Young General's Escaping Wife

1787 the Sorcerer's Curse

Yuan Xueyao got out of the car at a very fast speed. When Chen's prime quotient reflected what he wanted to do, he had come to Su manluo.

He was dressed in a cloak. As he walked, he took off his cloak. When he was near Su manluo, he suddenly raised his cloak and wrapped himself and Su manluo together. Standing beside Su manluo, I saw only one man rushing out, covering Su manluo and himself. They were close together, like hiding under their clothes.

However, Yuan Xuezhu and Liu Shu in the car felt the strong brake gas and their faces were pale.

The compass in Chen Su's business bag reacted violently just as yuan Xueyao's clothes fell.

She rushed down at once. Yuan

What did Xue Zhu just want to say? Chen sushang rushed to yuan Xueyao, grabbed him by the arm and shouted: "Xueyao, what do you do?" Yuan

Xue Yao took two steps back and quit the cloak. His

clothes were still over Su manluo's head, covering her whole body, and she did not move. Chen

Su Shang hurried to drag the clothes. Su

Monroe was stunned. Those beautiful eyes could not move. Chen

Su Shang picked up his clothes, grabbed yuan Xueyao's hand, and walked quickly to the car. Uncle also saw the appearance of Su manluo, knew that she was cursed by yuan Xueyao, and hurried to drive.

Sumalo's boss was stunned by the change.

He went to push Su manluo, but Su manluo didn't answer. He fell straight on him, and the whole person was soft. Uncle stepped on the accelerator and the car sped away. "

Xueyao, do you want to kill people on the street?" Uncle Liu gnashed his teeth and was so angry that he could not speak. "You..." Yuan

Xue Yao said coldly: "she humiliated me."

Chen Su Shang regretted it very much. Old

to be honest, yuan Xueyao is always reticent, which always makes Chen sushang think that he is steady and slow-moving. But I don't think he is so grumpy. He has few words. It's really just because he stutters and talks hard. As early as I knew that he could kill people by magic in the street, Chen Su Shang should let them stay and bring his servants to see what happened.

She also estimated that it might have something to do with Su manluo, who was really beautiful. She was worried that yuan Xueyao didn't know the truth, but Chen sushang's kindness became a disaster.

"What did you do to her?" Chen sushang's technique is so common that he asked yuan Xueyao directly, "I think she looks like a lost soul." Yuan Xuezhu next to her brother explained: "that's a curse. It's very simple to cast a curse. You can use the charm to affect people. People who are cursed are haunted by nightmare. They slowly exhaust themselves and become a human being. Curse

curse is a Mongolian technique, which is completed with the help of mountains. The mountain itself can't move, so the cursed can't move. "

Chen Su Shang sighed: "but now it's different from before. Now the hospital can infuse fluid, even if it can't move, it can continue to live."

Yuan Xueyao in front finally said, "I didn't want to kill people, so I threatened her." This is a lie.

His curse is more powerful than that of ordinary magicians. He wants to let Su man Luo die quietly tonight, but Chen Su Shang suddenly rushes to disturb him. He was impulsive for a while, and now he regrets it. He didn't want Chen sushang to look down on him, so he told a lie.

Chen sushang looked at the front of his eyes in silence and said nothing.

Su manluo's boss sent her to the hospital and asked the police to testify that he didn't know what happened. Only yuan Xueyao covered Su manluo at that time. English

Chinese call He Wei's secretary again. The book tells him about it.

He Wei didn't know the inside story, but when Su manluo worked for a few days, he became a moth. She said to the person in charge, "send someone to visit Miss Su. I'm busy. I'll see her when I'm free."

She didn't want to fuel sumanlo.

Unexpectedly, the steward of the family will come back soon and tell he Wei what the doctor said. "

... People from the police station are also there. The doctor said that after all the examinations, the cause of the coma could not be found. We should be hospitalized for further observation." The steward was sweating. Huo

Yue also heard about it and thought it was strange.

He Wei took a coat and said to Huo Yue, "ah Yue, I'll go and have a look. If there's any good or bad, I'll call my sister first." "I'll go with you," he nodded

"No, I'll go myself." He Wei Dao.

When she arrived, she still didn't sympathize with Su manluo very much, but she was upset in her heart and felt that she was in constant trouble.

When her car started to turn down the mountain road, suddenly someone stood on the side of the road and waved hard.

The driver slowed down and said to He Wei, "madam, it's Miss Chen." He

Wei has been in touch with Chen sushang. Knowing that she is a stable person, she will not block the car at random, she immediately said to the driver, "stop."

The car stopped in front of Chen sushang.

He Wei pushed open the door and got off. Chen sushang said to the public, "Mrs. Huo, are you going to the hospital to see Miss Su?"

"Yes." He Wei said truthfully, "have you heard about it?"

Chen sushang hesitated and looked around: "Madam Huo, don't worry for a moment. How about you come to my house for a cup of tea? I have new tea at home. "

This is what I want to tell him.

He Wei thought about Su manluo's side. He Wei was in a strange coma, not an emergency. He could do it later. Besides, she is full of anxiety now, so she'd better take a rest and put her mood in order.

She thought so and nodded, "OK, try your new tea." Chen

the vegetable merchant made the tea himself, and then sent the servant out.

She first said about Su manluo, who was cursed by yuan Xueyao.

"... Miss Su was saved by Mr. Ye once, so she wanted to be friends with Mr. Ye very much. Mr. Ye, who came from Xiangxi, lived in a closed circle since childhood and misunderstood Miss Su's kindness.

Miss Su talked about my shortcomings in front of the Ye family again, but she didn't get a response. It seemed that she had been humiliated. If I think it's right, she should be looking for someone to frame Mr. Ye.

She knew that the British police department was more partial to British Expatriates. As long as the British wife went to report the case, she would be arrested even if there was no evidence. After catching up, and because there is no evidence, Miss Su takes her British boss to dredge up, and can save Mr. Ye. Mr. Ye naturally wants to thank her and date her. Get along for a long time, will know her good, willing to make friends with her, will also alienate me Chen Su said, "this is my guess, so I saved Mr. Ye with the fastest speed." Yuan

Xueyao still calls himself "ye Xueyao" outside.

After hearing this, He Wei's hand holding the cup of tea trembled a little. True

is very angry.

She looked at Chen Su Shang again, and suddenly, as if in her face, she saw a familiar shadow. She couldn't help laughing. "

What's the matter, Mrs. Huo?" Chen sushang was bewildered by her smile. He

slightly corrected his look: "when I see you, I think of my sister. It's a bit like her when you talk and do things. "

Chen sushang didn't know who her sister was and didn't want to inquire about other people's privacy. He just thought it was a compliment and smiled. "Mrs. Huo, I just want to discuss with you about Miss Su." Chen Su said, "what should I do?"

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