Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1800 small success of technique

Yuan Xueyao looks at Chen sushang with eager eyes.

Chen sushang is not such a gorgeous girl, but at the moment, she speaks that sentence, so dazzling.

How clever she is! She can learn anything!

"Ah Li!" He suddenly reached out and clenched Chen sushang's hand.

Chen sushang was stunned and then a little embarrassed.

The Taoist priest Changqing seems to think a little. Looking at his appearance, his apprentice is very promising, and he is not very happy.

Everyone could not tell each other's mind, but ye coughed softly and broke the silence.

"Taoist priest, this matter is so difficult. What are you going to do?" Ye Wei asked.

Once the curse is removed, the result may be that all of them are under the curse and are defenseless.

"I need help." The Taoist priest said, "all four of you are going down the mountain, occupying the position of departure, earthquake, bank and Exchange respectively. I will give you compass and rune paper. Once I do this, the compass in your hand will react. I want you to find the real caster according to the reaction of your own compass. "

The crowd looked at him in dismay.

Taoist priest wants to use himself as bait to lead out the real caster.

Xuezhu Lima said: "no way, Taoist! Your technique is the highest. If you have a chance, we can't save you, even miss Huo. "

"No, I know it." Taoist priest downplayed.

Chen sushang looks at him.

She knew master's mind.

Her master is not afraid of death. For him, the world is bizarre. He has a pear, so he can't commit suicide easily, or even the "suicide" itself makes him feel like a loser.

If you can make a great sacrifice, master will be benevolent.

"Master, if you are in case, I don't want to live." Chen sushang said lightly.

Taoist priest is very upset.

Bad boy!

"If I die, will you die?" The Taoist priest was very unhappy. "What nonsense do you say you don't want to live? How old are you?"

Chen sushang: "..."

The Taoist priest said exactly that he immediately took out a few small compasses and some runes, and gave them to Chen sushang and other four people to let them go down the mountain now.

"Watch your watch. We'll start in an hour." The Taoist priest said, "I'm the target. You are the Yellow finch. If you can't catch the mantis, we won't live safely in the future."

Everyone's face was heavy.

“…… In addition to compass, you should take all the weapons, guns or knives you can use. Dr. Lu also has tranquilizers. You can also take them. When you find the person who cast the spell, I may also be cursed when I come back. This is Rune paper, which will be used by Miss Huo and me respectively at that time. " Said the Taoist priest.

He has taken everything into consideration.

Yuan Xueyao said, "I want a knife."

He won't shoot.

Xuezhu and yewei often go out to play. They have been to the shooting range by chance. Unfortunately, they can't shoot properly. They can't get it right.

"I want a gun. It's more frightening." Snow said.

Chen Su Shang didn't ask for a gun or a knife. She just asked for a syringe with a tranquilizer.

Release the curse of Rune paper, the Taoist gave it to Huo Yue, let him save it first.

Each of them has his own command.

Before Chen sushang left, he gave the Taoist priest a hug.

The Taoist priest said "meat and hemp".

After Chen sushang went down the mountain, he took the position of abdication, which is just south.

There is a bustling street with people coming and going.

She chose a coffee shop and sat there waiting. She kept looking at her watch and looked anxious.

When the clerk saw her, he asked her if she wanted to eat some cakes. Chen sushang asked her at will.

Coffee and cake came up, she kept drinking coffee, two cups in a row, and finally stabilized her mood.

There are twenty minutes left before the appointment.

Chen sushang's compass in his bag is also unstable. Her heart was heavy as the compass.

She thought of Shifu hiding in her room from the Huo family, and her gloomy face

I'm afraid it's a bad thing.

However, it doesn't help to worry now.

Chen sushang waited in silence.

It seems that only a moment's effort, an hour later, she went out of the coffee shop, hid in a corner, lit the rune paper.

Rune paper changed the magnetic field around, compass immediately changed, the pointer to the top of the mansion.

She looked at the compass, and at the top of the mountain in the distance. Her heart was as cold and heavy as ice water.

She remembers that master said that magicians have their own mission. If they follow the way of heaven, they may live forever and soon fall into hell.

He who changes does not know.

She was thinking about something and the compass in her hand suddenly changed.

The pointer to the top of the mountain began to move.

Now it's going south, now it's going north, now it's going to Chen sushang.

Chen sushang's back was tense at once, and he had a string in his mind, which was pulled straight.

She looked at the compass.

Less than a minute later, she suddenly put the compass in place, turned around and rushed in one direction.

She stopped at the door of a church.

The church is not far from her compass, but a block away.

At the moment, people of faith are praying in the church.

When Chen sushang came in, he saw a group of foreigners, including several Chinese faces.

There was a young man, about twenty-eight years old, in a brand-new white shirt, brown trousers, shirt sleeves half folded, showing his strong arms.

He is closing his eyes and praying.

When Chen Su Shang approached, he smiled a little and nodded at her.

He looked at her quietly, then his fingers moved.

Chen Su Shang's hand was faster than him, and suddenly he stabbed a tranquilizer into his neck.

Before the paper sign in his hand worked, the man fell down.

After Chen Su Shang put him down, he immediately stood up and walked to the back of the church.

She hid for a moment and found that the young man had no companion, so Chen sushang borrowed the pastor's phone to call the Huo family at the top of the mountain.

She said the address.

A moment later, Huo Yue came with his entourage. The man who was put down by the tranquilizer, looking at Huo Yue and others softly, wanted to say something.

Huo Yue suddenly punched at his face.

The young man passed out completely.

Some people in the church saw it, but because they were all Chinese, they didn't make a sound.

Chen sushang always thought that Huo Yue was gentle and gentle. He was like a scholar with no strong hand. He always forgot that he used to be the leader of the Green Gang.

He has temper and ability.

His dearest daughter has an accident. He is in a state of anxiety, but he needs to stabilize the situation. Otherwise, the rest of the family will mess up and his wife may collapse.

He Wei's calmness is an example of Huo Yue's calmness.

The entourage carried the young man up the mountain.

As expected, the Taoist priest was backfired with the cut fly mantra, and he was beaten calm and unconscious.

When the young man was caught, the Huos went to inform Ye Wei, yuan Xueyao and Yuan Xuezhu respectively.

If you find the person who cast the curse, the Reaper curse is just a little curse.

Chen sushang took Fushui for her master and linger.

Master, wake up first.

Ye Wei and others are back.

"Su Shang, how did you find the person who cast the spell?" Ye Wei couldn't help asking her.

Everyone's compasses are the same. When their uncle and nephew came back, they were right. The compasses kept moving and there was no accurate direction.

In this case, how did Chen sushang do it?

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