Yan Kai is more careful and is very good at pleasing girls.

When Chen sushang heard his concern, he just laughed and said, "it's OK. My Shifu has solved it."

They two chatted.

Before Chen sushang had lunch, he asked Yan Kai, "have you eaten yet?"

"No, I'll go to Huo's later." Yan Kai Dao.

"Otherwise, let's go down to eat. I know a very good Cantonese restaurant." Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai said yes.

He drove Chen sushang's car and took him down the mountain.

Both men were talking all the way.

Chen sushang told Yan Kai all about yesterday's thrill.

Yan Kai smiled: "I didn't expect that your technique has improved so fast..."

"A little makes a lot." Chen Su said, "if you work hard, you will get something."

"Will you be a magician in the future?" Yan Kai asked her.

Chen Su Shang can't catch up with this problem for a while.

She hasn't thought about what to do in the future. She was lost after her mother died. When she was confused, her unreliable master tried to pull her to the wrong side of the road.

She resisted her own efforts to follow her master down the slope.

As for the rest, she hasn't thought about it.

"My technique is still superficial. At best, I have a good memory. I have read all the books given by my master and remember them." Chen Su said, "when I'm finished, I'll think about what to do."

Yan Kai nodded, and what she said was not bad.

Chen Sushang also asked about the Yan family.

Yan Kai told her one by one.

He said that Yan Qi talked about a boyfriend with a cheerful personality, and his mother was not very happy; he said that Yan Tong didn't like studying, and he watched movies and novels all day, and his father was in a dilemma when he was rebellious; he said that he wanted to be a soldier, quarreled with his parents, and was scolded by his grandfather.

The Yan Family's business, warm and trivial, was never experienced by Chen sushang.

When I was at Chen's house, the family atmosphere was not harmonious. Chen Ding and Mrs. Chen felt like firecrackers. They were on fire at all. There was no one who didn't fight.

She listened in ecstasy.

Yan Kai also found out that she was a little sad and tried to explain things in detail to make her happy.

They had a very rich Cantonese meal.

Chen Su Shang likes barbecue very much.

Yan Kai took the opportunity to say: "my mother can do it. Although it's not very authentic, it's better than this family. Would you like to come back to Singapore with me this time? Stay a few days and go to your mother's grave. "

Chen sushang's expression moved.

At this moment, she really wants to go.

However, she forced herself to suppress her desire and said with a smile, "no, I have to learn the art."

What else did Yan Kai want to say? She suddenly changed the subject.

She asked, "is sumanlo out of the hospital?"

This topic, let delicious lunch all lose some taste.

After a moment of silence, Yan Kai said, "come out. When I got back, I didn't go to see her again. She said last time that she was too thin and ugly. I'm not welcome to visit her. "

Chen sushang is silent.

After their lunch, the restaurant sent fruit and cake.

Chen sushang twists an orange and eats it.

Yan Kai's eyes fell on her face.

Chen Su Shang noticed and pushed the orange to his side: "do you want to eat it?"

Yan Kai: "..."

He didn't want to eat it very much, but he thought that Chen Su Shang, who ate oranges, should have a sweet smell.

He still remembered that last time he went back to Singapore from Hong Kong, she stood on tiptoe and kissed his face, with a strong orange fragrance, which made Yan Kai think of her as soon as she saw the orange.

He picked up a piece.

The orange is a little sour.

“…… It's not delicious. " There are delicious oranges in Manila. I'll bring you some next time. In my candy factory, I also make orange candy. I'll bring you some next time. "

Chen Sushan looks at him speechless.

She didn't say she liked oranges, she just ate them.

In fact, she doesn't like orange soda or oranges very much. She just makes do with them. These two things are very common.

Finally, the atmosphere eased a little. She didn't find fault, so she nodded, "OK, I'll thank you first."

After dinner, it's afternoon.

When Yan Kai drove back to Chen's house, he suddenly asked Chen sushang, "do you want to see my aunt?"

"Mrs. secretary?"


Chen sushang is curious about the hostess of the Department. She is a young student. Gu Qingzhou's fame is not so loud when she comes to the next generation.

Singapore is more famous.

Chen sushang's curiosity about Gu Qingzhou is due to his family and Yan Kai.

Yan Kai often mentions his aunt.

"I've admired it for a long time." Chen Sushang smiled and said, "if I go in such a hurry, will it disturb me?"

"No interruptions." Yan Kai Dao.

The car didn't stop at Chen's house and went straight up to the door of Huo's house.

Chen sushang suddenly felt a little nervous.

She didn't know why.

Yan Kai stopped the car and opened the door first, shouting: "aunt Huo, where is my aunt?"

He Wei accompanies ling'er upstairs and goes downstairs.

“…… Why did you come back? We didn't call. We said we would wait for you to eat. " He smiled and said, "your aunt has gone to the hospital."

Yan Kai is a little disappointed.

Chen sushang was also lost, as if one of his expectations had failed.

He Wei said to Chen Su, "Su Shang, please stay for dinner. My sister would like to see you."

Chen sushang said yes.

She went to see ling'er with He Wei and Yan Kai.

Huo Yue accompanies ling'er and is reading her a novel to kill her boring time.

When people came in, ling'er was very happy, but her chin hurt.

Later, Yan Kai said to Chen sushang, "Uncle Huo is really ruthless. He can do it."

Chen Su said: "ling'er almost bit his tongue, and almost bit other people's fingers. To be nice to her is to be cruel. "

Yan Kai said with a smile, "if I had a daughter, I would spoil her."

Chen Su Shang thought of Si yuzao and asked, "like Mr. Si loves miss yuzao?"

Yan Kai said, "my uncle? No, my uncle was tough when he got up. Do you know how many medical codes yuzao will recite? Which child is willing to carry those boring things? Don't look at yuzao's character. She was very hardworking when she was a child. "

Chen sushang nodded.

Yan Kai said again: "it's hard to raise a daughter. We are ordinary people. We can't grasp when we are light or heavy. We don't have this ability. Let's have a son later. I don't care how my son wrestles. Just look at my cousins. "

Chen sushang: "..."

Yan Kai said this and regretted himself. He was totally careless. If he had this idea in his mind, he would not have said it so rashly.

Chen sushang's mood was all destroyed.

At this moment, she wants to be far away from Yan Kai, and don't add unreasonable delusions to herself.

"I remember. My master asked me to wake him up. He suffered a lot yesterday, and I'm going to see him in case he has something to do. " Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai said yes.

Chen sushang didn't wait to take care of the boat. He went home by himself.

On the other hand, Gu Qingzhou did not return to Huo's home from the hospital that night. She accompanied Kang Han all the time.

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