Chen sushang takes Xuezhu home.

The servant sent a cup of hot cocoa with a lot of honey.

Xuezhu drank the warm and sweet hot drink, and the resentment in his heart dissipated for the most part.

She also woke up.

If she did fight song Zhubai, the Taoist priest would never forgive her, and uncle Liu and her elder brother would scold her to death.

She was impulsive.

When people are frustrated, they will behave irrationally; when they are sober and want to deal with the aftermath, they will regret it.

"Thank you for stopping me, Su Shang." Xuezhu said, "it's really... Almost caused a disaster."

Chen Su Shang pushed a cream cake to her.

She also carried hot cocoa herself: "I still say that love is not obtained by trampling on the dignity of herself and another woman. It should be beautiful and pure, just like a snow lotus blooming in the snow field. "

That's precious and rare.

Her words are a little too pretentious, because many people's love is ordinary and ordinary, not so rare.

It can be said that Xuezhu was just as good as before.

"You are right." Yuan Xuezhu sighed, "I'm lost."

Chen Su Shang said with a smile, "if you say that you are impulsive, you and Xue Yao are really brothers and sisters."

Xuezhu couldn't help laughing.

"We have lived at home for a long time and have little contact with people." "Sometimes, it's really impulsive to do as you like," she said

Chen sushang agreed.

She told Xuezhu about her master again. "... my Shifu was only 17 or 18 years old that year. He was a few years older than me. You know, in western culture, when people are seventeen or eighteen years old, their characters are easy to form. Once they are shaped, they will be hard to change later. " Chen Su


Xuezhu's eyes were burning at her, and she wanted to say more.

"I vaguely remember that when I was at the Taoist temple, my great master and all the teachers and uncles loved my little brother. They were my master's family.

Overnight, master lost them. Do you know where the horror of the accident lies? " Asked Chen sushang.

Xuezhu shakes her head.

"The dread of an accident is its suddenness. When parents grow old, everyone has preparation in mind. When parents die, sadness is limited.

But the surprise is that you are unprepared. You haven't set up your defense yet, a storm and rain will come and wash everything out.

The tragedy of Taoist temple left my master a lingering shadow all her life. Those shadows have soaked his bones and blood. It's impossible for you to make him change easily and let him settle down and get married. " Chen sushang said slowly.

Xuezhu's face is a little white.

Chen sushang continued: "I'm not bluffing you, but the truth. You're about my age. You've had too little experience. Many times you don't believe the four words "powerless". But in life, there will be too much helplessness. "

Xuezhu bit the cake spoon gently.

Her heart was so full that she could eat nothing more.

Dazed put down the spoon, she looked at Chen Su Shang, tears rolled down.

Chen sushang takes out the veil and gives it to her.

Snow Zhu gently wipe tears, hoarse voice way: "I understand, I follow fate, no longer force what."

Chen sushang was relieved.

While they were chatting, the servant came in and said to Chen Su, "Miss, Mr. Hu is here."

Chen Su Shang stands up subconsciously.

She's been sensitive to people surnamed Hu recently.

Last time that surname Hu was caught by her, Huo Yue dealt with it. Listen to master, Huo Yue is paying attention to other Hu family.

"Come in, please." Chen Su business road.

This time, it was not others who came in, but a good friend of the Taoist priest, the one who escaped from the Hu family.

Mr. Hu is thirty-eight years old. He is wearing a brown suit and a black coat. He is tall and straight, but his hair is almost white.

His face, looking still middle-aged, his hair is white again, which makes him a bit like a foreigner.

"What about evergreen?" Mr. Hu seems to be in a hurry. As soon as he enters, he asks Chen sushang directly.

Chen sushang often talks to him, but he only sees him once. Speaking face to face, she felt strange.

"Master went out to play." Chen Su business road.

Mr. Hu said: "I looked for him, but I didn't find anyone. I have something very important to say to him, Ali, can you find him? "

He often heard the Taoist priest talk about his apprentice, a Li. He was familiar with Chen sushang, and his tone was very casual.

Chen Su Shang smiled bitterly: "Mr. Hu, every time I can't find him, I call you. You can't find him, I don't know any more. "

Mr. Hu showed a troubled expression.

"I am very important in this matter. I will not leave for the time being and wait for him to come back. Ali, I'm nagging Mr. Hu doesn't take himself as an outsider at all.

"Please help me," said Chen

Mr. Hu nodded and went upstairs himself.

Xuezhu is stunned.

Seeing that Mr. Hu is also a handsome man, Xuezhu thought of Chen sushang and said that the Taoist priest likes to play with beautiful people, so he asked tentatively, "who is he? Is it also the Taoist priest's... Playmate? "

"No, his name is Hu." Chen Su said, "the man last time was his people."

Xuezhu's face changed.

"It's OK. He's my master's friend. Last time, my master said, he saved a man named Hu. Have you forgotten? " Chen sushang comforted her with a smile.

Snow Zhu gently covered his heart.

She was really shocked.

Her recent thoughts are all on these romantic debts of the Taoist priest. In case someone comes to the door, Xuezhu's mood calms down with difficulty. It's going to stir up again.

Chen called several times to ask where her master was going.

No master found.

At nine o'clock in the evening, master came back by himself.

He's tired of playing this time.

Chen sushang immediately told master about Mr. Hu.

"What's the matter with him?" said the Taoist priest

He went upstairs, disgusted.

After a while, he went downstairs with Mr. Hu and asked the servant to prepare for the night.

Chen sushang sat by and asked for a wonton.

Mr. Hu told the Taoist priest, "they asked me to be the chairman of the Yijing Association."

Changqing Taoist priest took a puff of smoke, spit it out slowly, and then put a soup bag into his mouth: "how can I find you?" "Not you? Last time, Mr. Luo, his secretary had a problem with the Fengshui bureau at home. You asked me to deal with it. Who knows, the Secretary recommended me directly when I was put on record by the government of Yijing Association. " Mr. Hu was OK in front of Chen sushang. But when he came to the Taoist priest, his hands trembled when he talked about it.

Chen sushang looked at him worried.

The Taoist priest, like a hungry ghost, gave birth, ate four soup bags in a row, and then slowly stopped to smoke.

He said slowly: "you are exposed. Or I'll arrange for you to change your hiding place? " Mr. Hu's expression, suddenly a little ferocious: "this is not why I came to you! I want to be chairman and stand in front. After all these years, I'm not free at all. I want revenge! "

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