Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1806 what's wrong with this woman?

Chen sushang and Yuan Xueyao slowly went down.

She has a lot on her mind. Don't

know whether Xuezhu's crying has affected her or whether it's because of Yan Kai. Wan

thought, she also caught the string in her heart. "

Xue Yao, I think..." Chen Su Shang looked down at the ground, "and wanted to talk to you." Yuan

Xue Yao has recently learned a lot about the world.

He could understand what was said. All of a sudden, he felt very cold. It was fear in his heart.

So he hugged Chen Su Shang. He was a tall man, bent slightly when he was holding him, with a warm breath emanating from his collar.

"And so on." Yuan Xueyao's voice was low, with some unconscious entreaties in it. Chen

had a great pain in his heart. Yuan

Xue Yao doesn't have to be low-key. He did it to her.

She can't say she's not moved.

But she dare not fall in love with him. I've seen Mrs. Chen's marriage before. Chen Su Shang knows that two people who don't love each other will hate each other for a long time, and the marriage will be so bad. That's too bad. Her marriage with Yan Kai is that Yan Kai doesn't like her, but her love with yuan Xueyao is that she pays less.

Both sides are unhappy. Those couples who have deep friendship with each other seem to be ordinary. Only when they really get to their own heads can they know how rare it is. The man you fall in love with just loves you in a full marriage. How precious is this and how much fate needs to be built? "

Xue Yao..." Chen Sushan's voice was sad, "we have said before, to give each other the opportunity to understand. I'm afraid... "

" wait a second. " Yuan Xueyao's voice is a little hoarse.

Chen Su said, "after the new year, we will tell you the results."

"OK, wait for the new year." Said yuan Xueyao.

Yuan Xueyao himself was not ignorant.

Feelings are like soil, which needs nutrients to thrive. In Chen Su Shang's world, his role is a little similar to that of the Taoist priest Changqing. In

Yes, his affection is a superfluous nourishment for Chen sushang, which can not nourish the flower of love.

There's nothing he can do.

He likes Chen Su Shang very much. Chen is intelligent, decisive, diligent and skillful. The most important thing is that she is straightforward and does not cover up.

She can give him a lot. Yuan

Xue Yao decided to slow down and go down the mountain in a few days to find something new to please Chen sushang.

In a twinkling, it's winter. He went to the department store, but he saw Su manluo by accident. Su

Marlowe saw him, looked stunned, and immediately came to him.

She raised her face and asked him proudly, "what did you do to me last time?"

Yuan Xueyao frowned.

Sumalo did not wait for his answer, but continued: "I did it wrong once, and you did it wrong once, so we are even. Since I met you, I'll treat you to coffee, OK? " Yuan

Xue Yao: "..." he had boundless antipathy in his heart.

His love and hate are very simple. Disgust is disgust. Su manluo bored him from head to toe. "

No." He said coldly.

Su manluo suddenly wet eyes, choked and said: "you do not give me face? Am I not embarrassed? "

A handsome and fashionable man passed by and exclaimed, "what's wrong with you, Miss Su?" However, they are acquaintances. This

acquaintance saw Su manluo cry, and came to him voluntarily: "is someone bullying you?"

Su manluo's pear blossoms with rain, pointing to yuan Xueyao, speechless and pitiful. Yuan

Xueyao's face is as black as a pan. He thought of Chen Su Shang's words and asked him not to kill because of his personal hatred, so he resisted the impulse to slap Su manluo to death and left. Su

Marlowe was more tearful, and shouted to his back, "stop!" Yuan

Xueyao ignored her. He didn't tell anyone about this. Chen sushang and Xue Zhu often go to Huo's house after their work.

While they were at the Howe's, they met sumalo.

Su manluo came to thank He Wei as if nothing had happened. "Auntie, thank you for your reserved position. I'm already at work." When did she return to Hong Kong? He Wei didn't know.

"Are you all right?" He weiduan looked at her face and asked her with a smile. Su

manlo said it was OK. He thanked him, but he didn't mention yuan Xueyao. She also nodded and smiled at Chen sushang and Yuan Xuezhu, which was very polite. Snow is very uncomfortable. After going back, Xuezhu said to Chen sushang, "what's the matter with that woman? She knew that my brother had hurt her. What did she come back to do? " Chen's prime quotient is not very clear.

Su manluo is not the same kind of person as her. People's thoughts and feelings are very complex, sometimes there is a gap in communication, let alone to guess.

Chen Su Shang could not guess Su manluo's mind. "

she may not be afraid of your brother." Chen Su business road. A few days later, when Chen sushang, yuan Xueyao and Xue Zhu went down to eat, they met Su manluo in the restaurant.

Su manluo is surrounded by a man in a straight suit who helped her in the department store that day. He is very intimate with us. Su

Marlowe smiles from time to time, with a gentle smile. She is a beautiful woman. I'm a little crazy about the men who are facing

. Chen

Su Shang suddenly felt a little sad for Yan Kai. He was still thinking of Su manluo. If he knew that Su manluo was so ambiguous to other men, how would he feel?

Maybe Yan Kai doesn't care. Chen

prime quotient turned away.

By the end of winter, ling'er's chin was completely restored and he could speak and eat freely.

She invited Chen sushang to the Huo family. Chen

the prime minister has gone, chatting with He Wei at will at the dinner table. When the phone rang, ling'er went to pick up the phone and came back to He Wei and said, "Mom, it's Miss Su who is looking for you." He

slightly happy and angry, her face as usual, stood up to answer the phone.

Ling'er secretly said to Chen sushang, "it's su manluo."

Chen sushang smiled: "I know."

He Wei spoke for a few minutes on the phone. Her voice was very soft, and neither Chen sushang nor ling'er could hear what she said. So as soon as she came back, ling'er immediately asked, "Mom, what is Miss Su doing on the phone?"

"On the 10th day of the 12th lunar month, she is going to hold a wedding banquet at the Peninsula Hotel, saying that she will send us invitations." He Wei Dao. This

news, not only ling'er was shocked, but also Chen Su Shang. Chen's prime quotient tried to cover up, but the expression was still very unnatural. "

... How to get engaged in the peninsula hotel in Hong Kong? Not in Singapore? " Asked Chen sushang. He said with a smile: "the man's name is Dooley, and he is the minority owner of the largest film company in Hong Kong. She thinks it's convenient for men, so she agrees to stay in Hong Kong. According to the rules, we should go back to Singapore. "

Chen Su was stunned.

Isn't it with Yan Kai? She also thought that Yan Kai and she had not yet obtained the government's divorce certificate. He really wanted to revive his old relationship with Su manluo, and would not fail to inform Chen sushang.

In the world of Yan Lao, the face of the Yan family is needed. Yan Kai can't do such things. "

that's good. Congratulations to her." Chen sushang said lightly.

When she got home, the servant told her that an invitation had been sent home.

Open it, it's Mr. Dooley's engagement dinner with Miss sumalo.

She actually asked Chen Su Shang. "

is there something wrong with this woman?" Chen sushang took the invitation and looked it over and over several times, muttering to himself.

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