Young General's Escaping Wife

1807 this is not the way to get love

Chen sushang was not rash in his decision.

After all, no matter how imprudent it is, it can't surpass her marriage with Yan Kai.

She just thought that sending invitations to Chen Su Shang was just a brain drain.

Sumanlo, as a whole, was full of bitches with no brains.

Chen sushang asked the servant to lose the invitation: "he said he didn't receive it, so he didn't have to pay attention."

She won't go to sumalo's engagement dinner, no matter who sumalo is engaged to.

She was not a friend of sumanlo, not even a friendly passer-by.

Chen Su Shang is going to go upstairs for a nap. Xuezhu comes.

As soon as Xuezhu entered the door, he shouted, "Su Shang, Su Shang!"

Chen Su Shang stops.

She vaguely guessed the meaning of Xuezhu.

Sure enough, the next second, Chen Su Shang's guess became true.

Xuezhu's voice was very loud, and it was obviously a surprise: "Su Shang, do you know that sumanolo is going to be engaged? She sent three invitations to our house. Is she ill? "

Chen Su Shang chuckled.

It seems that she's not the only one who thinks that sumanlo's brain is abnormal.

"What does she think, send us invitations? She knew that my brother had hurt her. If she didn't mind, shouldn't she let it go first? She didn't say anything, just as nothing happened. Is she heartless when everyone is concerned? " Xuezhu was shocked.

She always thought that she grew up in Xiangxi and was a little weak and unreliable.

It can be seen that after learning sumanlo, Xuezhu feels that she has a good understanding of human relations.

What did sumalo do?

"Would you like to hear something more wonderful?" Chen Su Shang said with a smile, "she also sent me an invitation. Let's not say that we are familiar with each other, but we didn't say a few words, and when I got married, she abducted my bridegroom. "

Su manluo can cover such a big thing as if it didn't happen.

There is an inappropriate metaphor in Chen sushang's mind that Su manluo is like a master.

She plays everything, including love, hate and hatred.

But the world of adults, unlike children, is angry for one sugar and another.

Normal adults, when children play games, will make people think she is sick.

So it is with sumalo.

“…… Her parents must love her very much. She never seems to grow up. " Chen sushang said.

And Yan Kai must have hurt her at the beginning.

Yan Kai's character is naturally delicate and gentle, and Su manluo is so beautiful. When they were together, Yan kaiding praised Su manluo to heaven.

"It's not long, it's stupid! Not only stupid, but also conceited and selfish. " Snow said.

Chen Su Shang shook his head and smiled.

Xuezhu's eyes turned and she had a ghost idea in her heart.

You can wait for Su manluo to get engaged, make a little accident at her engagement dinner, and make her lose face for life.

"Su Shang, shall we go? Why don't we join in the party when she leads the wolves into the house? " Xuezhu does not mean well.

Her technique is also very good.

When jumen star was ordered, she also tried to destroy the protection of Hong Kong.

Chen sushang and Yuan's brothers and sisters are very familiar with each other recently, and their feelings are very good, so he almost forgot about it.

"Miss yuan, it's not so useful to lead wolves into the house." Chen Su Shang chuckled, "isn't it not pleasant to go to her engagement dinner? I don't want to go. "

The snow is insipid.

She leaned on the sofa and said she was a bit bored recently.

"I want to have fun." Snow road.

Then she looked up.

Chen sushang said, "my master is not at home. There is a new singer named Zhubai. My Shifu has been playing with her recently. "

Xuezhu's face suddenly became a little stiff.

After a moment's silence, she stood up and said, "I'll go back first. In case you change your mind and want to go to sumalo's engagement dinner, please let me know. "

"I won't change my mind." Chen Su said, "but things are not absolute. If I really change my mind, I'll let you know first."

Xuezhu smiled and turned away.

The more she thought about it, the more she came home.

Last time I cried for the Taoist priest, it didn't work. The Taoist priest never changes his nature. Apart from Yuan Xuezhu, he is not shy about meat and vegetarianism.

"Singer!" Snow Zhu is covered in the quilt, revealing her ferocity, "dust woman, what's good about it? Where am I inferior to her? "

She sprang to her feet.

The hillside of winter is very cold, but Xuezhu takes off her clothes.

She stood naked in front of the mirror, looking at herself.

She has the body of a mature woman, but also a decent face, she is no worse than anyone.

Since love doesn't come by herself, why doesn't she go?

Think of here, snow Zhu changed a long skirt, put on fur outside, let the driver drive down the mountain.

Chen sushang and Xue Zhu had a chat, but they didn't feel sleepy.

She thought a lot, and her mind inadvertently thought of Yan Kai, which made her in a slightly bad mood.

So she decided to go down the mountain to see her master and go to a movie to mediate her emotions. Otherwise, she would be sad for several days.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she got to the window, she saw Xuezhu go down the mountain by car.

Xuezhu had a few friends before. Later, she felt that they were frivolous, so she didn't like playing with them very much. If she goes down the mountain, she must offer Chen sushang.

When two talents met, Xuezhu would call Chen Su Shang even if it was a temporary rise.

When Chen sushang thought of this, he thought of his last words.

"I won't give Shifu any trouble, will I?" She was a little worried.

So she stopped making up, took her coat and told the driver to prepare the car.

On the way down the mountain, Chen Su Shang kept urging the driver to hurry up. At last, at the fork of the road, he caught up with Xuezhu's car far away.

Chen sushang said to the driver, "Miss Ye's car is ahead. Follow her and don't let her driver find out."

The driver said yes.

Xuezhu went to a dance hall.

Chen Su Shang's car stopped at the opposite side and saw a signboard hanging at the door of the singing and dancing hall. There was a very bright woman on it. Next to it was written: "Miss Song Zhubai."

She slapped her forehead heavily.

It's really a bad thing.

Chen sushang waited for a few minutes, and Xuezhu came out and asked the driver to continue driving.

Xuezhu's car finally stopped in front of an apartment building.

Xuezhu faces the apartment building and takes out the compass to determine the location.

Seeing this, Chen Su Shang held her hand.

Xuezhu was almost scared out of her wits because she didn't have a dike.

"What do you do?" Chen sushang's expression was bleak and cold. "Xuezhu, how many times have you used the technique to harm people?"

Xuezhu's expression is not very good.

"Your sixth uncle didn't teach you how to be backfired?" Chen sushang's voice sank, "Xuezhu, you don't want to be willful."

Xuezhu valued Chen Su Shang very much. He went back to his mind and explained to himself, "I didn't want to hurt people."

"You're setting up. You don't know which room Miss Song Zhubai lives in at all, but you want to set up array in front of this building. Do you want to kill everyone in this building? " Chen sushang spoke fiercely.

Xuezhu Lima said, "I don't have one. I know she lives on the fourth floor..."

After that, she immediately repented.

Chen sushang immediately set out her words, both a little sad, but also a little helpless.

"Xuezhu, this is not the way to get love. Let's go home!" Chen Su business road.

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