He Wei looks at Yan Kai.

Yan Kai is very concerned that Su manluo and Yuan Xueyao know each other.

The love and hate between children is vigorous, and He Wei is lazy to deal with it. She said lightly, "I know you." Don't say anything more.

Su Peng sat alone for a long time and finally came back with the smell of smoke.

Here comes the doctor again. Take sumalo's temperature.

"Mr. Su, as an attending doctor, I should not say a word, but I am also a father. I can't find the reason for AI's current situation, but it's better than having problems, don't you think? We all need to be optimistic. "

His words sobered Su Peng up. Su

Peng's muscles were relaxed. He closed his eyes slightly and tried to put down his emotions. He reluctantly said to the doctor, "you are right. Thank you, doctor." After a few words, the doctor left. Su

PENG enters his daughter's ward and looks at Su manluo lying on the bed.

She is even paler, white with blue, as if you can see her life passing slowly with the naked eye.

It's terrible.

Mingming is just in a coma. How could it be like this?

Su Peng looked at his daughter, almost in tears.

He thought it over carefully and found that the present problem was very difficult. His daughter is unconscious, but it is not any physical disease or intracranial problem, just coma.

What can I do? In the middle of the night, He Wei couldn't lift up her spirits and kept sleepy. She relied on Huo Yue and half closed her eyes. Huo Yue put his arm around his wife's shoulder and let her stick it in his arms.

Seeing this, Yan Kai said to Huo Yue, "Uncle Huo, go back first. I'm here. I'll call you back as soon as I have something to do. "

Seeing that He Wei was really sleepy, Huo Yue picked her up and whispered to Yan Kai, "well, find a place to rest and advise general Su more."

Yan Kai said yes. After the couple left, Yan Kai sat alone in the chair at the door, thinking about her first love with Su manluo, remembering all kinds of things in the past, with complex emotions.

Later in the middle of the night, Su Peng came out and said to Yan Kai, "Yan Shao, go to have a rest. I'm here to watch."

Yan Kai said, "you may as well. I look at her."

Su Peng sighed.

As they chatted, Su Peng told Yan Kai that he was very sorry and should not let her come to Hong Kong. If you want to stay in Singapore, you may not have these problems. "

... After her mother died, she had to go to school, and I agreed. At that time, she was wayward and hurt you Su Peng sighs.

"Yan Kai said:" we... Fate is not so deep "

if she doesn't leave, maybe you will get married. She doesn't have to come to Hong Kong, and she won't become like this." Su Peng Road.

Yan Kai is silent.

He's dying for a cigarette. When he first fell in love with sumalo, the relationship was real. His own girls are not very coquettish, but Su manluo is very coquettish. Yan Kai may be a bit masochistic. As long as the girls are different from his own unlucky girls, he will feel pretty good.

At that time, he liked Su manluo's coquetry.

I like it so far.

If it's beautiful, Yan Qi and Si yuzao are both very beautiful, but Yan Kai is not the beauty of Su manluo. After

came to her more and more excessively, it happened to be another siege in Singapore. Yan Kai was in a bad mood, and once yelled at her. She has to break up. It wasn't a week ago, her mother died of illness, and she wasn't in good shape.

More than two months after her mother's funeral, she still couldn't bring herself up to see Yan Kai.

Yan Kai is also very bad, and wants to go to the front.

When Su manluo broke up again, he agreed. Later, he regretted it all the time. He always felt that his consent was too rash at that time. Her mother died. She should be in a bad mood. He wants to let her go instead of breaking up with her. His feelings for sumanlo never disappeared, and grew with the guilt.

"Don't be upset, general su." Yan Kai comforted Su Peng with his words of no strength. "Manlo will wake up. We will transfer her to Singapore tomorrow." It's not an intracranial problem after the examination. This hospital has nothing to live in. It's better to go back to Singapore. Su

PENG nodded: "well, ask the doctor if she is suitable for flying now."

They have lived in Singapore for a long time and always feel that their doctors and hospitals are better than those in Hong Kong.

Doesn't that mean it's okay?

Maybe, it's really no big problem, as long as you go back, you can get better soon.

Yan Kai has been leading Su Peng, and Su Peng himself is gradually optimistic. The next day, He Wei came to see Su manluo early and woke them up when he saw that Yan Kai and Su Peng were half sitting and sleeping.

"Ah Kai, you take general Su to a nearby hotel and have a rest. I'm here to guard manlo." He Wei said, "you two should not be exhausted."

Yan Kai rubbed his temples.

He had a bad headache when he was short of sleep. Su

Peng also woke up and said to He Wei, "thank you very much, Mrs. Huo. When the doctor goes to work in the morning, we will transfer to another hospital and bring manlo back to Singapore."

He Wei knows about Su manluo. Now he brings her back to Singapore, which is probably not good for her condition.

She said again, "general Su, don't you really invite the warlocks to have a look?"

Su Peng looks at her in surprise: "Madam Huo, forgive me for taking the liberty, how can you believe the magician?" "

I've seen a very powerful warlock, not a liar. It's hard to see a warlock like this. It costs hundreds of thousands of pounds at a time. Do you not deceive yourself if you want to spend thirty or fifty fortune telling and expect others to have true abilities? " He Wei said.

Su Peng: "...

he was silent for a moment and didn't know what to take.

He Wei paused and said, "general Su, go back to ask the Secretary's wife. She's seen powerful warlocks before, and she knows that there are capable people and different people in the world. " Su was stunned.

He Wei's words, point to stop. Su

manlo is Su Peng's daughter. Su Pengfei wants to take her back to Singapore. He Wei doesn't stop her, but says, "in case you change your mind, call me, and I'll introduce a magician to you." "Thank you, Mrs. Huo," said Su

He and Yan Kai brought sumalo back to Singapore that day.

At 7:00 p.m., Yan Kai called He Wei and reported to him that he was safe. By the way, he also said the diagnosis result of Pei's Hospital in Singapore. "

after a general examination, as the doctors in Hong Kong said, no problem was found." Yan Kai said, "Auntie, if you really can't, I advise general Su to try everything." He

micro said well. After hanging up

the phone, He Wei called his secretary again to ask someone to keep Su manluo's position.

As for the others, she didn't say.

If ye Xueyao does harm Su manluo with a curse, can su Peng believe it? He must go to the hospital for examination. However, she did not take the initiative to offend these warlocks.

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