Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1799 the curse of cutting and flying

Ling'er is calmed down, and her jaw is dislocated by her father. People are stunned, only those eyes keep turning.

Her eyes all seemed to be covered with blood.

Can't move, can't cry, can't move, only the eyes can move. He and huoyue are not looking at her.

No matter how tough, there are times when they can't bear it. What's more, it's their money...

"... The person who curses should be the one I know, surnamed Hu." The Taoist priest said to Huo Yue. Huo has never heard of Yue. Yuan Xueyao and Chen sushang beside the

show their faces. Yuan

Xue Yao knew that there was a family of warlocks in the mountains over Guangxi, whose surname was Hu, and he and Yuan's family had always been well watered. In the early years of Kangxi, there was a fierce fight between Hu and Yuan families, which resulted in tragic death and injury. The Hu family almost had a fault of successor. After

coming, the heads of the two families sat down for peace talks. Since then, the two families have been safe.

The elders of the yuan family, from time to time, teach their children to stay away when they meet the Hu family.

It's estimated that the people of the Hu family also explained to their younger generation. However, yuan Xueyao was nervous when he heard that his surname was Hu, while Chen sushang remembered that the closest person to his master was also a Hu. "

Hu family in Guangxi." The Taoist priest continued, "has Lord Huo heard of it?" "I used to be in Jiangsu, but later in Hong Kong and Guangxi, I didn't know much about it." "The Hu family is a family of warlocks and has been living in seclusion. There will be all sorts of strange rules in such a seclusion. " He seemed to have a chat with Huo Yue, "for example, if you have twins, you should not only kill both children, but also the parents of the children.

For another example, if the eldest son of a family is born on a certain day when the sun or the sun reaches, the newborn baby will be drained of blood and made into a dry adult as a sacrifice. " Chen

when he heard this, he felt a little nauseous.

The expressions of Huo Yue and He Wei also changed. "

... Not only for their own children, but also for some special children. What are they doing? It's quite confidential. I don't know yet." The Taoist priest said.

At this point, he paused a little. "I'm more nosy, so when they took the children away, I tracked them for more than two months and touched their old nest." Chen's heart suddenly tightens.

She seemed to understand what her master was going to say next.

"I have a good friend who belongs to the Hu family. I said that the boy with the eight characters of Chunyang was made into a sacrifice and was his son. If it's killed, it's all right. The sacrifice maker can see every day that his wife is crazy and he is crazy.

I stole him out. He has been in Hong Kong since then, but there is no airtight wall. I'm looking to curse ling'er. It should be the hand of Hu family magician. I'm more worried about how many people they have come to. The second is how the enemy knows how to win over them without causing you any trouble.

Hu family is different from yuan family in Western Hunan. Yuan family in Western Hunan has been intermarrying with other people, even with Miao women. In concept, they can understand with common sense, understand human feelings, and even follow heaven's way. However, Hu family in Guangxi has been closed for too long, and they will not cherish any innocent human life. " Dao Chang Dao.

Yuan Xueyao looked at him.

All of a sudden, he realized that Taoist priest got along with them peacefully because he had some good feelings for yuan family. Yuan

the Taoist priest was not satisfied with many practices of his family, but he didn't mean anything to their family in general. "

Taoist priest, what should we do?" Huo Yue was silent for a moment. "If you are in danger, I dare not force you. Every man has his own life. "

When yuan Xueyao heard this, he couldn't help thinking that Huo Yue was very righteous. He is so righteous that he takes retreat as advance, but the Taoist priest is not very nice to refuse. However, yuan Xueyao heard the Taoist priest Changqing say, "since I have come, how can I make the eldest lady suffer?"? I'll wait for yewei and Xuezhu to help Half an hour later, ye Wei came.

Xuezhu goes to the park to play, but in a flash, she finds that her eldest brother and Chen sushang are all gone. She is also kind-hearted, until the servant goes to find her and says uncle Liu wants her to go back. It's also said that something happened at home. Zhu came back an hour later. When she arrived, the Taoist priest asked Huo Yue and others to go out, leaving only five of them and linger.

The Taoist asked Ye Wei, "do you know what curse she was under?"

Ye Jue's skill is not good, but he has a lot of insight, so the Taoist asked him first. "

I don't know. As soon as I come in, I can't feel the breath." Ye Wei said truthfully. Yuan

Xuezhu and Yuan Xueyao were relieved. Uncle doesn't know, so they don't have much pressure, don't know and don't lose face.

When the Taoist priest Changqing was ready to answer, Chen sushang suddenly said, "master, is this the 'cut fly mantra'?"

Everyone was stunned.

The Taoist priest Changqing is also very strong and surprised.

Looking at their faces, Su Shang knew he was right. "

what is the cut fly mantra?" Xuezhu is a little sweaty. Does she neglect to practice in this period of time, not even the entry-level Chen Su business is not as good as it is? "

cefisha." Yuan Xueyao is concise and comprehensive. Snow

Zhu and ye Weimao opened.

In the Fengshui array, there is a Fengshui evil spirit, which is used in buildings or terrain to affect the number of Qi living in that area, that is, the cut fly evil spirit.

The most common cut fly evil spirit is that there is a reflective building on the opposite side of a house. When it's sunny, it reflects sunlight into the house. When it's raining, the raindrops splash in the direction of the house. It doesn't need to splash into the house, just splash in the direction. For a long time, fengshuisha will be formed, which will affect the air transport of the people living in this house. Like

a knife stabbed in, it is called "piercing, shooting, cutting and flying" on Fengshui. Then

corresponding to the five elements and eight trigrams, if cefisha is facing the east of the house, then the eldest son of the family will suffer from blood disaster; if it is southwest, it will affect the mother of the family. In the case of

body, it is necessary for the Warlock to make a specific investigation and then come up with a solution.

This kind of geomantic omen may have been formed by nature unintentionally, or by some people's intentional revenge.

But it's not very common for people. "

... When you were in the park, the man didn't show up, but used other people to refract Miss Huo. If we want to release the curse, we can only find the curse that refracts that person, but we can't find the real curse. That's why I find it difficult. " The Taoist priest said.

He affirmed the judgment of his apprentice.

In the spirit, it is the "cut fly curse". Once they want to get rid of the curse, they will alarm the refractor, thus the person who actually casts the curse behind the refractor, which may in turn make them all fall into the curse.

"Is it really the cut fly curse?" Xuezhu still doesn't believe that, "Su Shang, how do you know?" Chen

Su Shang had no choice but to look at them: "I said I was working hard, do you think I said it for fun?"

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