Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1791 life saving techniques

When Chen sushang arrived in Singapore, it happened to rain.

The broad leaves were swayed by the wind and rain.

She only wore a long skirt and a white woolen blouse outside. She got off the plane and got excited. It's a bit cold.

In the distance, there's a man holding an umbrella. It's Yan Kai. Chen has not seen Yan Kai for many days, but he knows his body shape. He walked very fast, his legs were strong, as if he could wind up. She can't help smiling.

Yan Kai's cloak was wet by the rain. When he came to Chen sushang, he asked her, "are you cold? You don't wear much. "

Chen Su Shang is a little cold. Yan

Kay gave her an umbrella and then took off her cloak. When Su Shang thought he was going to take off his cloak to her, he gave it to his follower and then took off his suit coat.

The suit jacket was warmed by his temperature, and was not watered by the rain. He personally put on Chen sushang: "is it still cold or not?" Chen shook his head: "it's not cold." Yan

Kai took over the cloak in his follower's hand, put it on again, and asked Chen sushang to follow him.

When the car left the airport, Yan kaicai asked Chen sushang, "I still live there, OK?"

Chen Su Shang shakes his head: "go to the hospital first, and then talk about accommodation." Yan

Kay also said yes. After a pause, he asked Chen sushang, "does this matter embarrass you? I didn't expect that Aunt Huo would recommend you. " "

How do you think my technique is not good?" Chen sushang asked with a smile. "You know I don't mean that," said Kay

Of course, Chen sushang knows. That's sumalo. Only those three words can make Chen Su Shang unhappy. Let her go to save people, maybe it's really a toss for her.

Yan Kai doesn't want to be so selfish. Chen said: "I know. Since I'm willing to come to Singapore, I don't mind. Besides, the relationship between us has always been very positive. I hope we can keep friendship with you. "

Yan Kai smiled.

When the car arrived at the hospital, Chen sushang met with Si yuzao.

Si yuzao used to have a big stomach and went to see Chen sushang. Chen sushang was very impressed with her. He said to her, "Mrs. Zhang, you are much thinner!" After touching her face, yuzao smiled and said, "yes, I haven't been eating less since I have been out of the moon, so I've lost weight. We fairies are all born beautiful. It's easy to be beautiful. "

Yan Kai: "if you lose face, don't speak in front of strangers. It's embarrassing! Yan

Kay wanted to pretend that he didn't know Yu Zao.

Siyuzao didn't realize her brother's embarrassment at all. She still boasted to Chen sushang.

Chen sushang listened with a smile. After yuzao said that he was very happy, he thought of the main thing: "I heard from my mother Mu that you are a magician introduced by my aunt from Hong Kong?"

"No, my master is. I run errands for him." Chen Su business road. Yu Zao said: "don't worry about this, that fox spirit, let her die in the hospital." "

yuzao!" Yan Kai sinks her face.

Si yuzao immediately became furious: "what are you doing so loudly? I haven't settled with you for your bad work. If you have a little humanity and a little kindness, you can call the vegetarian business from Hong Kong to cure that coquette fox? "

Yan Kai's face was suddenly livid. He bit his teeth: "you don't want to fight!"

Chen sushang was really afraid that they would fight and stopped in the middle, saying to Si yuzao, "Mrs. Zhang, don't be angry. I want to come here myself. Yan Kai and I are good friends. I look forward to her as much as I can for the people he cares about. "

Siyuzao is still angry.

At the same time, her senior brother Lu Wenli came here and said that there was a medical case to discuss with her, and pulled her away. Kay has a bad look.

He was so angry and disgraced that he could hardly see Chen Su Shang.

Chen sushang is candid: "yuzao doesn't know the news of our divorce?"

"She knew that her temper was spoiled by my uncle. Now her husband is not reliable either. As a fairy, you can see her virtue! " Yan Kai's airway.

Chen sushang is laughing. She asked Yan Kai to take her to see Su manluo and leave the matter of Si yuzao for the time being. Wait until

later, and then slowly explain with the sargassum.

Two people went upstairs, Chen Su Shang saw Su Peng in the ward and Su manluo lying on the bed. Su

Marlowe's face is gray white, his cheeks are sunken more and more, his lips are gray, showing a little dead air.

Chen Su Shang was startled and thought, "yuan Xueyao really killed her, not simply frightened her." She looked at Su Peng and whispered to Yan Kai behind her.

Yan Kai went to Su Peng and said, "general Su, come out with me. No one can stay in the ward for the time being." Su

Peng is baffled. No, is there a warlock?

"Who is she?" Su Peng asked Yan Kai. "It's my wife, Chen sushang," said Kay

Su Peng: "...

at this time, Su Peng noticed the embarrassment.


"she is a magician from Hong Kong." Yan Kai said, "let's go out first."

Su Peng is full of apprehension. He always feels that this matter is a little unreliable. That's Chen sushang, Yan Kai's wife. If she still remembered the ugliness that Marlowe made her when she got married, would she really save Marlowe? Even if Chen sushang is sincere, does she have the ability and ability?

She looks very young.

Su Peng's mind was in a state of confusion. He wanted to say something, but it was not good to brush others' good intentions. Chen stayed in the ward for only 20 minutes and then came out.

In fact, it's only one minute to burn Fuhua water for sumanlo to take it.

It's too simple, but it will worry the family members. Chen sushang thought of Su manluo's appearance now. Her father must be worried to death. In order not to block Su pengtian, she left more than ten minutes.

When she came out, Su Peng said politely and hurried to see her daughter. He asked Chen sushang, "Mrs. Yan, when will she wake up?"

Chen sushang was shocked by the words of Mrs. Yan.

She hasn't heard the name for a long time. It's not suitable. She can't bear her discomfort any longer: "she's just trapped in a nightmare, nothing serious. I think we'll wake up tonight. " Su

PENG nodded his thanks. He was still uneasy. He was afraid that Chen sushang would not be able to do it, and that Su manluo would be worried about his life.

But Chen Su Shang saw that there was nothing to do here, and he thought that Su manluo was about to wake up, and he didn't want to deal with her very much, so he said to Yan Kai, "I'll go first."

"Go to my house?" Yan Kai asked

"No, I'll go back to Hong Kong." Chen Su business road.

She's still learning spells. Yuan

Xueyao's technique stimulated Chen Su Shang. She can't live like this all the time. She can't do anything to face the real magician. She wants to learn her skills well.

This trip to Singapore is mainly to deal with the matter for yuan Xueyao. It is also a favor for Mrs. Huo. People sell their love to Yan Kai and Su's family. The rest will be handled by them. "

so urgent?" Yan Kai said, "stay for dinner and have a rest." When he thought of something, he suddenly smiled again, "I have a good thing for you."

Chen sushang looked at his smile and thought of what yuan Xuezhu had said. She was stunned.

She couldn't see Yan Kai's face clearly. Was it because he was her destined person, or was it just like yuan Xueyao who misjudged because of his bad technique? "

What's good?" When Chen sushang hesitated, she missed the opportunity to refuse, and she was really a little tired. It's OK to have something to eat for a rest night. "

come with me and go to my house." Yan Kai Dao.

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