Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1804 who are you after?

Taoist priest, it's nothing important.

He is in good health.

Chen sushang heard that the man who was caught was dealt with by Huo Ye. No one saw him again.

There was something in her heart, she refused to see Yan Kai again, so she closed her door to study.

He Wei seems to have called her. The servant said that the young lady is very busy and hasn't been out of the room in recent days.

Yan Kai also came once.

Chen sushang closed his door to thank the guests. Singapore is in a bit of an emergency. Yan Kai needs to send Gu Qingzhou back first.

He's been in a bad mood.

What he should explain is that when he says "we" to Su Shang, he doesn't mean him and Chen Su Shang.

After all, he didn't think about it at all. He just said it.

Later he thought again. Fortunately, he didn't explain it like this. Otherwise, the darker the description, the more angry the prime minister was.

He returned to Singapore, and after seeing off Gu's boat home, he went to his house.

The servant told him, "young master, Miss Su has called you."

Yan Kai can't tell Su manluo's mood now.

I used to think that when I separated and met again, my feelings were still there. For her, there is always a little guilt.

In Hong Kong, Su manluo let Yan Kai down. What she did violated Yan Kai's bottom line.

Yan Kai knows that Su manluo's job is still in Hong Kong, and He Wei doesn't want the Huos to have a bad idea about her. That day, He Wei talks about Su manluo's various things, and Yan Kai defends Su manluo.

It's not good to ruin someone's career.

Yan Kai has seen his mother, Xu Qizhen, run a restaurant, his aunt work in the Department of security, his aunt, qiongzhi, work in the hospital, and even a conceited girl like Si yuzao never abandon her studies and career.

He felt that in the past, women's career was not easy and could not easily destroy the future of sumalo.

“…… Tell her, I didn't come back. If she asks, she says she doesn't know where I'm going. " Yan Kai was not very interested.

The servant said yes.

I can't imagine. Half an hour later, the phone rang.

Yan Kai picked it up.

It's sumanlo on the phone.

"You're back in Singapore?" Su manluo is on the phone, the language belt asks, "why don't you come to see me? Do you think I've been so ugly all my life that I can't see people? "


"Don't call me that. Please call me Miss Su. Who are you, my dear? " Su manluo is angry and fierce.

Yan Kai has a headache.

He wants to call Chen sushang and tell her that he has returned to Singapore.

"Miss Su." As expected, Yan Kai said, "I'm sorry, I'll visit Miss Su another day?"

After a few seconds of silence, Su manluo hangs up the phone heavily. Yan Kai hears a bang, and then it's a busy tone. She's furious.

She has a bad temper. She always holds it when she needs people. She is too coquettish.

Yan Kai used to like her pettiness.

It's like, when I was a child, I liked candy and ate it secretly. When I grew up, I couldn't stand eating a few. I felt bored.

On her last two trips to Hong Kong, Yan Kai seems to have been bewitched. Suddenly, she is tired of Su manluo's coquetry.

"Maybe I grew up." He thought.

He turned to Chen's in Hong Kong.

The call was answered by Chen's servant.

The servant said that Miss Chen was still in the room and did not need to be disturbed, but the Taoist priest was at home.

Yan Kai was a little afraid of the Taoist priest.

While he was still thinking about what to say, the phone was answered by the director of Changqing Road.

The Taoist priest's voice is full of interest and always full of enthusiasm: "Yan Shao? Su Shang is working hard. She recently drew 40 pieces of Rune paper, none of which can be used, which made her angry. She's angry with herself. Don't worry. "

Yan Kai smiles bitterly.

A careless remark from him made Su Shang angry.

Yan Kai was tortured by his sisters when he was young. Su Shang was angry. It seemed to him that it was common for him. Those unlucky girls in his family were more moody than that.

Besides, Su manluo's eldest lady has a temper that ten Chen Su businessmen can't match.

"Taoist priest, you advise her to have more rest. It's not worth fighting so hard for the academic method." Yan Kai Dao.

The Taoist priest said with a smile, "I've advised him for a long time. This is the temper of Su Shang. He is very angry. "

Yan Kai: "..."

He can't stay in Singapore.

Su manluo is OK. He calls Su Peng and makes an appointment to go back to Manila.

Su Peng agreed.

When Yan Kai goes to pick up Su Peng, Su manluo avoids and disappears. Yan Kai doesn't go to see her specially and takes Su Peng away.

Back in Manila, he called Chen sushang again to see if she was angry.

As a result, the phone is still a long line.

The Taoist priest said a lot on the phone. It's Yan Kai who stabbed the basket to drive his apprentice to hunger strike.

The attendant came in with a plate of cut oranges.

Yan Kai remembered that he had promised the vegetable merchant to send her some Manila oranges and sweets.

He called out to his entourage, "go to the candy factory and pick half a jin of orange candy for each; buy twenty Jin of this kind of orange."

There are dozens of orange candy in the candy factory.

With more than 30 jin of candy and 20 jin of oranges, Yan Kai flew back to Singapore and then turned to Hong Kong.

He tossed back and forth like this. Si Xinghe asked him, "who are you after?"

"No!" Yan Kai immediately denied.

"It's not a girl. You can't run so hard." "And last time that navy suit, you've been in love recently?" said Si Xingfu

Yan Kai: "..."

He didn't know how to explain it, so he had to admit it in silence.

This time, he finally met Chen Su Shang.

Chen sushang was surprised: "Why are you here again?"

Yan Kai: "..."

He really wants to smoke his two big mouths: look what I've done!

It's said that the ex husband is the same as dead?

His heart was heavy, especially uncomfortable. I don't know whether it's because of his uncle's words or because of Chen Su Shang's attitude.

He reluctantly smiled, put down the orange and candy: "I have a business, just in Hong Kong. Last time I said I would send you oranges and sweets, I'll send them by the way. "

He pointed to the two big pockets at the door. "That's it. I'll go first. I'll tell you. I'll come back when I'm free next time. "

After that, he will go.

It turned out to be blocked by the Taoist priest.

"Have you eaten?" The Taoist asked him, "let's have a meal together. People always have to eat."

"I have something urgent, Taoist," said Yan Kai

"The more urgent things are, the more slowly they need to be handled, the more urgent they are, the more likely they are to make mistakes." The Taoist priest said, "if you don't have time to eat, you can't do anything."

Chen sushang listened to her master's noise and was so annoyed that he said, "they are very busy."

Yan Kai is always good tempered with girls.

But at the moment, he was furious.

"I'm not busy. I came to Hong Kong to see you." Yan Kai turned and said to Chen Su seriously, "last time I said something wrong, you know in your heart, I just said something unintentionally wrong. I'd like to apologize to you for not answering the phone.

It bothers me. I bought things from Manila and changed routes from Singapore. I came all the way here. You know I'm here to apologize. It's all like this, isn't it my sincerity? "

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