Yuan Xueyao was worried for the next few days.

He tried to explain something to Chen Su Shang several times.

Chen sushang, on the other hand, closed his door to learn the charm and ignored him. He even asked for a few days' leave to study hard at home.

Ye Wei was worried about offending people. He went out to see the situation every day, inquired about the news, and even went to the hospital to see Su manluo.

I don't think so. Su manluo has been picked up by his family.

But Xuezhu, fell into the painful lovelorn which had not yet begun to end.

Everyone has their own difficulties. I haven't seen them for several days.

After su manluo returned to Singapore, Gu went to the hospital to see her once.

“…… Don't be too sad, she will get better. " Gu Qingzhou said to Su Peng, "if you want to transfer her to a hospital in the UK, I can help you."

Su Peng shook his head.

returned to Singapore from Hongkong, both of which are well-known hospitals in Asia. The diagnosis is the same, indicating that Su man Luo's coma is another reason.

Su Peng thought of what he Wei said again.

He Wei, the wife of Huo Yue and the chairman of Hong Kong's financial circle, would not talk nonsense.

Maybe she can listen.

Su Peng immediately asked Gu Qingzhou, "madam, do you believe in the magician?"

Gu Qingzhou immediately thought of Mr. Guo qilao, and thought of his comments on Sima, and his heart was thumping.

"How do you ask that?" Gu Qingzhou is very alert.

Su Peng then repeated what he Wei said: "Madam Huo urged me to look for a magician since I couldn't find it out in medicine."

Gu Qingzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

She was more cautious: "there are really powerful warlocks, but I can't judge. It's not that the more expensive a warlock is, the more true it is. There are only high-level liars. "

"Yes, I'm worried about that, too." Su Peng Road.

"Mr. Huo has been in Hong Kong for many years. He has made many friends. According to his contacts and vision, he will not find a liar for you. If you want to try it, I'll call Mr. Huo and ask him to introduce someone. " Gu said.

Su Peng pondered for a moment.

Su manluo's complexion is getting worse and worse. The water on her face seems to be passing. Her mouth is dry and her cheeks are sunken.

After only a few days, she began to lose weight.

"I want to try." Su Peng said sincerely, "please madam."

As expected, Gu Qingzhou made a phone call to Hong Kong.

He Wei answered the phone and said with a smile: "elder sister, I will let the evergreen Taoist priest go. Do you know who is Changqing Taoist priest? "

The name Gu Qingzhou has heard.

Generally, she remembered all the people she had heard or met, so she said with a smile, "is it the master of Su Shang?"

"Sister, have you ever met Su Shang? I think she's a bit like you. " He smiled.

When it comes to Chen Su Shang, Gu Qingzhou is a little curious.

She has never seen Chen Su Shang.

When Chen sushang was at Yan's house, Gu Qingzhou was delayed. Even when she married Yan Kai, Gu Qingzhou went to Hong Kong because of Kang Han's illness and missed the chance.

"She's my nephew's ex-wife. I haven't really seen her." Gu Qingzhou said, "will she come this time?"

"Maybe." He Wei said, "Su manluo is provocative everywhere. Since there is a chance to save her, people will see that Chen sushang is her benefactor. Will su manluo dare to play tricks in the future? Sister, Su manluo is responsible for this. "

"Why?" Gu Qingzhou doesn't know what happened.

He smiled and said, "let's meet next time."

Now there is a very sophisticated eavesdropping technology, long-distance telephone signals, it is easy to be captured.

He Wei doesn't want to say ye Xueyao's curse, or Chen Su Shang won't be able to sell people.

Let Yan Kai and others see how capable Chen sushang is, and let them know how bad it will be for Su manluo to make trouble again in the future.

Su manluo no longer hates Chen Su Shang, and henceforth should also be grateful to her, at least on the surface.

It's funny to think of here and sumanlo's careful temper.

After she hung up, she made a phone call to Chenzhai.

Chen Su Shang immediately let the driver drive up.

When he arrived at the Huo family, He Wei told Chen sushang all about the situation in Singapore.

"Are you going?" He Wei asked, "you go to save her life. If she dares to be disrespectful to you in the future, she will teach you something.". In addition, when you were married, something like this happened. You have gone now, and in the future things will be told. People will only say that you repay her with good, and she will also say that her moral character is corrupt. "

Chen sushang: "..."

He Wei took up his tea and took a sip: "I feel that my heart is bad."

"No, I don't think so." Chen Su Shang said with a smile, "I want to do the same."

He smiled.

When Chen sushang returned home, he called his master, but he didn't find him. Call Mr. Hu again. There is no news from the Taoist priest.

Because Chen Su Shang always looks for him through Mr. Hu. Now the Taoist priest is so tired that he is unwilling to tell Mr. Hu his whereabouts.

No one knows where he went.

Chen sushang went to see yuan Xueyao again.

She said: "you give me some runes, your own curse, I can not solve. But to solve it, it's very troublesome to have a human life. "

Yuan Xueyao looks at her.

The afternoon sun came in through the window and fell on her, her short hair glowing blue.

Her eyes were bright and she looked directly at yuan Xueyao.

Yuan Xueyao was looked at by her, and he felt uneasy. He asked her, "are you, strange or not, me?"

Chen Su said, "no wonder. But I have to say, you are too impulsive, it's not good. It's hard to deal with things that give people a handle. If you want to get angry, you have to do the least damage to yourself. "

Yuan Xueyao nodded hurriedly: "I, listen to you."

After that, he took out a piece of Rune paper and handed it to Chen sushang: "my, boil water and give it to her."

"Good." Chen Su business road.

She simply packed up and was about to take the Huo family's plane to Singapore.

Yuan Xueyao caught up: "I, I will go."

"Don't go. Su manluo knows you. He even knows where your family lives. You are afraid that things will not be chaotic enough." Chen sushang shakes his head.

"I can explain." Yuan Xueyao said, "she, hurt me first!"

Chen Su said, "let this one go in advance. I'll get her back.". If she's dead, it's going to be a lot of trouble. "

Yuan Xueyao held her hand: "why, trouble? Are you afraid, Yan Kai, or misunderstood? "

Chen Su Shang sighed.

"Su manluo's father is the senior general of the Si family. There was a slip up. We became enemies with the Si family. Si Jia is the biggest force in Nanyang. Do you want to offend Si Jia? " Asked Chen sushang.

Yuan Xueyao: "I'm not afraid."

"Do you think that all over the world, you yuan family's skill is powerful? The Secretary may not know the warlock, but when he comes back to deal with you, how much will you win? " Asked Chen sushang.

Here, yuan Xueyao heard that Chen sushang was worried about him.

His heart warmed and he let go of Chen sushang's hand.

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