, he was in the mood and strength to ask Chen sushang, "I can't understand English."

After so long learning, he still didn't understand what the British said.

So, from being caught and released, he still doesn't know what happened.

He has been very confused, but refused to show, in the eyes of the police, he is particularly magnanimous.

Chen Su Shang must know that she is so good at English.

"After all, why?" He asked. Chen

prime quotient starts from the beginning. She told yuan Xueyao a little about the case she had learned, and then said that after she got the favor of the British police, she went to see her master. "It's not easy. You can't stay at the police station for the night," she said. Whether it's big or small, it's important to be careful. "

Yuan Xueyao's fist tightened a little.

His face was ugly. Chen

Su Shang advised him: "since you are out, eat first, and then go home to sleep, you will be shocked. As for the follow-up, I'll ask someone to have a look, and I'll call the policeman to see what's going on. " Yuan

Xue Yao nodded. When ordering

dishes, Chen Su asked for some less spicy dishes. In fact, she can also eat spicy food, but she doesn't often eat it. Later, I came to know that Hunan food was not too spicy, it was already very spicy. She kept drinking soda, or her face was red.

Yuan Xueyao smiled: "eat slowly." He was in a much better mood. After dinner, he accompanied Chen Su Shang to have dessert.

Chen sushang ate two cakes and a cup of coffee with double sugar in a row, and then swallowed the hot share. Finally, he didn't need to breathe.

"... Nanjing food, not spicy?" Yuan Xueyao asked Chen sushang. "

Jinling cuisine is a kind of Su cuisine, which is rarely spicy." "When we were in Nanjing, we used to eat Hunan food," Chen said with a smile. Now it seems that it is the shopkeeper who, in order to keep a firm foothold in Nanjing, has specially lightened the hot part. "

Yuan Xueyao nodded.

He thought about it, and suddenly he took out a small box and handed it to Chen sushang: "here you are."

Chen sushang takes it and opens it.

"What to do?" She asked with a smile, "this diamond ring is very unique." "

very small, no, don't, dislike." Said yuan Xueyao. Chen

Su Shang knew that in many places in China, the concept of western style could not be penetrated. Giving girls rings, like other small jewelry, has no special significance. Chen

Su Shang smiled, closed it again, and returned it to yuan Xueyao: "you take it first. I like this ring very much. You can give it to me when we have confirmed each other. It's about love. " Yuan

Xueyao's ear tip suddenly turned red. He had a lot to ask, but now he was in such a mood that he would stutter when he spoke. He simply kept silent, just put the ring in his pocket and simply said, "OK." However, after

he thought again, if it is a thing of love, it should be a little bigger. The one he bought is too shabby. However, Su Shang said he liked it very much, but he didn't want to be like others. Chen sushang is also very rich. If she likes diamond rings, she can afford them.

Maybe, Su Shang just likes this simple and small thing, right?

When you get married, buy a bigger one. Yuan

Xue Yao thought about it, then he smiled and said nothing. After they had dinner, yuan Xueyao drove home. He was in a good mood. His previous unhappiness was forgotten.

Chen sushang sent people to stare at the police station and called the policeman who had been bribed by her. She

knew the name of the policeman and asked him to answer directly: "we are wronged in this case. If there is any clue, please let me know. I don't seek revenge, just want to know who has offended, come to accompany a not. " Police

check it out.

Another day passed, and the matter did have an eye. A beautiful Chinese lady, accompanied by an Englishman, came to visit yuan Xueyao. Police told them: "Mr. Yuan was acquitted. Mrs. Reeves was framed. She didn't have a gold watch at all and warned her."

The Chinese lady was particularly surprised. She was surprised. The policeman looked in his eyes, then went to the cafe across the street and called Chen Su Shang. When he came back, he didn't let them go. Instead, he chatted with the young lady and the British.

The British are bankers, in their forties, and have a lot to do with the governor's envoys. It's a Chinese who was arrested. It's a big or small thing, and there's no evidence that any Englishman with a little money can handle it. He has been chatting for a long time. Police: we have to be careful. About

it took more than an hour for them to leave. At

Yes, Chen sushang, yuan Xueyao, Yuan Xuezhu and Liu Shu, sitting in the car opposite, saw Su manluo and an Englishman coming out of the police station.

It's clear at a glance. Yuan

Xuezhu chuckled: "elder brother, it's the rotten peach blossom you provoked back." She speaks the dialect of her hometown, which is very strong, and Chen Su Shang doesn't understand. Yuan

Xueyao tightly pressed her lips. He suddenly pushed the door open and went down.

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