Young General's Escaping Wife

1793 leave without notice

Yan Kai couldn't get out of her body and was extremely anxious. Su

PENG could see that Yan Kai had something else to do. He went up and broke off Su manluo's hand. Sue was screaming and excited. Doctor is born. Yan

Kay said to the doctor, "see if you can give her a shot to calm down?" Doctor

said: "irrelevant personnel, please go out first."

Su Peng and Yan Kai quit the ward, and doctors and nurses surrounded Su manluo.

Su Peng thought of what he said to calm down and was very uncomfortable. He knew that Yan Kai was in a hurry to leave. But there is no reason for him to be unhappy. After all, Su manluo woke up thanks to Yan Kai. "

Yan Shao, if you have something to do, please go ahead." Su Peng said, "there are doctors and me here. Marlowe is awake. What else can I worry about? "

Yan Kai looks at her watch. It's half past nine.

He has a stomachache from hunger.

Chen sushang came all the way from Hong Kong, and he was kind enough to keep her for dinner. At 9:30, he didn't see anyone. Considering Chen sushang's mood, Yan Kai thought he was too impolite. "

then I'll go first." He's not polite either.

Before leaving the hospital, he borrowed the public phone downstairs and called home. He was worried about how to explain it.

Unexpectedly, the servant told Yan Kai, "young master, Miss Chen has returned to Hong Kong. She will leave at five o'clock." Yan

Kay didn't speak.

He took hold of the phone and hung it up after a long silence.

At this moment, he felt a little sad.

I can't say why it's sad. It's empty anyway. Thinking of the rain outside, wet, cold and cold, Su Shang came alone and walked alone......

it seems that she will always be herself. He stood on the corridor of the hospital and looked out at the place where the lights were shining. It rained like a light, and his feet seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. There were

people patting him on the shoulder.

When he looked back, he saw Xinmei.

"... what are you doing here?" Zhang Xinmei looked at her watch. "It's o'clock. Who are you visiting?" Xin Mei is here to pick up his wife for the night shift.

He didn't spend much time in Singapore. He had only three days off in a month. The rest of the time was on warships.

As long as he went ashore, he would concentrate on his wife and daughter.

"Marlowe is awake." Yan Kai returns to his senses. Seeing his expression and body language, Xin Mei expressed his sadness and Indifference: "what's wrong with her?"

Yan Kai moved and shook off his heaviness: "it's no big problem, it's just that his brain is not clear. It's estimated that he will take a few days off." Zhang

Xin Mei felt that he had another secret.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhang doesn't like to pry into other people's gossip. He just wants to pick up his wife and go to eat a steaming midnight snack.

Si yuzao just went downstairs. She saw Xinmei first and smiled sweetly; then she saw Yankai and broke her face immediately. Zhang

Hsin Mei looked at her and then at Yan Kai. She thought that Yan Kai, who didn't know how to live or die, had made the fairy unhappy again and did something wrong!

"Go for a snack." Zhang Xinmei said, "Yan Kai, are you with us?"

In recent years, Zhang Xinmei gradually remembers what happened before. He even tried hard to call his father-in-law and mother-in-law, let alone his "brother".

For yuzao's relatives and friends, the older he is, the younger he is, all of them are named, regardless of their generations. He is just so polite. Who knows that Yan Kai is in a state of extreme depression and doesn't want to go back to sumalo's ward. Instead, he wants to find some people to have a drink and have fun. "

OK." Yan Kai Dao.

Zhang Xinmei was stunned. Yu Zao is angry. He is very protective of his cousin, so he is gentle and vicious: "go, do you need someone to lead you?" Yan

Kay doesn't care about her, and gets on the car with a new face. Instead of going home, he went to a small restaurant and asked for rice porridge, steamed bun, wonton, etc., which filled the table with enthusiasm. Kay's mother is a chef. He has eaten all kinds of delicious food, but at the moment, he also thinks that this family's preserved egg and lean meat porridge tastes good.

After half a bowl of hot porridge, he sighed softly, as if he were full of depression. "Are you ok?" asked Zhang

Yan Kai couldn't understand.

Emotion is a complex thing. It often has its own small emotions, which are not controlled by reason. Yan

Kay didn't know why he was sad. Maybe he had made up the poor appearance of Chen Su Shang.

"... nothing. Originally, he stayed in vegetable business for dinner and missed the time. " She went back to Hong Kong herself. She went back from Hong Kong to Singapore without eating a hot meal. "

Zhang Xinmei doesn't quite understand Yan Kai's thinking.

As for her relatives, Zhang Xinmei said, "in that case, can't you go to Hong Kong? It's easy to fly, it's easy to fly, now, and tomorrow we can invite her to have breakfast. "

Yan Kai: "...

Si yuzao beside laughed.

Looking at Yan Kai's gaping expression, Zhang Xinmei knew that he had never thought about it, and then said, "if you look like this, you don't really want to invite her to dinner. Why are you so depressed?"

Yan Kai glanced at Zhang Xinmei: "Xinmei, you are more and more able to chat!" Secretary

yuzao is very short-term: "what do you say? Do you want to call? "

Zhang Xinmei stuffed a small bun into the mouth of Si yuzao to ease the tense atmosphere. Yan

Kay finished a bowl of porridge in silence.

He decided to go to Hong Kong, but not tonight.

He had a snack with Zhang Xinmei and went back to Zhangjia to live in yuzao's guest room.

He got up early the next day and went to the hospital again to see sumalo.

Su manluo saw him, immediately covered his face, screamed: "out, out!" Yan

Kay withdrew.

The nurse followed.

Yan Kai asked the nurse, "why is she more serious than last night?" "

she's ready." But the nurse said, "in the middle of the night last night, she was awake, able to speak, and remembered her father. Just... "

" what? " "

just now she had to ask for a mirror. I took a small mirror and gave it to her. After reading it, she fell into the mirror and said that she was too ugly to see people." The nurse was upset. Yan

Kai: "... Nurse

Miss Shi left, and he went into sumalo's ward.

Su manluo covers face again, loudly and anxious: "you go out, you don't come in."

Yan Kai sat next to him: "manlo, I'm in the hospital every day these days. I'll accompany you with general su. I've seen everything about you. You are much better today than yesterday. "

"I'm so ugly, don't look at me!" she said

If Yan Kai wants to get close, she shouts.

Su Peng came up early and was frightened by the situation. After asking, he felt neither guilty nor spoke. He said to Yan Kai, "Yan Shao, please come back in a few days." "General Su, let's take a step to talk. I have something to tell you."

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