Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1798 the courage of the Taoist priest

Chen sushang and Yuan Xueyao were in a mess, but Huo's servant shouted.

She pointed to ling'er.

Chen sushang found that when they spoke, ling'er tried to bite his lips, which had already been broken.

Blood flowed from the corners of her lips.

Ling'er is not conscious. She may really bite her lips or even tongue.

Chen sushang looks at yuan Xueyao.

At this time, huoyue and He Wei are back.

Yuan Xueyao is pinching ling'er's jaw, not letting ling'er use his teeth.

Chen sushang quickly explained with He Wei and Huo Yue.

He Wei listened and his heart sank.

She quickly put her emotions in order.

Who is the perpetrator, I don't know; who is the perpetrator, I don't know; what means are used, I don't know even more.

In the case of nothing clear, we should first stabilize people's minds.

No anxiety can solve the problem.

He Wei patted Chen Su Shang on the shoulder: "you take a rest first, we look at ling'er."

Xijiu was beside him and asked huoyue and He Wei, "do you want to go to the hospital?"

"Her eyes are red. It's not normal. She can only go to the hospital for examination. Go and call Dr. Lu. Calm down the young lady first and let her calm down. " Huo Yue Road.

He is in love with his daughter.

In this world, no one loves linger more than their husband and wife, but when the problem comes, we must first solve the problem that can be solved, and then face our feelings. So when Huo Yue calmly orders, yuan Xueyao, who doesn't know him very well, looks at him.

In the eyes of yuan Xueyao and other foreigners, the response of Huo's husband and wife is totally different from their parents' attitude. They don't cry or ask questions.

The British couple in the park are like normal parents.

"Yes." Xijiu turns to make a phone call.

Dr. Lu is Huo Yue's private doctor. He runs a luxury medical clinic for the rich who need private space, as well as various medical services.

Its departments and medical equipment are not as complete as large hospitals. However, Dr. Lu's own medical skills are very good. He studied medicine in the United States for eight years.

Huo Yue gently stroked his daughter's hair.

Linger kept bared his teeth, and his red eyes seemed to be able to shed tears at any time. She couldn't see clearly. Her chin was still pressing.

Yuan Xueyao was a little distracted and was moved by ling'er.

Ling'er bites his hand and closes his teeth tightly. Yuan Xueyao has a sharp pain. The flesh of the tiger's mouth is bitten by ling'er.

Seeing this, Huo Yue said to yuan Xueyao, "that's not good. Mr. Ye, don't move if you work hard first. "

After that, Huo Yue's eyes must have been fixed. Then he bypassed yuan Xueyao with one hand, pinched ling'er's chin and pulled it.

Linger's jaw suddenly dislocated.

At last she let go of her mouth and let out a shrill howl. For the first time in such a long time, she made a huge voice, no longer a whimper in her throat.

Her pupils seem to have faded a little.

The next moment, however, she returned to a manic and bloodthirsty state.

He Wei covers his mouth and turns around.

Chen sushang felt that the emotions of He Wei and Huo Yue were like two icebergs, all under the water, showing a nod, which was on the verge of collapse.

She gently hugged He Wei's shoulder: "Madam..."

He Wei blinked and tried to calm her voice. She kept inhaling: "I'm ok. It's good for ling'er and others. She won't hurt others or herself any more. "

Chen sushang didn't know what to say.

Dr. Lu is coming soon.

He examined ling'er, and then said to Huo Yue, "I can't explain this situation to any medicine at present. Is there any other problem? Do you remember the three masters of the Song family? "

Huo Yue nodded: "remember."

“…… Do you want to send it to the big hospital? " "It's safer," Lu asked

"No use. Let you come, just to make sure that I have a clear idea. " Huo Yue Road.

He turned around and looked at Chen sushang. "Miss Chen, where has the Taoist priest gone?"

"He's not at home," said Chen

Huo Yue turned to Xijiu and said, "Jiu Ye, please send someone to find Taoist Chang Qing. He should still be in Hong Kong."

Tin nine is.

As long as we are still in Hong Kong, there are no people we can't find.

He went in a hurry.

Chen sushang was not good at her own business. She thought of the compass that her master gave her and couldn't help but want to take it.

When she saw that all the people were around her, she withdrew herself.

Back home, Chen soshang went into the room to find the compass, and suddenly someone spoke behind him.

"A li..."

Chen sushang was scared out of his wits.

Looking back for a while, I saw that it was her master. He was dressed neatly and was sitting on the sofa in Chen sushang's room.

He always dresses casually at home. It's unusual for him to be so serious.

She covered her chest: "are you at home?"

Then she rejoiced: "hurry up, go to see ling'er."

The Taoist priest put away his smiley face and looked at Chen sushang carefully: "Ali, we are in trouble, I can't go for the moment."

Chen Su Shang's heart first cooled.

She sat in a nearby chair, leaning forward, and came close to her master: "what's the trouble?"

"Someone who wants to deal with us is the enemy I used to provoke." Said the Taoist priest Changqing.

Chen sushang sat upright.

She understood two meanings from master's words: first, master knew who the other side was; second, master felt that he could not deal with it.

Her heart is tightening, too.

Ling'er is innocent. If she doesn't go out with Chen sushang and Yuan Xueyao, she won't encounter such a thing.

"What enemy is it?" Asked Chen sushang.

The Taoist priest suddenly stood up.

Chen sushang held him. "Master."

"I'll go to Xueyao and ask him to help me solve this problem first." Said the Taoist priest Changqing.

Chen sushang grabbed his arm and said, "master, I can help you. Let me help you. I'm your apprentice. From now on, we will depend on each other for our lives. "

The Taoist priest sighed: "Alas, silly child, master is not to distinguish between relatives and strangers, nor to pity you. He doesn't want you to sacrifice, but because you have no ability."

Chen sushang: "..."

In a very worried mood, she had a murderous heart that wanted to bully her master and destroy her ancestors.

"I've been learning for a long time." Chen sushang didn't give up. "Let me try it together, many people, many helpers."

The Taoist priest hesitated.

Finally, he nodded.

He first called Ye's house and asked Xuezhu and ye Wei to go to Huo's house together after they came back.

Then he called Huo Yue and said he was at home.

"Don't worry, Mr. Huo. I can deal with the situation of your daughter. It's just that I'm in trouble. I'll come right now." The Taoist priest said.

Hung up, he took Chen Su Shang uphill and went to Huo's house.

After seeing the eye soul, he said to Huo Yue and He Wei's husband and wife, "small things are not skills, but curses. People who curse are more skillful."

"Taoist priest, how to solve it?" He asked.

"Don't panic, madam. There will be no danger for miss. Last time, Miss Su was cursed for many days, but now she is also alive and kicking around

Chen sushang: "..."

She felt that her master was not here to save lives, but to add obstacles.

Look at his example!

He Wei listened to it, but his expression was very loose. Su manluo really survived.

As long as the soul can survive, nothing is needed.

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