Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1795 very little censure

Without saying hello, Yan Kai went directly to the Huo family. He was conscious of his impoliteness. No,

Yes, all the children of the Huo family like him very much. They are at home at the weekend and see him all around. They are not very enthusiastic.

Huo Yue is also very happy.

"Brother Kay, when are you going back to Singapore? I'm going too. " Ling'er pulls Yan Kai's sleeve. "Don't you study?" Kay said with a smile "

you don't have to go to school, you stay a few more days!" "We'll have a picnic tomorrow," ling'er said Hong Kong is also raining these days. It's wet and cold outside, so it's not suitable for picnic. Spirit

son, ghost, spirit and spirit, want to keep Yan Kai until the sky is clear. Girls of her age like to be lively, and like older and handsome older brothers.

She doesn't have a brother. She loves the boys of Yan Family and Si family. "

we can't have a picnic tomorrow." He Wei reminded ling'er and said to her, "if your Kai brother doesn't run, mum has something to say to him. Go play first." Ling

told Yan Kai not to leave again and again.

When Yan Kai saw her step by step and turn around, she had to promise, "how can I go back after the picnic?" The spirit left happily. Huo

Yue always smiles. For children, huoyue is very indulgent. Their family is kind and strict.

"... Akai, I want to tell you about manlo's illness." He Wei Dao.

Huo Yue took a sip of tea and didn't interrupt.

Seeing that Aunt Huo, who was always gentle, suddenly looked serious, Yan Kai suddenly said, "you say." "

Marlowe is not a cure. What I told you in the hospital is not nonsense. She was cursed. " He Wei Dao.

Then, she told Yan Kai all about sumanlo. Yan

Listen, Kay has a blank face and a blank brain.

At this moment, he did not know how to react.

He was silent for a minute, then He Wei said: "aunt, manlo is not bad hearted, she is a child's temper. Children do bad things to attract others' attention and have no bad heart. "

So is sumalo. When she was in school, all the boys in her class were courteous to her.

At that time, she said that there was a boy who was slightly hostile to her, so she often brought snacks for him to eat. At last, the boy was very good to her. Yan

Qi told this to Si yuzao, who called Su manluo sick. However, Yan Kai can understand that her character is pure.

For ye Xueyao, Su manluo thinks the same. She hopes he will like her.

She is such a beautiful girl that everyone should hold her.

"... human nature is greedy, but adults are restrained. She doesn't know much about Marlowe. She's spoiled by her parents. " Yan Kai said again. He

looked at him silently. Except for her stupidity, she couldn't think of another word to describe Yan Kai. "

it's all like this. Do you speak for her?" He Wei was silent for a moment and finally found his own language. "

I don't speak for her, I can understand her personality." Yan Kai Dao.

Everyone has shortcomings.

There can be no perfect person in this world. Yan Kai felt that as long as he could understand the causes of her shortcomings, he could forgive her.

Su manluo's love for men is greedy, just like a movie star. She needs a lot of people to love her to find her own value. But

she will never be in love with others for this reason. This

point, Su manluo still has the discretion, she grew up the temper, let her high.

She doesn't look down at ordinary people.

He Wei wants to say something more. Huo Yue gently holds his wife's hand. "

Kay, if you're not busy, you can stay a few more days. It's always raining recently. It's going to clear up. They are all suffocating. They always want to go to the countryside on a sunny day. " Huo Yue Road.

Yan Kai smiled and said, "no uncle, I'm going back. There's something else on the Manila side. I've been delayed for a long time. " Huo

Yue will not keep him. He had dinner at Huo's house and left Hong Kong by plane. After he left, he Weicai said to Huo Yue, "Yan Kai is so angry that he wants to face death and refuses to admit that Su manluo is not good at all!" "I don't think he wants face," he said. For sumalo, he is sincere, less demanding, more tolerant than critical. Such a person is very good, magnanimous and magnanimous, and can make a big deal. Besides, you don't know what he means? "

"What do you mean?"

"When a person belongs to a stranger, what do you ask so much of her? Yan Kai's explanation for sumanlo is nothing more than that he doesn't take her as his own woman. " Huo Yue Road.

He Wei is not interested in children's love.

She just didn't want to receive sumalo anymore. He Wei doesn't like Su manluo at all.

At the age and position of He Wei, she doesn't need to go against her will to please anyone.

She can hate whoever doesn't get along.

Comparatively speaking, He Wei likes Chen Su Shang. She doesn't have much contact with Chen sushang, but she is inexplicably fond of her.

Maybe it's su Shang who has her sister's shadow.

Gu Qingzhou has always been the Lighthouse of He Wei's life. For so many years, she always subconsciously wants to ask her sister about anything.

After Yan Kai left, ling'er was very disappointed.

She listened to the radio and said it would clear up in a few days. She is sure to have a picnic this weekend.

He Wei said to his daughter, "you can ask Miss Chen." Ling was almost kidnapped when she was five years old. Later, He Wei and Huo Yue taught her to guard people and be careful when going out. Chen

Su Shang and other people are not worldly friends, so linger doesn't dare to associate with her.

Hearing her mother say this, ling'er subconsciously asks, "is sister Chen reliable?"

Huo Yue looks at the eye and doesn't speak. He

micro rule: "you can understand it by yourself, and then make your own judgment." Little children are not stupid. Besides, ling'er is 14 or 15 years old. Her mother is telling her that Miss Chen is reliable and doesn't need her to judge at all.

"Mom, are you going?" Ling'er asked again, "let's go for a picnic together at the weekend."

He Wei also has a charity dinner on weekends. He Wei is afraid that he will prepare his hair and make-up in the afternoon.

"I can't go." He Wei told the truth. Spirit

a little disappointed, he asked Huo Yue: "Abba, are you going?" "

dad is going to accompany your mom to the dinner party. The invitation says" attend with your partner. " Huo Yue Road.

He Wei couldn't help laughing.

In front of his wife, Huo Yue will never raise himself. He is willing to be the one behind her, not seeking fame and wealth. She needs money, and he can help; she needs contacts, and he can swim around; when she needs a party companion, he is just an ordinary man, and becomes the embellishment of his wife.

Ling'er felt that she could never surpass her mother in her father's heart. She turned around and went down to the dinner table: "I'm going to find sister Chen!" When she went to meet Chen sushang, Yuan Xuezhu and Yuan Xueyao were there. Listen to

go for a picnic, Yuan Xuezhu first cheered up: "it's just the right time, I want to go to the wild to breathe some fresh air, I've been suffocating recently." "Sister ye, why are you holding back?" Ling Er is curious.

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