Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1801 eccentricity

Chen sushang did not answer Ye Wei's question.

She held her master's hand all the time.

Although the Taoist priest Changqing woke up, his consciousness was still a little vague. He said, "I'll sleep for a while."

It's like going to sleep.

Ling'er never wakes up.

At about 8 o'clock in the evening, ling'er wakes up first.

She wanted to talk, but her chin hurt so much that she took a deep breath.

When she looked down, she found that her face was covered with a thick bandage, which held her jaw.

She couldn't stand the pain and looked at her parents in a daze.

"Linger?" He Wei calls her carefully.

Ling'er made a sound in her throat. She wanted to ask a lot of questions, but her mouth couldn't be opened. She could only make a subtle sound between her teeth: "Muma..."

He Wei's tears rolled down uncontrollably.

She kissed her first daughter's hand: "it's OK, good boy, it's all over!"

Huo Yue also gently stroked ling'er's hair.

"If you sleep for a while, it won't hurt." Huo Yue said, "smart boy......"

Ling'er's spirit is very tired.

With her parents by her side, she was reassured and closed her eyes again.

Long green road long this sleep, but slept to a little more at night.

Chen sushang asked Ye Wei's uncle and nephew to go back first. She guarded her master herself.

When the Taoist priest woke up, he saw that she was lying down and asleep, covered with a thin blanket, while yuan Xueyao was sitting on the sofa not far away.

"Taoist priest." Yuan Xueyao stands up.

This slight noise woke up Chen Su Shang.

She sat in a panic, her brain slowed a step, and she was still out of the sky.

She rubbed her eyes hard and asked yuan Xueyao, "why didn't you go back?"

She remembered that she asked yuan Xueyao to follow Ye Wei and Xue Zhu home first.

Yuan Xueyao pointed to his watch: "I'm here again."

Chen Su Shang woke up at this time. Seeing her master lying and looking at her, she asked nervously, "master, how do you feel?"

"Noisy, there are too many people in this room." Said the Taoist priest Changqing.

Chen sushang: "..."

The Taoist priest did not get up, so he lay on his back and closed his eyes gently.

He's not sleeping, he's just lazy.

"That man, have you got him?" He asked Chen sushang, "where is it locked?"

"Mr. Huo's men shut him up." Chen Su business road.

Changqing Road nodded, paused for a long time, sat up and said, "I'll go to examine him."

Chen sushang also said he would go.

The Taoist priest doesn't care: "come on."

Mr. Huo's family has a secret basement.

It's not easy to dig the secret room of the mountain top mansion, but the secret room of the Huo family is not only large, but also deep, and the decoration can be said to be luxurious.

Huoyue and He Wei's financial resources are just the tip of the iceberg.

“…… Taoist priest, Miss Chen, this way, please. " The entourage leads the way in front, respectfully to Chen sushang and the Taoist priest Changqing.

Yuan Xueyao is a small tail that can't be thrown away.

They met the young man.

The young man was beaten by Huo Yue and his eyes and nose were bruised.

His bridge of nose seems to be broken.

"Are you from the Hu family?" Asked the chief.

The young man gave a cold snort.

Taoist priest looks like this. He doesn't intend to explain it. However, the Taoist priest would like to know how the Hu family arranged, so he had to use some means.

He said to Chen sushang and Yuan Xueyao, "you two go out first."

Chen sushang.

The Taoist priest changed his tongue again: "you'd better go home first. I don't think I can deal with it for a moment. You go back to sleep, and I'll take you to have a good meal at noon tomorrow. "

Chen sushang: "..."

Master always coaxes children in this way.

Chen sushang was dissatisfied with him, but turned away.

The night is deep.

He Wei said: "you go to sleep for a while, and then go home tomorrow morning?"

Chen Su Shang smiled and said, "Madam Huo, we are close neighbors. I'll be my home when I go down. I go home to sleep, not tired. If you have anything, please call me. "

Huo Yue said he would send her in person.

Chen sushang pointed to yuan Xueyao: "Mr. Ye sent me without bothering Mr. Huo."

He Wei is no longer reluctant.

The road lights are bright.

In the cold night on the mountain, Chen sushang wrapped his overcoat tightly. When the cold wind blew, people were in complete spirit.

She and Yuan Xueyao walked faster and faster to resist the cold.

When she got home, she asked the servant to bring hot tea.

"Have a snack and you'll go home to bed." Chen Su business road.

Yuan Xueyao nodded.

When the servant went to prepare for the night, yuan Xueyao and Chen sushang sat at the dinner table.

Yuan Xueyao asked Chen sushang, "how, how, and what did you find..."

"How can I find the caster?" Chen sushang answers.

Yuan Xueyao nodded.

Chen sushang smiled: "it's very simple that he is closest to me. When my compass is close to the southwest, it will turn away quickly. It's very unnatural. Abnormal is demon. I went to see it myself, and then I saw him. There are so many people in the church, few Chinese, and his face is not very normal. "

Yuan Xueyao smiles.

His eyes, bright and deep, seem to be able to drown Chen sushang.

Chen sushang was so affectionate and focused on looking at him. He was very embarrassed. He whispered with him and said, "Mr. Yuan, don't look at me like this, you look silly."

Yuan Xueyao laughed.

He took her hand and kissed her gently: "Ali, you are so nice."

Chen sushang blushed a little.

Her palm was hot, and she took back her hand. "Your magic is better than mine. Don't praise me like that. I'm sorry."

"No, it's not just good technique." Yuan Xueyao said.

Chen sushang: "..."

She couldn't help turning her head and laughing.

Yuan Xueyao asked her again, "how about wearing a ring?"

The last time he bought her a ring, she said she would like to wear it when they are in touch.

Yuan Xueyao has been keeping it close.

Chen sushang was stunned.

She was determined to look at yuan Xueyao, but she was not very sure.

Love is a field she never set foot in. She doesn't know what she wants.

When yuan Xueyao said this, she suddenly thought of Yan Kai.

He put on his navy uniform that day, stood in front of her and smiled at him.

He is not childish, but his smile is warm and clean, like a big boy.

Chen sushang thought of his world again. Before she had sumanlo, her heart hurt.

The color on her face faded: "Xueyao, I still can't make up my mind. If you don't want to wait, I'll tell you the result now... "

Yuan Xueyao immediately interrupted her: "I understand! It doesn't matter. I'll go on and wait for you. "

Chen sushang was very upset.

Yuan Xueyao felt that he had lost all the good atmosphere and was a bit upset.

They ate the night in silence, and Yuan Xueyao went home to sleep.

Chen sushang lay down but couldn't sleep.

Her mind is full of remorse: "I must be in the base. Why do you think of Yan Kai when Xue Yao said that? What can I think of? "

Yan Kai himself said that he likes beautiful girls.

Su Shang is not the beautiful man in his heart.

Even if we do get together in the future, we still think of Su manluo.

Since it's a dead end, why drill into it?

She and Yan Kai were not together.

She didn't sleep so much that the next day when her master came home, she heard the noise.

"Master, what has been judged?" Chen Su Shang Lian asked, "who is that man?"

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