Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1802 biological parents

Changqing Taoist priest was tired all night. He was tired.

"You look a little bit. First, go and get your master a breakfast. I'll take a bath and ask again. You're in such a hurry? " Taoist priest is not satisfied. Chen

Su Shang: "...

she swallowed her breath, apologized to her master, and hurried to the kitchen. The chef prepared chicken soup, and Chen sushang made a bowl of chicken noodles himself.

The Taoist priest bathed in cold water.

In the morning of late autumn, it's very cold on the mountain. A bathtub of cold water makes the Taoist priest feel refreshed.

He smoked slowly. After smoking a cigarette, he washed it and came out just in time for Chen Su Shang to serve chicken soup. "What do you want to know?" he asked Chen sushang as he ate noodles without paying attention to noodles "

are we still in danger?" At present, Chen sushang is more concerned about this. Hu

how many people have come to the family and what they plan to do.

"No." The Taoist priest said. He was holding the bowl for a long time, but in a short time he ate a bowl of noodles into his stomach.

After eating, he lit another cigarette. Smoking is more important than eating. He has food in his stomach and smoke in his mouth, so he is in a stable mood and in a good mood: "the man you picked up, he came to Hong Kong alone. He committed a crime and was driven out by the Hu family. He can't think of it. He wants to go back to Hu's house. He met Lao Hu and me in Hong Kong and got into a bad mood.

He followed me for a period of time, and also went to our door to stamp, knowing that you are my apprentice. He wanted to start with you that day, and then let me and Lao Hu undo the curse, and was backfired by his cut fly curse.

He caught Lao Hu and me, and after he went back, he could make a great contribution, and let bygones be bygones. He didn't disturb anyone for fear that others would share the reward. There are several people living in Singapore in Hu's family. As long as he hears about it, the Hu family will send someone to come over. However, at present, the news has not been leaked. " The Taoist priest said. Chen was relieved. She clapped her chest, which was a thrilling day, and finally solved it. He took a long and deep breath of smoke: "I'm afraid that Hu family sent a team of people to look for him. Fortunately, they haven't been in charge of me yet. "

After that, he talked about the man he caught last night. "Fortunately, he doesn't know how to descend, or I really can't deal with him."

Chen sushang thought of all that Shifu had done yesterday.

That's the real worry. She is not afraid of heaven and earth. It is rare for him to show such emotions, or even to care for the Huo family. Later, he came out.

When Chen sushang thought of this place, his master was no longer reliable and forgiven him. She remembers the words that master said at Huo's house... He said at that time that Hu's family in Guangxi not only were cheap children, but also abducted special children in the eight characters.

But Chen sushang remembers that she was originally locked up. To

How did she follow her master later, she had no impression. The

memory was lost.

If it's a warlock, it will make people lose their short-term consciousness to move the magnetic field around and let the evil spirit enter the brain. She is good at this way, and she has also given paper symbols like Su Shang.

"Master, did you follow the Hu family for two months and save the child, me?" Chen sushang suddenly asked, "Xueyao said, their magicians can't see my face clearly. Am I born with strange eight characters, or did you do it?" The Taoist priest glanced at her. He took a deep breath at last, finished the cigarette, pressed the end of the cigarette, stood up and touched her hair. "

answer only one question, and find out the rest for yourself. Your brain is so stupid that you don't practice much. It's rotten. " The Taoist priest said. He messed up Su Shang's hair, "you guessed right. I followed Hu's family for two months, and the child I saved was you. Why am I so good to you?

It's not easy to save you. It's not easy to raise you. How many thoughts did I spend on your master? I haven't spent so much time on other people in my life. You are not my own daughter, but rather my own. "

Then he turned and went upstairs.

He never disdains to express his tenderness to Su Shang. He has been unreliable all the time. He said a few sincere words by chance, which is also from his heart and lungs. When Su Shang sat alone at the dinner table, he thought of saying to him that if something happened to him, she would commit suicide. How much does it hurt master's heart?

Master worked hard to raise her, and regarded her life as more important than him.

Chen sushang's eyes are astringent. She tried to blink and went upstairs to sleep. Yesterday, Su Shang worked hard all day and stayed up all night. After lying down, she was still thinking about her master. Teacher's words, like wrapping her in a coat, make her feel warm in the coldest winter. That's the tenderness of a father.

Unfortunately, she doesn't remember her own father.

She fell asleep in a daze and had another dream. She dreamed of the gentle smile of a woman and the powerful arm of a man, holding her high above her head. "

Ali..." the man called her.

The sound is getting far away. This is a dream that she has had many times. She can't see the couple's faces clearly every time. There is no doubt that they are her biological parents. At that time, they loved her very much. What happened later? She used to think, later why don't love her, want to abandon her? But master told her that the Hu family abducted the girl. She was kidnapped. Maybe her parents didn't abandon her, but lost her? Have they been looking for her for many years? The business didn't sleep very well, so someone downstairs spoke and she heard. She heard Yan Kai's voice faintly. She woke up in a flash and hurried downstairs in her pajamas. As expected, she saw Yan Kai standing in her living room and asked Chen sushang, the servant, when to get up.

Chen Su Shang was stunned for a moment.

Yan Kai raised his eyes to see her and smiled at her: "I'm here again." Chen can't help but smile. "

is very diligent." Chen Su said, "did you come to see ling'er?"

"Yes." Yan Kai Dao. Chen asked him to sit down and let the servant serve tea. "I was going to come with my aunt," said Kay. My aunt has a brother-in-law who is in hospital in Hong Kong. This time, she is ill again. My aunt wants to see her. My uncle's plane is all occupied. I'm still in Singapore, so my aunt asked me to give her a ride. " Chen nodded.

Yan Kai should take care of Su manluo in Singapore these days.

Thinking of this, Chen Su Shang hurriedly shifted his mind. She took her tea and took a sip. She asked him, "have you seen ling'er?" "

Yes. It will take some time for linger's chin to heal. There are no other big problems. "You saved her," he said Yan Kai Dao.

When it comes to "you", he suddenly pauses for some reason. After

and he pretended nothing happened, "you're really good!"

Chen Su Shang smiled: "my master is very powerful. This time, my master was desperate. However, it's because of us. We should pay for the spirit. " "

because of you?" Yan Kai immediately caught the sentence, "why, are you in trouble?"

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