Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1805 girl's heart

Chen sushang was speechless by Yan Kai.

She stood there, desolate in her heart. "

... I'm sorry." She took a few steps forward and approached Yan Kai. "I admit, I'm having a good time." Yan

Kay's heart was not happy when she finished her anger.

The girl is to coax, he coax the Department of jade algae, but also coax everywhere pretentious Su manluo. How can Chen Su Shang be a normal little grumpy and refuse to coax?

It seems that for the first time, he needs attention and understanding from another person, rather than his unilateral efforts. He wants to respond.

"Thank you for the candy and the fruit." Chen sushang added, "the last incident was officially revealed. It's hard for you to come here. I'll treat you to dinner, OK? " Yan

Kai's heart is sour.

"Good." He said, "I'm sorry, Su Shang, I shouldn't be angry." As he was talking, yuan Xueyao came in. Yuan

Xue Yao shouted, "a Li." Chen smiled at him and nodded slightly.

Yan Kai immediately changed his mouth: "Su Shang, I'll go back first. When I come next time, please invite me to dinner. I'll be relieved when our previous misunderstanding is cleared up. " "

eat together?" Chen Su said, "my master said that there must be some time for a meal, right?" Yan

Kay is determined to go back.

He had let go, but now he would go anyway, even if it was stormy outside. He shouldn't have come. He's been like a muddleheaded person recently, doing everything extremely boring, making others angry and embarrassing himself. Kay decided not to come to Hong Kong recently. Chen

the vegetable merchant was surprised to see the servant untie the candy pocket.

Taoist priest and Yuan Xueyao also came to have a look. Yuan

Xueyao didn't like sugar, so he immediately said: "so many, which year can we eat?"

The Taoist priest liked it and said: "this kind of candy is very expensive and delicious. Ali, you are a girl. You are easy to gain weight if you eat sugar. Please give it to me. "

Chen sushang can't get up a bit of spirit: "OK." He stooped to pick up one, peeled the sugar paper, and put it into Chen Su Shang's mouth when he was a little distracted.

Orange flavored candy is very sweet and fragrant. It's really delicious. It's a kind of high-grade candy. It was only bought during the Spring Festival.

"... how does it taste?" The Taoist asked her. "

sweet." Chen Su business road. "

you see, you still want to give it to others. Now you know you are stupid, right? I didn't know it was so delicious and sweet. " The Taoist priest said. This is clearly a slight reference.

Chen sushang and Yuan Xueyao were particularly sensitive and looked at him together.

The Taoist priest is responsible for the ignition, not for the aftermath. He carries more than 30 jin of sweets with his bare hands and goes back to his room. As expected, he doesn't leave them for Chen sushang. He has a steady footstep and has no difficulty at all.

Chen sushang: "...

She chewed the candy in her mouth and said to yuan Xueyao, who stood beside her and thought a little bit," let's eat. "

She understood master's words. But

Master said something wrong, and she didn't regret it very much. Yan Kai is undoubtedly very good, but he already has sumalo. In a man's heart, two women are too crowded. Chen Su Shang can't stand that kind of grievance. She can't allow herself to be so mean to herself.

"Go to my house and eat at home." Yuan Xueyao said, "new cook."

Yuan Jiaxin has hired a cook who can make very good Hunan food. Of course, Chen sushang has gone and can make two non spicy dishes for her.

The cooks are good at cooking, better than the ones outside. "

I would like to have boiled fish." Chen Su business road. Yuan

Xue Yao laughed: "cook, can do it."

They both went to Ye's house.

Ye Wei and Xue Zhu are talking. Seeing Chen Su Shang coming, Xue Zhu asks, "why don't the Taoist priest come?" "

forgot to call him." Chen Su business road.

Xuezhu: "..." she

climbed from the sofa to the other end and touched the phone beside her: "I'll call the Taoist priest and let him come to dinner. If he doesn't come, I'll stand at the door and shout, so that the neighbors around me will know that I want to treat. " Zhu's worry about snow is superfluous.

Taoist priest heard that ye's family had a good Hunan food, and he came here in high spirits.

The cooks of Ye's family are really good at making twelve dishes and one soup.

Chen sushang has several dishes that are not very spicy, and the Tao is so hot that he sweats all over his head, which is very exciting. "

I haven't eaten such authentic Hunan food for many years." The Taoist priest said.

Xuezhu said: "do you come to eat every day?" Long smile: "I think it's a pity that there are too many girlfriends to stay at home every day."

Xuezhu's face suddenly collapsed. She bit her lips slightly. After the movie, she suddenly said, "Taoist priest, you can get married and have children in your hemp clothes. Have you ever thought of getting married and settling down?"

Chen sushang looks at Xuezhu. Ye

but knowing what Xuezhu was going to say, she shouted: "Xuezhu, are you drunk?"

They all had a little rice wine just now. It's impossible to get drunk, but it's more than enough to pretend to be drunk.

"No." Xuezhu ignores Ye Wei. "I just want to ask Chang why he refuses to give himself a chance and others a chance." Tao

Chang is still smiling, as if he can't see Xuezhu's anger. "There must be opportunities," he said. I didn't have Taoist temple in my early years. Now I'm also called Taoist temple. I'm just a mess. I can get married and have children... But I can't afford three wives and four concubines. " Snow

ZHU: "...

this is about lifting a stone and hitting your own feet.

She was too angry to speak. "

... Not only concubines, but also other concubines. There are too many concubines to marry back? Don't say I can't afford it. I can't even live here. I'm still renting now. Besides, my little money will be left to Ali, and my apprentice will also be raised. " The Taoist priest said.

Xuezhu's face was so ugly that she almost went mad.

Chen sushang helped her forcibly: "Xuezhu, you are really drunk. I will help you to go back to your room and lie down for a while."

With the strength of her hand, Xuezhu had to stand up with her. Back to her room, Xuezhu cried. "

I'm sincere, and he compares me with those socialists." "Why does he want this?" cried Xuezhu

"He's always been like that." Chen Su said, "you have known for a long time. Why do you want to be so infatuated?"

"I'm not convinced." Snow road. "Fate is very strange. It doesn't pay attention to coming first and coming later, nor to the depth of friendship," said Chen. It takes the right time, the right people, to make a couple. "

Xuezhu listened more and more despairing, simply lying on the pillow and crying loudly, all the people downstairs were shocked.

The Taoist priest, as if unheard of, stood up slowly and said goodbye to Ye Wei and Yuan Xueyao. He walked home.

Ye Wei and Yuan Xueyao saw off the Taoist priest and entered Xuezhu's room. The older generation needs to teach their children. Ye is the only "six uncles". Xuezhu is on a wrong path. Ye needs to guide her. "

... It's not sweet to turn things around, do you understand?" Ye Weidao.

Xuezhu cried even more. It was no use comforting her.

Yuan Xueyao was so upset by her tears that she quietly pulled Chen sushang's sleeve: "I'll take you home."

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