Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1809 Yan Kai's advance

Mr. Hu was originally called Hu Lingsheng, the 47th legitimate eldest son of Hu family. He will be the clan leader in the future.

He was raised by the stars and the moon. His technique was successful and his future was promising.

He married the most beautiful girl in the nearby village. The couple had a good relationship and soon had a son.

The birth of his son is the turning point of his fate.

His grandfather, his father, who once had great respect for him, needed to make a sacrifice for his son, Chunyang with eight characters, in order to make some nonsense rules.

The last sacrifice of the Hu family was twenty years ago. It has been placed on the altar so far. Hu Lingsheng sees it every time he goes to sacrifice.

It never occurred to him that it was also a living child, and that there were blood linked parents.

Just like other people, he regarded the sacrifice as an empty faith, worshipped it, prayed for it, year after year.

The parents of the sacrifice have never mentioned it.

Hu Lingsheng went to inquire later, only to know that they had already died.

He didn't know why at that time.

Until his son became a new sacrifice.

That's the torture in front of us. Every day, every moment, we never stop working.

His wife was crazy. One night, taking advantage of his carelessness, she ran to the altar, opened her stomach, and tried to put the dried child back.

She said, "you can be born at another time."

After her death, Hu Lingsheng's consciousness was blurred for several months.

According to the attitude of his people and family, he knew that he had been crazy for a long time.

Taoist priest Changqing stole him.

For the next few years, he was in the dark. The Hu family didn't find him because the war began.

The Hu family needs self-protection and will not look for a crazy eldest son.

He's been around for a while.

It's still winter, but when he has consciousness, suddenly it's summer. According to the climate, he judged how long he was crazy.

He came to his senses and calculated the time. It was seven or eight years later.

The Taoist priest sent him to the West Hospital for injection and medicine. Later, when he arrived in Hong Kong, his mood gradually stabilized.

In recent years, he has never been ill again.

Evergreen thought he was all right.

I don't think so. He said he would be sick again.

"To whom and what?" The Taoist priest was not interested in Hu Lingsheng's excitement. "Do you know how many people died in the war? If you die in the Anti Japanese War, who will you retaliate with? It's not easy to live. It's just right to live a good life. "

"You don't understand..."

"Why don't I understand? At the beginning, we had dozens of Taoist temple people. Isn't it a living life? Which one is lighter than your son's life? " The Taoist priest's expression was restrained.

Chen Su Shang should be persuasive.

But she couldn't say a word.

She also experienced the violent death of her relatives. Her mother, Mrs. Chen, doesn't count. After all, she has been ill for such a long time, and she has already prepared for it. Her second brother

"Don't die." After losing his temper, the Taoist priest said to Hu Lingsheng, "the situation in Hong Kong is a bit complicated. I've been out every day recently and I've found out a lot. In a word, don't get involved in it easily, or I'll try my best to get you. "

Hu Lingsheng stands up.

He rushed down the mountain angrily, and didn't ask the Taoist priest to send him a car, so he rushed out on foot.

Chen Su Shang could not help but put down the dishes and chopsticks and hurriedly called the driver to prepare the car.

She caught up with Hu Lingsheng halfway.

Hu Lingsheng's steps are fast and his hair is a little messy. When the cold wind blew, the evil fire in his mind also spread.

Chen sushang asked him to get on the bus.

"Mr. Hu, you and my master are close friends. He values you very much. He has no family. You mean more to him than a friend, more like a family.

Although he didn't say it, I could see it. He is afraid of your accident, but his words are not right. Do not be impulsive or angry with him. " Chen Su business road.

Hu Lingsheng sighs gently.

"Ali, I'm not unknowable. After all these years, I still don't understand. I don't want to be so ignorant anymore. " Said Hu Lingsheng.

Chen sushang has made up his mind.

A normal adult, his inner thoughts, sometimes words can only express in case.

If Hu Lingsheng wants to do it, he has a reason to do it.

Chen sushang would not force anyone, so she nodded: "I will advise Shifu. Master said danger, Mr. Hu, if it is really dangerous... "

"I'm not afraid!" Hu Lingsheng said, "even if it's really dangerous, I'm the line leading to thunder. Blow up the danger, and evergreen will know who is in the dark. For my own sake, for the sake of longevity, I can't flinch this time. "

Chen sushang nodded in silence.

"Then you must be careful." Chen sushang said.

Hu Lingsheng nodded.

When Hu Lingsheng was sent home, Chen sushang returned to Chen's house. The Taoist priest Changqing didn't sleep.

The Taoist priest sat in the living room sofa, covered with a thin blanket and holding a cup of tea in his hand.

He didn't know how long he had been holding it. The tea had lost its heat.

"I sent him back. He was determined this time. I think that everyone has his own thoughts that can't be humane to others. If he doesn't want to talk to me, I don't ask. " Chen sushang sat next to his master.

The Taoist priest did not move. He put down the cold tea for a long time.

He sighed softly: "I don't want to tie people up like puppies. To you, to Hu Lingsheng. Whatever he wants. "

Then he got up and went upstairs to sleep.

Chen sushang didn't take this matter to heart.

After all, she is not very familiar with Hu Lingsheng.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was the day of sumanlo's engagement.

Chen sushang thought, "she even invited me, will she also invite Yan Kai?"

The idea lingered in her mind.

When she drew the charm, she made a lot of mistakes and couldn't take shape at all.

She was thinking. The servant said that Mr. Yan had come.

In her hand, a ball of cinnabar dripped onto the yellow paper and dyed through a piece of Rune paper.

She put down her pen in a daze.

Her legs can't wait to step out and go downstairs, but her heart drags her back to stop for a while.

Ten minutes later, she slowly went downstairs.

Yan Kai was drinking tea, when he saw her, he smiled: "did the candy you gave you last time taste good? I'm here again. I've brought you some. "

He wanted to get rid of all the unhappiness of the last time.

Although Yan Kai is a childe, he doesn't have that kind of reserved temperament. He can admit his mistake and pull his face.

It's all thanks to his sisters.

He's a brother. I don't know how much he paid them.

Yan Kai knew from an early age that it's better to be sweet and soft hearted than to fight hard with girls.

Chen Su Shang couldn't help laughing: "it's delicious. My Shifu likes it very much. She sends people everywhere. I didn't eat a few. You sent it again, just to satisfy my craving. "

She is also a girl who is willing to give others a step down, which is different from Su manluo, who can't forgive others.

It's easy to coax her, so she has a sense of achievement.

The sense of achievement can satisfy Yan Kai.

Yan Kai came here with some apprehension, and now he has gained joy.

"Then you have to do me a favor." Yan Kai is pushing forward.

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