Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1788 He Wei's method

He Wei looked at Chen Su Shang and thought, "she is really like my sister, even this temper."

Chen sushang is very responsible.

She didn't hide and let others guess the life and death of sumanlo, but took the initiative to tell he Wei. She could tell the whole story carefully.

What she did and why she did it were all thoughtfulness, not nonsense.

Because He Wei, like Gu Qingzhou, has a very natural affection for this girl.

"Miss Chen, don't talk about it. I'll take care of it." He Wei said, "don't worry, the people in the police department won't come back."

Chen sushang doesn't know what to look at.

He Wei didn't explain. After drinking tea, he left and went to the hospital.

Sumalo was in a coma.

The doctor said that she had been examined and everything was normal, but the bank's gentleman had already thought this was a strange thing and left in a flash.

There are two policemen, who are still making routine inquiries.

He Wei came forward to greet them and said that he was su manluo's elder: "her father is not in Hong Kong, and I will take care of him for the time being."

The police asked a lot of questions.

He Wei said that sumanlo was not in good health. He Wei also had this situation before. The doctor also said it was not poisoning or injury.

The people in the police department are really unable to file a case. The client is in a coma. Her boss is unwilling to cause trouble and has left. Now that the parents are here and the police can close the case, please sign it.

He Wei signed and sent the police away.

She went into the ward.

Su manluo changed her hospital dress, but her makeup was not removed. Even when she fell asleep, she was also a small white face.

He Wei made up his own mind, moistened her pad with warm water, and took off her makeup.

Looking at her face again, I found that her lips were pale and her face was white with blue.

When the attending doctor heard that "parents" were coming, he came in immediately.

The doctor is a Chinese. As soon as He Wei saw her, he told her about the patient's situation: "all the examinations have been done, even the intracranial examination has been done by me. We can't find the cause of her coma, we need to observe for a day. "

He Wei nodded. She looked at Su manluo.

She thought, if those skills are true, as Chen Su Shang said, is Su manluo awake at the moment? She just can't move?

As long as she doesn't have a life problem, it's good to let her lie down for a few more days and learn a lesson.

She thought so. She went out and called home.

Call Huo Yue.

"Ah Yue, please call Singapore for me again and tell my sister. Let Su Peng come quickly. If there is something wrong with Su manluo, we can't explain it. " He Wei Dao.

"Don't worry," said Huo Yue

"I'm not in a hurry."

"I'll see you later." Huo Yue said.

He Wei said yes.

An hour later, Huo Yue went to the hospital and saw Su manluo on the bed: "she looks very ugly."

"Doctors don't know why. They've done all the tests, including intracranial tests." He Wei Dao.

Huo Yue sighed.

They are sitting in the ward. Huo Yue wants to say something, but he Wei shakes his head at him. She took Huo Yue's hand and the couple went to the door to talk.

At midnight, Su Peng finally arrived in Hong Kong.

He was dusty all the way. He was wearing a dirty old military uniform. Maybe he had just been in training. When he received the news, he came here immediately.

"Mr. Huo! Madam Huo! " He shook hands with Huo Yue and his wife. "What's the matter with manlo?"

He Wei said, "don't worry. I'll send someone to call a doctor. The doctor knows better. He tells you."

Turning around, He Wei sees Yan Kai.

Yan Kai was a few steps behind Su Peng, and later came upstairs.

Su Peng is loaned to Yan Kai by Si Xingfu. He is helping Yan Kai train his people in Manila. They had a practical exercise yesterday. A group of people were busy all day and all night. They were all tired and sweaty.

At that time, Yan Kai received a phone call, saying that Su Peng would hurry back to Singapore.

It is estimated that it will take several days to apply for the route from Manila to Hong Kong. However, when returning to Singapore from Manila, you can take the special route of the company. He has project cooperation with the Manila government.

We have already applied for another flight from Singapore to Hong Kong.

They didn't arrive until midnight after such a toss.

Su Peng now helps Yan Kai. Yan Kai is Su manluo's ex boyfriend. He follows Su Peng all the way. There's no reason to see Su Peng rush to Hong Kong, but he doesn't.

So he came.

When He Wei saw him, he was stunned.

The doctor will be here soon.

The patient hasn't woke up yet, can't find the reason, and his face is getting ugly. The doctor is in a hurry. As soon as he was in a hurry, his words became Cantonese with English. Su Peng was confused and only understood a few words.

Yan Kai understood and helped explain.

After listening to the doctor's words, Su Peng was still confused.

"That is to say, my daughter has no problem?" Su Peng heard more and more angrily, "she is a good person, so coma, you are so see a doctor?"

The doctor was angry: "then you can transfer to another hospital."

Yan Kai quickly mediates in the middle.

He Wei came over and said to Su Peng and Yan Kai, "the doctor said that the known possibility has been ruled out. In medicine, there will always be unknown problems. Don't worry. Slowly, the doctor will be responsible for Marlowe's life. "

Then she looked at Su Peng, "how can this sudden coma be a little like the hysteria of our hometown? Would you like to invite someone with advanced skill to have a look? "

Yan Kai was stunned for a moment.

Then he thought of Chen Su Shang's master again, and immediately swallowed his full astonishment.

Yan Kai still remembers that last time he went to Huo's house, uncle Huo mentioned the Taoist priest Changqing and praised him very much. He also told Yan Kai that the magicians had never been faulted and existed all the time, but some people had never been contacted in their whole lives.

Just like traditional Chinese medicine, there are too many swindlers, but the magic doctors are similar to the swindlers; there are too many magic wands, and the real magicians are also like the swindlers.

It's impossible to distinguish the true from the false. We can only think that they are all deceitful to prevent being cheated. This is also a kind of correct self-protection.

He Wei said to Su Peng that she knows a warlock and can ask him to show Su manluo.

Su Peng didn't know what was going on.

He left the crowd, went to the hospital flower bed alone, sat down and began to smoke.

The doctor's words were appalling. He said he couldn't find the reason and asked him to wait. But he Wei's suggestion is even more unreliable. So it's better to believe in doctors.


Su Peng didn't know. At this moment, he was very confused. His daughter's life is there. If he chooses wrong, he will lose her.

For a father, this is not a simple choice, but a choice between life and death.

He smoked two cigarettes in silence.

He Wei and Huo Yue are sitting on the bench, chatting with Yan Kai.

Speaking of Su manluo's illness, He Wei told Yan Kai about the police and witnesses, saying that she was wrapped in clothes by a person, and then lost consciousness.

There may be something wrong with the moment of wrapping.

"Who wrapped her?" Yan Kai asked.

He Wei said: "ye Xueyao is our neighbor over there. Do you know him, too?"

Yan Kai frowned slightly.

Of course, he knew that ye Xueyao would also pursue Chen sushang, and he also suggested that Chen sushang accept it. He had met ye Xueyao, who was a decent and handsome young man with no faults except for his paleness.

"Does he know Marlowe, too?" Yan Kai asked, his voice was stiff unconsciously.

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