Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1794 ex husband's concern

Yan Kai invited Su Peng to the corridor downstairs of the hospital.

"... Su Shang came to Singapore on the order of her master. Her master is a great magician. We have to show her the rules of the Jianghu. " Yan Kai Dao. Su

Peng said: "of course, of course!"

Su Peng can't believe it until now. When Su Shang came, Su Peng was a dead horse and a living horse doctor. She had no hope for her. After all, she was so young and looked ordinary. Man

Luo's condition is very bad. Su Peng thinks it should be a new disease that has not been found. He is also thinking about transferring his daughter to the US. No, Chen Su Shang has been away for more than an hour. Su manluo, who has been unconscious, suddenly struggles violently. It seems that people wake up from nightmares.

In retrospect, Su Peng now finds that He Wei's words are very reasonable. Man

Lo seems to have been haunted by nightmares, even the way he woke up. The ability of a scholar is not judged by his age.

Su Peng understood that no matter who Chen sushang represented, he came here with real talents. He is very respectful and willing to pay. Man's family saved manluo's life, and he was willing to let Su Peng ruin his family. What's more, Su Peng is eager to make friends with such a person and dare not offend him. "

I've got a hundred thousand pounds ready. Please come for me." Su Peng Road. Ten thousand pounds is a lot of money. This is Su Peng's sincerity. "You don't need so much, general Su," said Kay. Now you are working in my side. I'll pay for you. I'll go to Hong Kong with you. Manlo won't see me. I won't come for the time being. Please explain for me. "

Su Peng nodded, "hard work is rare."

This is the best. Su Peng doesn't know about the divorce between Kai and Chen sushang. His daughter has a tough character. If she doesn't know Yan Kai clearly, Su Peng will feel her face is ruined.

Chen sushang's master is so powerful. Manlo had better not provoke her.

In this world, some people just can't get up. If you can't get into trouble, you should know how to avoid suspicion. It's a dead end to crash into it.

Yan Kai needs a little less. Su Peng is at ease. After returning from the hospital, Yan Kai went to collect 100000 pounds of cash, bought several expensive gifts, and went to Hong Kong with his uncle. When he came to the door, it happened that the Taoist priest Changqing ended his days of fooling and went home to rest. When I saw him, the Taoist priest was full of enthusiasm: "Yan Shao is here again? What's the hurry, you dusty? "

"It's OK. I'm here to thank Su Shang." Yan Kai Dao.

The Taoist priest heard about it.

After returning from Singapore, Chen and Yuan Xueyao went down the mountain early today. "

then you sit down and she is expected to come back later. Have you eaten yet?" The Taoist priest's attitude always makes people think that his enthusiasm is weird.

Yan Kai said, "I have eaten. The prime minister is out, isn't he? " "

Yes, I went down the mountain with Xueyao for a date." The Taoist priest said.

Yan Kai: "... He can't sit any longer. He really wants to go back to Singapore immediately.

What's his name?

He and Su Shang, but a short and absurd situation marriage. Last time, he suggested that she get along with ye Xueyao. Now the relationship between them is stable. It's not appropriate for him to come. He didn't mean to be amorous. He thought that the vegetarian chamber of Commerce compared him with ye Xueyao, but thought that the qualified "ex husband" should be the same as the dead one, never appear. He wants to leave, but all the people come here...

it's hard for Yan Kai to sit and stand, and she doesn't want to make trouble for Su Shang. She's not easy enough. There are

men who love and love her, and Yan Kai will also be relieved. At least she doesn't have to go alone in the cold winter alone in the rain.

He had a cup of tea. There was the sound of cars outside. Chen sushang came back.

She came back happily with a smile on her face. Yan

Kai's heart finally landed.

When she saw Yan Kai, she was shocked and then asked with a smile, "how are you coming?" "

Marlowe is awake. I'd like to say that. General Su wants to take care of her. He can't come here. Let me give her a thank-you. " Yan Kai explained.

A reasonable statement. "It's no use raising your hand," said Chen Yuan Xueyao stopped the car and came in later. He used to be very happy, but when he saw Yan Kai, his face was not very good. Chen

Su Shang said to him: "Miss Su is awake. Yan Shao has come to thank me specially. Xueyao, will you go back first? " Yuan

Xue Yao stood still.

Yan Kai put the money box on the tea table: "Su Shang, I have something else to do. I'm going back to Singapore. I leave first. " Long and slowly sipping tea, a pair of eyes are fine and bright, watching the bustle without blinking. Chen

Su Shang had to send Yan Kai out.

She didn't know that Yan Kai had money in the box, so she didn't let him take it back.

"There's no need to come in person. Just call." Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai is embarrassed to say that he actually wants to see her. It is certain that she is OK, and he is finally at ease. This trip is also worth a lot: "life and death is a big thing. You saved manlo's life, and I should do it." Chen wants to say something.

However, Yan Kai's words made her tongue sink.

She just smiled and said nothing else: "have a safe journey and call me back in Singapore." Yan

Kay said yes.

When he came, he was a hired car. At the moment, he didn't know how to get down the mountain. He stood at the door and hesitated to get down. He took the chance: "I have to go to the Huo family and thank her mother." Chen said it was OK. Kay waved at her and turned up the hill.

After his back disappeared, Chen Su Shang went home.

Yuan Xueyao sat on the sofa and poured himself tea. The Taoist priest was looking at the gift from Yan Kai.

"... what's in this box?" Asked Chen sushang. Dao

long has seen the box, and immediately takes it to the bottom of the sofa and throws it: "a little tonic, be filial to me." Yuan

Xueyao drinks tea in silence.

Time is not early, Chen Su Shang let him go back to rest, he stood up: "speak?" Chen followed him to the back door.

Two people stood in the corridor behind the house and chatted. Yuan Xueyao asked about Singapore's sumalo. "

maybe it's OK. Otherwise, why would Yan Kai want to come to Hong Kong to give gifts?" Chen Su business road.

Yuan Xueyao looked at Chen sushang and said, "you, follow him..."

Yan Kai didn't like Chen sushang. He made it clear.

He is very kind-hearted, and because he has many girls and knows the girl's mind, he has a very delicate side of his character.

On that day, Chen sushang left without saying goodbye. According to Yan Kai's character, it's normal to worry. So he should see her in person.

Seeing that she is OK, and going to dinner with yuan Xueyao, Yan Kai's heart is down.

There is no ambiguity between them. "

in another year, I will get the real divorce certificate. My relationship with him has been settled. There is no other possibility. He likes sumalo and will probably marry her. " Chen Su business road.

Yuan Xueyao hated Su manluo very much, but when he heard this, he suddenly felt that Su manluo was really a good girl. She is so good. I hope God will give her a good marriage and let her and Yan Kai live together for a long time. It's wise not to kill sumalo at first.

Yuan Xueyao couldn't help laughing.

Seeing his smile, Chen sushang thought that he was a bit crazy, and he also smiled.

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